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Saudi Arabia - page 3

Saudi Arabia keen to see cooperation and solidarity at Arab Summit

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During the Cabinet session at Yamaha Palace King Salman expressed his hope on the Arab Summit, that will be held in Jordan on Monday, and on the cooperation and solidarity that the summit will encreas in the Arab countries. Moreover on the latest development on the global level the Cabinet expressed its comdannation of the terror attack in London, welcomed the ministerial statement about the role of the global coalition to defeat Daesh and expressed ita appreciation on the Saudi donation to the international fund for the protection of cultural heritage compromised during armed conflicts. The Cabinet also authorized the Minister of Foreign Affairs to discuss with Norway a general agreement for cooperation between the Saudi and Norwegian governments and approved the establishment of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Guatemala.

Saudi Navy engaged in mine-sweeping on Yemeni shores planted by Houthi militias

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The spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, Maj. Gen. Al-Assiri, told Arab News on Saturday that the Saudi Navy is constantly engaged in mine-sweeping on Yemeni shores planted by Houthi militias. Many naval mines were found near the southwestern port city of Mokha and were there to target the international shipping boats and for that reason the Saudi-led coalition warned the international maritime movements. Moreover few days ago there were an incident, a fishing boat hit a mine off the Yemeni shores and seven fishermen were killed. In fine since January forces allied with the national Yemeni government have controlled the strategic port near Mokha and the US Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) warned of the risk of mines in the strait of Bab al-Mandab.

Amnesty International condemns US and UK over Yemen arms

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Amnesty International condemned the United States and Britain for transferring arms to Saudi Arabia to use in its war in Yemen, Western media reported. The London-based watchdog described the arms transfers as a “shameful contradiction” of aid efforts by the United States and Britain. ‘These governments have continued to authorize such arms transfers at the same time as providing aid to alleviate the very crisis they have helped to create,’ said Lynn Maalouf, Amnesty’s deputy director of research for the Middle East and North Africa. Iran has repeatedly condemned crimes committed against the oppressed people of Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition including demolishing infrastructures in Yemen and killing defenseless civilians in almost two years of devastating war against that country. In March 2015, a so-called Saudi-led coalition began a major aggression on Yemen in a bid to reinstate the country’s fugitive president Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

Iraqi diplomat: Baghdad ready to mediate between Iran and Saudi Arabia

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Iraq’s Ambassador to Kuwait Alaa al-Hashimi said on Thursday that his country is ready to mediate between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Al-Hashemi made the remarks while speaking in an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida. Given its good relations with all regional countries, Iraq is ready to step in and help bring closer the views of Tehran and Riyadh, the ambassador said. He said that any measure by Iraq to help improve Iran-Saudi Arabia relations would not be a difficult one because there exists the required determination and good will on both sides.

US bans electronic devices on flights from eight Middle Eastern countries

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The US Department of Transportation issued a ban against passengers travelling on nonstop flights to the US from Saudi Arabia and seven other Middle Eastern and North African countries, who are banned from carrying electronic devices on board. The ban targets 10 international airports such as King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah and King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, where Saudi Airlines operates nonstop US-bounds flights and which received the information from the General Authority of Civil Aviation. In these new procedures on US-bound flights laptops, iPads and Kindles can only be accepted as part of checked-in luggage. The reason behind the ban is probably the terrorists’ ongoing interest in targeting commercial aviation, including transportation hubs over the past two years and the US Government concern about it. Moreover the UK is also due to announce a ban on laptops and other electronics on certain flights as the BBC reported.

King Salman: Saudi Arabia committed to be example of protection of human rights

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During the opening of an international conference organized by the Muslim World League (MWL) in Makkha on Sunday, King Salman’s stressed that the Kingdom is an example of protection of human rights, freedom, welfare and comprehensive development for community. He also added that all this will be done in accordance of the islamic values and with the goal of mantaining security. Moreover Prince Khalid, who delivered in an address the King’s words, added that freedom of expression is an integral part of the overall freedoms and that it is granted in Islam, but it should not involve attacks on religion, its rituals or holy places. Prince Khalid also said media should be responsible of spreading spiritual values and humanity and that freedom is one of the most important human values.

The aim of the King Salman's Asian tour is to sustain good relations with Southeast Asian countries

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Concerning King Salman’s Asian tour, Mohammed al-Khunaizi a senior member of the Shoura Council told Arab News that the aim of the visit to the Southeast Asian countries is to sustain good relations with them and for the benefit of the Saudi economy that will reach Saudi Vision 2030 goals. The tour will also bring benefits to the Gulf states and the wider Islamic world and also the economy of the Kingdom, which will grow faster as a consequence of the signing of agreements worth billions of dollars. Moreover Dr. Majed Abdullah Al-Hedayan, a legal consultant and investment expert in Riyadh, said the tour comes at a time when the Kingdom is trying to diversify its economy and consolidate its relations with the Muslim world around Asia and the tour principal aim is to deepen relations between Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states and Asian countries in terms of economy but also security and stability.

American authorities accused Iran of seeking expansionist moves and of sponsoring terrorist organizations

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Iran’s Foreign Ministry rejected the recent accusations made by Saudi Arabia’s defense minister as complete nonsense resulting from a sense of frustration and part of Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud’s “delusive policies that are based upon lies”. History shows that trans-regional powers’ interference brings about nothing but insecurity in the very same countries that have invited the aliens, the Iranian spokesman noted, adding that foreign interference in the region leads to “instability, division, and the spread of terrorism and violence”. In recent meetings in the US, bin Salman and American authorities accused Iran of seeking expansionist moves in the Middle East and of sponsoring terrorist organizations.

Meeting between Saudi Arabia's King Salman and Chinese President Xi Jinping: defense and security

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Energy and trade will for sure occupy an important role in the meeting between Saudi Arabia’s King Salman and Chinese President Xi Jinping, but various other fields will be key in their talks, such as defense and security. Certainly energy cooperation is the foundation of relations between the two countries, Saudi Arabia is the world’s top exporter of crude oil and China is the world’s biggest importer, but China also offers important economic advantages to Saudi Arabia’s downstream and petrochemicals sectors, as the Saudi Basic Industries Corp. (BASIC) already holds a stake in a polycarbonate complex in Tianjin with China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation and Saudi Aramco holds a stake in the Fujian Refining & Petrochemical Company. Concerning the trade the visit was important to attract more Chinese investment to the Kingdom and the use of Chinese expertise to contribute to the diversification of the Saudi economy away from oil, due to China’s rapid economic development over the past three decades. Moreover also in the field of strategic relations, China is a key country and is a source of political support in the path of saudi selective economic reforms. Also counterterrorism is an emerging area of cooperation between the two countries, that includes a five-year plan for security cooperation including counterterrorism cooperation and joint military drills, and there is also a potential for chinese companies to win more Saudi defense procurement over the next decade and receive technology transfer.

Saudi deputy crown prince says Trump is a "true friend of Muslims"

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After the meeting with US President Donald Trump, Saudi Deputy Crown Prince bin Salman hailed US President as a “true friends of Muslims” and affirmed he does not believe that Trump’s ban targets Islam specifically also because as senior adviser to Prince Mohammed said “Trump has an unprecedent and serious intention to work with the Muslim world”. Moreover this meeting marked a difference from Riyadh’s relationship with the Obama administration. In fine the White House has announced that the Saudi Deputy Crown Prince and President Trump have discussed potential economic projects worth $200 billion.

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