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Iran’s carpet export to US rises by 96.7 percent.

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Industry, Mine and Trade Minister Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh announced that the country’s carpet exports to the US have risen by 96.7 percent. “Iran exported carpets to the US valued at over $84 million showing remarkable rise as compared with $2.7 million exports the year before”, Nematzadeh said.He underlined that the capacity for export of Iran’s carpets to the US is very high and this market should be used in a well manner. Before the intensification of US-led sanctions against Iran in 2011, the country exported more than $600 million worth of carpets – mostly to the US – and had serious plans to raise it to $1 billion in the next year. In the US, Iranian carpets are offered from $5,000 to $200,000 a piece depending on the type of the fabric, design and intricacy employed in their making.


Russia accuses US of nnlawful Syria raid as Tillerson visits.

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Russia’s top diplomat accused the United States on Wednesday of carrying out an unlawful attack against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s forces as he opened a fraught meeting with visiting U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Trump, meanwhile, told Fox Business News that the U.S. had no plans to become more deeply involved in Syria and only did so because of last week’s deadly chemical weapons attack that killed dozens. Turkey has said tests showed sarin gas was used. He talked also about Assad and Putin’ support: “Frankly, Putin is backing a person that’s truly an evil person,” Trump aid in the Fox Business Network interview, referring to Assad. “I think it’s very bad for Russia. I think it’s very bad for mankind. This is an animal”. Anyway the dialogue and cooperation remain open roads for Syria Resolution, added Tillerson in Moscow.


G-7 Ministers aim to press Russia to stop backing Assad.

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Foreign ministers from the Group of Seven industrialized nations were gathering in Italy Monday for a meeting given urgency by the chemical attack in Syria and the U.S. military response, with participants aiming to pressure Russia to end its support for President Bashar Assad and help mount a new push for peace. The meeting in  Lucca brings together the foreign ministers of France, Germany, Britain, Japan and Canada – as well as the U.S. and current G-7 president Italy. Britain is keen for the ministers’ meeting to produce a tough statement and perhaps a threat of new sanctions if Moscow does not end its military support for Assad. Johnson, who canceled the trip in Russia at the last minute, saying the chemical attack had “changed the situation fundamentally”. Finally, Tillerson is due to travel to Russia after the G-7 gathering, and Johnson said he will deliver a “clear and coordinated message to the Russians”.


U.S delegation including Trump's son-in-law meets Abadi in Baghdad.

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Kushner, along with the Chairman of the U.S. Military Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps General Joseph F. Dunford Jr., flew into Iraq  for a first-hand assessment of the battle against the Islamic State (ISIS) from U.S. commanders on the ground and to meet with Iraqi officials. The Iraqi premier’s office released a statement on Monday saying the offensive to liberate Mosul and the U.S. and the Coalition’s support for the Iraqi army was discussed. The U.S. delegation reaffirmed support for the Iraqi government in the fight against terror, the statement added. The delegation also met with Iraqi Defense Minister Erfan al-Hiyali in Baghdad and discussed the fight against ISIS militants in Iraq and the liberation of Mosul. The trip comes at a critical time for Kushner, who is making his first visit to Iraq, as Trump examines ways to accelerate a U.S.-led Coalition campaign that U.S. and Iraqi officials say has so far been largely successful in uprooting ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria. The visit appears to demonstrate the far-reaching portfolio of Kushner, 36, who is part of Trump’s innermost circle and who has been given a wide range of domestic and foreign policy responsibilities, including working on a Middle East peace deal.



The Egypt-US meeting it will be an important time in their common relations

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The Egypt-US meeting previous on Monday, it will be an important time in their common relations. Indeed US relations with Egypt since the Arab-Spring had been cold. It will be the first official visit of President Al-Sisi to the White House. During his meeting with Trump, Al-Sisi is expected to make the case for the US government listing the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliate organisations as terrorist groups, a step which would in itself help to end global terrorism. This taking of position will obligate European countries to do the same. For Trump, it will be the occasion to find an ally to fight IS and terrorism.

North Korea inches closer to testing nukes.

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North Korea might have dispatched a fresh batch of devices needed to initiate a nuclear test and analyze data from the explosion, a US think tank said Wednesday, fueling speculation that the communist regime has inched closer to conducting another nuclear test. Analysis of commercial satellite imagery at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site by 38 North, a blog run by the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, showed three to four vehicles or trailers at the entrance to the North Portal, where the communist state carried out four rounds of nuclear tests.

PYD leader: After ISIS, Raqqa can be part of federal project in Syria.

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Even before the expected battle for the ISIS-held Syrian city of Raqqa, a politician from the Democratic Union Party (PYD) has said that Raqqa could be a part of a “democratic federal” system in northern Syria. “We in al-Raqqa Civil Council thank SDF that fulfilled its promise of liberation, and today we see that a big part of al-Raqqa countryside has been liberated by virtue of the martyrs’ sacrifices and the heroic resistance of SDF with all its factions”, a statement from RCC Co-Chair Layla Mostafa read. The YPG, the PYD’s military arm, is one of the groups fighting ISIS under the SDF banner in northern Syria. No decisions have been announced about what force will ultimately enter the city of Raqqa, ISIS’s so-called capital and the largest city it still controls in Syria. The spokesperson for the US-led coalition to defeat ISIS spoke to Rudaw TV in mid-March about Raqqa operations. Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said in February the local Raqqa population should be supported by the international community, while “Turkey, US, and other elements can give logistic support to this city,” according to Anadolu Agency. Raqqa “should not be left in the hands of other terrorist organizations”, he added, referring to YPG.


Iran dismisses US allegations of terrorist activities.

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Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi took a swipe at Washington for resorting to “false and baseless” allegations against the Islamic Republic, after the US administration imposed sanctions on two men from Bahrain, placed them on a terrorist list, and accused Iran of providing arms to rebels in the Arab country. The US Department of State said in a statement on Friday that Ahmad Hassan Yousuf and Mortada Majid Ramadan Alawi have been placed on the terrorist list in accordance with a previous executive order for those who pose threats to US interests.


Syria 'air raid on mosque kills 42' in Aleppo province.

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Forty-two people, mostly civilians, have died in an air strike on a mosque in a rebel-held village in northern Syria, a monitoring group says. The US said it had carried out an air strike, killing several al-Qaeda militants, but had not hit a mosque. “We did not target a mosque, but the building that we did target – which was where the meeting [of militants] took place – is about 50ft (15m) from a mosque that is still standing”, spokesman Col John J Thomas said.

EU urges Haftar to get his forces out of Libyan oil terminals.

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Recent events in Oil Crescent area  become source of international tensions. EU States and US  urged a Russia-backed Libyan warlord to hand back oil ports, after a US warning that Russia was trying to do in Libya what it did in Syria. The British, French, Italian, and US ambassadors to Libya said oil facilities “belong to the Libyan people and must remain under the exclusive control” of central authorities, which means to Tripoli’s government, actual opposant to General Haftar, who has took back the region this morning.

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