About fifty people (it’s a provisional estimate) were killed during the confrontations of Thursday and Friday between militiaman Kamuina Nsapu and the army in the villages of Kabawu, Sungi and Sangila in Kasaï. Several victims’ bodies identified as militiaman Kamuina Nsapu were almost everywhere. “The uncivic were routed by the commandos of the FARDC and the number of persons killed would be sixty”, indicated the administrator of the territory of Mweka, Jean Shesh. According to an officer of the army, the servicemen arrived at Mweka were in confrontation with the militiamen with Kabawu, then to Sungi and to Sangila. The confrontations between forces of the militiamen, referring to the deceased traditional village chief Kamuina Nsapu in the provinces of Kasaï, Kasaï Central, Kasaï Oriental and Lomami, made more than 400 deaths and more than 150 000 moved in six months.
Kasaï – 50 Dead in Two Days of Clashes in Mweka
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