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“Sinai Province” militants’ adhoc checkpoints require revision to security measures in North Sinai

BreakingNews @en di

After events of last weeks in North Sinai, the Cairo has taken measures to stabilize the region, even if, as seen last Saturday with the murder of one Egyptian by terrorists, the situation is still precarious. This doubt about the real security in North Sinai was put in question again on social media with the diffusion of   photos of militants from the IS-affiliated group of “Sinai Province”, while carrying out a checkpoint inside central Al-Arish. On photos, we can see ISIS’ militants armed of guns, inspecting civilians cars near El-Faleh Square, center of Al-Arish. On the situation of militants’ adhoc checkpoints, El Refaay clarified that the militants are hiding between civilians in Al-Arish and only appear when they are sure that police forces are far away. Thus, the situation in North Sinai, even if its officially under control of the Cairo seems to be quite difficult. Affiliated terrorist groups have infiltrated population and try to control parts of the city with some checkpoints.


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