Boko Haram: also an European issue

in BreakingNews @en/Politics by

Military and economical campaign against Boko Haram is continuing. During March, Nigerian army killed several militants, as happened two days ago when 5 jihadists were killed and many weapons confiscated. Or through the suspenction of four cattle markets in Borno State, where Boko Haram traded stolen animals to support itself.

If social and military radicalization of Boko Haram is well-known, also economical point of view is important. Especially about the cattle trade, which almost entirely passes by Borno. Indeed, the closure of four markets even affected the market in Lagos, where prices rised.

Neverthless, after Libya, also Nigeria is becoming a new Caliphate stronghold. This was evident during January 2016, when 905 Nigerian migrants reached Italian coasts through Mediterranean route (109 on January 2015): “We have to control better this situation – Federico Soda, IOM, said -. About, about 90 per cent of Nigerian women were victims of human trafficking. “

17,000 people killed, at least 1,000 schools destroyed, over 2 million displaced people. These are the numbers of Boko Haram insurgency in the last six year. An insurgency which is producing a migration route towards Libya and another geopolitical matter for Italy and EU countries.
Giacomo Pratali


Bookreporter Settembre

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