Chad: A convoy of prisoners attacked, nine people killed
In the Chad, a convoy of prisoners was attacked at night by unknowns before disappearing in the nature. The Chadian justice announces the opening of a judicial inquiry besides the operations of researches. The convoy of hundred prisoners drove in the direction of Koro Toro in full Chadian desert has been attacked about sixty kilometers away from the North of Ndjamena. Prisoners were been convoyed to the detention centre of Ndjamena, the attack made 10 deaths and two wounded, among whom 9 prisoners and a security guard. Operations of research to find the prisoners which disappeared in the nature were thrown and an investigation is opened to find the authors of this act, which according to the magistrate is a challenge to the Chadian justice: “the justice of our country, feels directly questioned by such a smudge and has to implement everything so that justice is returned to the victims”, pursues Louampambé Mahouli Bruno. The investigation will have to identify the authors of the attack but also explain why the security protocol was not respected and how the aggressors, which looked for their victims, knew that they were in the convoy