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Serbia to turn to UN over Walker's statement

BreakingNews @en di

Belgrade will address the UN because of a statement made by the former head of the OSCE verification mission in Kosovo. This comes after reports that William Walker spoke about his work on a project of creating the Greater Albania. Walker is known for heading the OSCE “verification mission” in the Kosovo, whose activities and reports during 1998 and 1999 influenced the public opinion abroad in favor of launching a war against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Earlier that year the bodies of 45 Albanians were discovered in the village of Racak and the Walker-led OSCE mission accused Serbian security forces for killing them without presenting any evidence – although it was never determined whether the victims were in fact civilians. Reports coming from the Serbian side said that Albanian terrorists – members of the KLA – were the ones killed in Racak, but in the West, the event was qualified as a crime against civilians, used as an excuse to launch NATO’s bombing of Serbia. According to the Minister without portfolio, Jadranka Jankovic, who is in charge of EU integration, Walker’s statement is proof that the Greater Albania project is not merely flirted with at election time, but is instead “something that exists and is not only Serbia’s problem. It includes the territory of several countries in the Balkans, and I think all of us need to be concerned”.

Arabia donates $ 150 million at Yemen aid Conference.

BreakingNews @en di

Because of the war between the Houthi militias, aligned with Iran, and Saudi Arabia, Yemen is having a deep and dramatic humanitarian situation. First of all, they don’t have necessary instruments and needs in order to feed their children and most of them are about to die without essential sanitarian assistance. During the Yemen Aid Conference, held in Geneva on Tuesday, Saudi Arabia donated about 150 $Million in order to implement the cures and assistances to people. Most of people in Yemen are dying due to the war, but many of them also for the declared status of famine in the country. Because of this situation, UN and OXFAM are trying to find other donators in order to solve this problem and give some supports and efforts to Yemen.



Iran condemns use of chemical weapons in Syria.

BreakingNews @en di

Foreign Ministry Qasemi remarks a day after deadly use of chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Idlib. Noting that this catastrophic incident was not the first of its kind in Syria, the spokesman warned against adopting double-standard approaches and making hasty judgments. Despite chemical disarmament of the Syrian government with the full cooperation of the government and under the supervision of a joint representative from the UN and OPCW, failure to pay due attention to disarmament of terrorist groups remains to be an obstacle on the way of Syrian chemical disarmament, the spokesman said, noting that Iran has always voiced concern about the consequences of this issue.  He said that one of the aims behind the attack was to hamper diplomatic efforts in Astana to find a settlement to Syria crisis which had led to a ceasefire in the war-hit country. Iran, as the main victim of usage of chemical weapons, sympathizes and condoles with the families of the victims, Qasemi said, voicing Tehran’s readiness to accept those injured for receiving medical treatment.

U.N. says 300,000 civilians at risk in Damascus battle, pause needed.

BreakingNews @en di

Fighting around Syria’s capital Damascus has cut 300,000 people off from humanitarian aid and pauses in the conflict are needed to let aid convoys in, Jan Egeland, U.N. humanitarian advisor on Syria, said on Thursday.”They are totally dependent on our supplies. Starvation will be just around the corner unless we get there in the coming weeks,” Egeland told Reuters in an interview after chairing the weekly Syria humanitarian taskforce meeting in Geneva.


Nasrallah says UN a weak organization, calls for fair taxes and proportional law.

BreakingNews @en di

Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, said on Saturday during an event celebrating the birth of Fatima Al Zahra the daughter of Prophet Mohammad, that the United Nations is a weak organization and cannot be relied on to support rightful causes.  Nasrallah addressed gatherers through a screen in a speech which also touched on the political and economic situations in Lebanon. He hailed all women who continued to rise to the level of responsibility required of them during these difficult times in Lebanon and other countries, namely Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Iran, Nigeria and Afghanistan

UN Coordinator Kevin Kennedy: Without Turkey's humanitarian aid, UN would be in deadlock

BreakingNews @en di

As Syria peace talks involving the opposition groups and Turkey, Russia, and Iran are scheduled to take place in Kazakhstan on March 14, the U.N.’s Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis Kevin Kennedy, speaking to Daily Sabah, praised Turkey’s efforts regarding the Syrian crisis, stating that “Without the support of Turkey, we [the U.N.] would be in very difficult circumstances – especially in Syria”. As part of his two-day visit, U.N. official Kennedy met with Turkish officials before traveling to Gaziantep where he visited refugee camps and emphasized that the U.N. has major operations in Turkey. Providing insight regarding his visit, Kennedy stated that he and his team’s main goal is to work and support the neighboring countries in their efforts toward humanitarian works, noting: “We’ve had excellent support from the [Turkish] government here as well as from the people in Turkey. They made a huge difference in these [humanitarian] efforts and I think Turkey should be very proud of that.”


Egypt as "peace maker" in the Libyan nation

BreakingNews @en di

Egypt is trying to play is role as “peace maker” in the region. Since recent events which took place in the oil crescent Libya seems paralysed.The announcement came as some 73 House of Representatives (HoR) members boycotted discussions to elect a committee to the UN-brokered dialogue. Angry over the capture of the Ras Lanuf and Sidra oil terminals from the Libyan National Army (LNA) by the Benghazi Defence Brigades (BDB), they want to whole UN-led process to be dumped. However, one evolution need to be notice, Egyptian report didn’t mention LNA, strangely because Egypt was one of the support of LNA. This omission could be interpreted as an Egyptian frustration in front of the LNA’s refusal to meet Sarraj last month in Cairo.


"Migration and refugees" is the main theme of the symposium which is co-financed by Turkey and the EU.

BreakingNews @en di

More than 50 ombudsmen from 40 countries are going to discuss the refugee issue at an upcoming symposium in Turkish capital Ankara, according to Turkey’s chief ombudsman on Wednesday. Seref Malkoc said that 55 ombudsmen would be attending the 4th International Symposium on Ombudsman Institutions to be held on Thursday and Friday at the presidential complex. Malkoc recalled Turkey was hosting around three million Syrian refugees — more than any other country in the world — and provided education for around 500,000 Syrian children. “We are going to try to inspire the ombudsmen of the world with our activities. We will try to mobilize people who are sensitive about human rights,” he said, adding they would be sharing Turkey’s services in this regard with the other ombudsmen. “Migration and refugees” is the main theme of the symposium which is co-financed by Turkey and the EU. The topics to be discussed in the symposium are the countries’ policies on migration and refugees, vulnerable groups including women and children, and xenophobia, racism and islamophobia in relation with migration. Turkey has spent around $25 billion helping and sheltering refugees since the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011, which has left more than a quarter of a million people dead and upwards of 10 million displaced across the war-torn country, according to the UN.

FM calls on friendly countries to help establish peace in Yemen

Concerning the remarks made by the ambassadors of some friendly countries, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said that some of these countries are concerned only of their own intersests but they are not interested in the people of Yemen. The Quarter Countries, as these are called, are not seeking to resore security, peace and stability in Yemen or to solve the problem of millions of homeless and rebuild what was destroyed by the saudi aggression warplanes. Also due to these reasons Yemen asked the United Nations to add Russia to the group of the Quarter countries as a neutral party.

The Syrian Ministry called on the UN and UNSC to force Turkey

BreakingNews @en di

The Syrian Foreign Ministry called on the United Nations and UN Security Council (UNSC) to force Turkey to end its military invasion of the Northern part of the country and attacks on its civilians. The Syrian ministry in a letter to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the UNSC criticized repeated violation of Syria’s sovereignty. Damascus underlined that Turkey’s invasion and attacks on civilians in the Northern part of the country are in line with open enmity of Ankara against Syria in the last five years, pointing out Turkey’s military, financial and logistic supports for terrorist groups in Syria. The ministry went on to say that the Syrian government calls another time on the UNSC to shoulder it responsibility to maintain international peace and security and force Ankara to halt its attacks against Syria’s nation.

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