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If Trump’s presidency will succede in the economic field, the merit will be of Obama

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One of the highlights of the Trump campaign was to discredit the work done by President Obama in the economic field in the last 8 years. The Trump strategy worked because the American middle class feels poorer than 8 years ago. If Trump’s presidency will get success in the economic field the merit, in part will be Obama. The current President has been the victim of “populist revolt” of the middle class but the numbers bear him out, Obama has faced and defeated the financial crisis, has led unemployment to 4.6%, has given health insurance to more than 20 million Americans, and has invested in renewable energies. Trump has already decided his line, low taxes, investment in infrastructure to lower unemployment and stop to climate agreements to make American industry more competitive. All this will be possible thanks to the work of his predecessors.

Rex Tillerson attacked by Democrats over tax returns

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Democrats attacked the Secretary of State nominated, Rex Tillerson, who promised to provide at the Foreign Relations Commitee of the Senate tax returns for the last 3 years, which did not. The President of the Foreign Relations Commitee of the Senate, the Republican Bob Corker has tried to downplay the incident remembering that the presentation of the tax returns is not obligatory for the appointment, rather than the Democrats Corker is busy in trying to convince the dissidents republicans in Senate to accept the appointment of Tillerson, of which moreover does not seem absolutely convinced even the same Corker. What is certain is that the battle to officialy nominate Tillerson as Secretary of State will not be easy at all.

President-elect Donald Trump has been "shocked" by the terrorist events of last Monday

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

President-elect Donald Trump has been “shocked” by the terrorist events that have bloodied last Monday, he said he wanted to wipe out the ISIS, for this reason will meet in Washington with Michael Flynn, security adviser of the White House, John Kelly , nominated Secretary of the Department of Homeland security, James Mattis, nominated Secretary of Defense, and Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of Statenominated. Trump from Palm Beach is planning the meeting and is in constant contact with his Vice Mike Pence. He is in his mansion in Florida where he is meeting with some possible members of his administration, in fact, the President-elect was still facing various appointments most notably that of the Secretary for Veterans Affairs.

Donald Trump’s “no conservative” attitude in domestic politics could not work as well for the foreign policy

BreakingNews @en di

Surely the President-elect Trump is not a “conservative” in domestic politics, although not yet begun his term has already changed the rules of the game and imposed his line. If his attitude in domestic politics could work, in foreign policy risks to be extremely harmful to the US. Previous administrations have worked since World War II until today to maintain balance at the global level and at the same time trying to promote American interests, Trump wants to make America great again but diplomatic tensions with China, the unclear ideas about the future of Middle East and the dangerous approach to Russia risk to derail what his predecessors have built with difficulty over the past 70 years.

Today Donald Trump should be officialy selected as the 45th President of the United States

BreakingNews @en di

Electoral colleges today officially will select Donald Trump as 45th President of the United States. In the November election Trump has managed to grab 306 Electors. To be appointed are enough 271, these 25 votes more should prevent him from disappointments. What is usually only a formal step now looks like the final battle between Trump and his opponents in the GOP. However improbable, it is highly possible that the Electors will choose not to give their votes to Trump. The settlement of Trump at the White House, however, is not at risk, this makes him show off calmly although it is well aware that will have to prepare for a long battle with his own majority.

John McCain doesn’t appreciate Trump’s intention to establish close relations with Russia

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Sen. John McCain, one of the major opponents of the President-elect Trump in the GOP, said in a CNN interview that he plans to propose to the Senate the formation of a special committee to investigate about the Russian cyber attacks and about the real effect that these have had on the presidential election. McCain is part of the old republican school and does not look favorably on the kind of diplomatic relations that Trump wants to establish with Russia. Trump, who had already defined ridiculous the statement of the CIA that Russia would try to facilitate his election, this time it has limited himself to attack McCain on staff calling him a loser and not a war hero as he would like to appear.

The amount of requests of legal assistance has increased, due to Trump’s campaign against immigration

BreakingNews @en di

Several lawyers specializing in immigration and other agencies, federal or otherwise, that deal with the issue of immigration declare that recently the requests of legal assistance have increased. In fact, in more or less a month, Trump will take in office and probably will start the “persecution” against immigration. Many American citizen of foreign origins have family members who are in the country illegally or with a work visa that are in danger of losing, and be forced to leave United States due to the new immigrant policy of the new administration.

David Friedman has been selected as new Ambassador to Israel by President-elect Donald Trump

BreakingNews @en di

David Friedman, a lawyer with no diplomatic experience, was selected by President-elect Trump as new Ambassador in Israel. Friedman is a staunch supporter of the Israeli occupation of the western part of the city of Jerusalem, which illegaly is controlled by the Israelis  since ’67. The most worrying thing is the determination of Trump to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Even Obama and Bush had the same tought,  but during their Presidency they both changed their minds, because of the risk of breaking the precariously diplomatic relations between Israel and Palestine of wich US are the guarantors.

President Obama: repercussions against Russia for hacking in favor of Trump’s campaign

BreakingNews @en di

The current American President Obama said in an interview with National Public Radio that there will be repercussions against Russia for hacking in favor of Trump’s campaign. It seems that Obama has ordered intelligence to conduct research on similar cases for the last three presidential elections, the reaction of President-elect Trump came by Twitter. Trump was wondering, ironically, on why the White House has not intervened on question hacking before Hillary Clinton’s defeat.

CIA: President Putin directly involved in the hacking events in favor of the election of Trump as President

BreakingNews @en di

Anonymous CIA sources have declared to the NBC that Russian President Putin would be directly involved in the hacking events in favor of the election of Trump for President. These sources claim that Russian hackers would have access to the computers of the Democratic National Committee to carry on Putin’s personal vengeance against Hilary Cliton. Between the two there isn’t a good relationship from the days when Hilary was Secretary of State and Putin Prime Minister. The Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said Russian Press Agency TASS that the rumors published by NBC News are not founded.

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