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Saudi deputy crown prince heads to US for official visit, set to meet Trump

BreakingNews @en di

Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman will start on Thursday his official trip in the US and will meet President Trump and senior US officials to strengthen bilateral relations and discuss of regional issues of mutual interest, such as global energy prices, conflicts in Syria where Saudi Arabia is part of a US-led coalition bombing campaign against the Daesh group, Iraq, Lybia and Yemen where a Saudi-led coalition backed by Washington has been bombing Iran-backed Shiite rebels for two years. No information were given about when he will meet Trump but he will be the first Gulf Arab royal to meet the president since his inauguration.

Trump's revised travel ban dealt first court setback

BreakingNews @en di

A federal judge in Wisconsin dealt the first legal blow to President Donald Trump’s revised travel ban on Friday, barring enforcement of the policy to deny U.S. entry to the wife and child of a Syrian refugee already granted asylum in the United States. The temporary restraining order, applies only to the family of the Syrian refugee, who brought the case anonymously to protect the identities of his wife and daughter still living in the wartorn Syrian city of Aleppo. But it represents the first of several challenges brought against Trump’s newly amended executive order, issued on march 6 and due to go in effect on march 16.

Western countries urge Libyan factions to end strife at oil terminals

BreakingNews @en di

The conflict in the oil croissant continue. Since last week, a series of attacks had been executed on the Oil ports of Esramri e Ras-Lanuf. The fights are opposing LNA (Liberation National Army) and BDB (Benghazi Defence Brigade). The envoys from US, UK and France, which had expressed their voluntees to stop the conflict soon few days ago, have precised their wishes. They want the reconognization of the authority of the Libyan National Oil Corporation, and revenues must be channelled to the UN-backed Government of National Accord. But this seems difficult in the political context. Since Tuesday the oil terminals was handed  over to the president of National Council in Tripoli from BDB.


Mexico-US fiscal battle looms.

BreakingNews @en di

While the US President Trump spoke to the US Congress the Minister of Foreign Mexican Videgaray referring to the Mexican Senate the strategies that the Government intends to hold with regard to future moves, especially in economic matters, the American administration. Videgary has guaranteed that if the US should take disadvantageous tax measures for Mexico this latter would respond in a proportionate and appropriate way, the Minister did not specify what would be the government’s moves in response to the United States because it is necessary to wait until the moment that the US make the first move. Regarding the possible renegotiation of NAFTA Videgary was clear in affirming that Mexico will renegotiate the agreement if the changes proposed do not go against the interests of the country.


floating bridge that help bring supplies from the east of Mosul to forces fighting Islamic State militants in the west.

BreakingNews @en di

Iraqi forces began Tuesday the installation of a floating bridge that will help bring supplies from the east of Mosul to forces fighting Islamic State militants in the west. Abdul-Karim al-Sabaawi, a Brig. Gen. in the Iraqi army, said in press statements that the engineering teams had begun erecting the floating bridge that will link both sides of the Tigris River, which bisects the city. The bridges were partially destroyed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes during operations in eastern Mosul to hinder attempts by Islamic State fighters to escape to the west. Iraqi commanders said recently they were planning to erect a bridge across the river to allow military supplies into the west.

PM of Canada Justin Trudeau met Trump today

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, met President Donald Trump today at the White House. At the center of the debate, there were trade relations between the two countries but also the signature of a memorandum which foresees the foundation of the United States-Canada Council for the Advancement of women Business Leaders-female Entrepreneurs, an organization that should be addressed to encourage women wishing to start a business venture. Probably the two leaders discussed about the NAFTA, that Trump would change because he believes it’s unfair to both the US and Canada, but neither Trudeau made statements in this regard.

Chile and Argentina bet on integration against xenophobia

BreakingNews @en di

The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, and the Argentine President, Mauricio Macri, met in Chacabuco for the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the battle of homonymous. The two presidents, together with their Minister for Foreign Affairs agreed on the need to strengthen  relations between the countries of South America without failing the “convergence in diversity” principle, this means strengthening the economic integration with  MERCOSUR and the political with the Pacific Alliance, also presidents both agree on the need to fight the political populism and xenophobia, this to highlight the difference of views between South America and the new US administration.

U.K. representatives started talks with U.S. counterparts about what will be the relations between the two countries

BreakingNews @en di

The British Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Boris Johnson, is in the U.S., as reported from British television BBC. He has already had meetings with some important members of the President-elect Trump staff, the chief strategist Steve Bannon and son in law Jared Kushner on Sunday in New York before departing for Washington where he will meet the Speaker of the the House of Representatives Paul Ryan, Sen. Bob Corker and the Majority Whip Mitch McConnell. Johnson’s trip to the U.S. serves not only in order to prepare that of the Prime Minister Theresa May in March but also to begin to talk about what will be the relations between the United States and the United Kingdom after the latter has left the EU. Although neither Theresa May neither Boris Johnson have had words of appreciation for Trump during the election campaign, the President-elect seems however well disposed towards the UK.

US extension of Iran Sanctions Act slammed as a violation of the JCPOA

BreakingNews @en di

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani slammed the US extension of Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) as a violation of the JCPOA, the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, saying such conducts would only erode international trust in the US administration. “The policy the US has adopted on Iran will reduce global trust in the US government,” said the President. He also called on the IAEA to fulfill its duties to help the JCPOA to survive. “The agency’s reports should be technical and impartial, and we expect the agency to carry out its duties in the fields of technical cooperation (with Iran), acquisition of peaceful nuclear technology and nuclear trade.”
The Japanese head of the UN nuclear agency also gave an assurance that the IAEA will remain an impartial agency and deal only with technical issues.

Teheran’s Provisional Friday Prayers Leader criticized Washington for its moves against JCPOA

Tehran’s Provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami attacked Washington for its moves against the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) describing the US and other hegemonic powers as “not trustworthy”. Iran has to respond to USA. The cleric said experience has shown that the hegemonic powers do not know anything about logic and ethics either.

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