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Francia, a Parigi “tracce minime” di Covid-19 nell’acqua non potabile


Il 19 aprile, nella capitale francese, il laboratorio dell’azienda comunale “Eau de Paris”, in collaborazione con l’Università Inserm-Sorbonne, ha scoperto “tracce minime” di Covid-19 su 4 dei 27 punti testati della rete idrica non potabile. In virtù del principio di precauzione, è stato immediatamente sospeso l’uso della rete idrica in questione. Secondo il Comune di Parigi non vi è alcun rischio per l’acqua potabile: questa dipende da un’altra rete idrica indipendente e non presenta alcuna traccia del virus, pertanto ne è stato confermato l’uso senza alcun rischio.

Le reti idriche parigine e il principio di precauzione

A Parigi coesistono due reti idriche indipendenti, quella dell’acqua potabile (2.000 km) e quella dell’acqua non potabile (1800 km), una specificità ereditata dal XIX secolo e dal barone Haussmann.

L’acqua potabile proviene da due origini: dalle acque sotterranee e da due impianti di epurazione, dove subisce trattamenti permanenti multi-barriera, intesi a rimuovere tutte le tracce di inquinamento ed agenti patogeni, compresi i virus. “La rete idrica non potabile è fornita dalla cosiddetta acqua grezza, prelevata dalla Senna e dal canale Ourcq, ed instradata senza pesanti trattamenti” ha spiegato il Comune di Parigi, il quale ha precisato che la rete contaminata “viene utilizzata per innaffiare alcuni parchi e giardini, per pulire le strade e per far funzionare i laghi e le cascate di parchi e boschi, nonché alcune fontane ornamentali in parchi o giardini attualmente chiusi al pubblico”.

“Queste sono piccole tracce ma comunque tracce, quindi abbiamo deciso di applicare il principio di precauzione in modo da analizzare i possibili rischi” ha spiegato Célia Blauel, vicesindaca di Parigi, responsabile per le questioni ambientali e presidente del consiglio di amministrazione di Eau de Paris. “Nel contesto di crisi sanitaria, abbiamo rafforzato il nostro programma di monitoraggio sull’acqua potabile e acqua non potabile” ha aggiunto la vicesindaca.

Nel frattempo, con la chiusura della rete idrica dell’acqua non potabile, per disinfettare la città, le strade saranno pulite con acqua potabile mescolata con candeggina (cloro), con il disappunto di molti, poichè l’acqua di deflusso finisce nelle stazioni di purificazione, quindi nei fiumi e negli oceani.

Le indicazioni degli esperti

Secondo l’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (OMS), il mantenimento del Covid-19 nell’acqua potabile non è impossibile. Studi su virus simili dimostrano una durata di due giorni in acqua non clorata a 20 ° C. Tuttavia, il rischio di contaminazione tramite le reti di acqua potabile è considerato “basso”. A metà marzo, l’OMS ha, infatti, riferito che ad oggi non vi sono prove della persistenza del virus né nell’acqua potabile né nelle acque reflue, così come non vi è alcuna prova che il coronavirus possa essere trasmesso attraverso l’acqua potabile contaminata.

Nonostante la persistenza del Covid-19 nell’acqua potabile non possa essere definita impossibile, l’OMS avverte che i metodi di trattamento delle acque “dovrebbero annullare il Covid-19”. “I trattamenti forniti dalle fabbriche di acqua potabile eliminano qualsiasi rischio di contaminazione”, ha sottolineato anche Antoine Frérot, CEO di Veolia, un gigante globale del settore. Eau de Paris, che serve tre milioni di utenti nella capitale, ha spiegato che le sue fabbriche hanno istituito “diversi trattamenti successivi per eliminare tutti i virus, in particolare attraverso l’ozonizzazione, la disinfezione UV e clorazione”.

La concentrazione del virus è molto bassa nell’acqua e non si può affermare se sia contagioso o meno a questo livello. Su questo punto, Karine Lacombe, Capo del dipartimento di malattie infettive dell’ospedale Saint-Antoine di Parigi, è fiduciosa. Anche se “sappiamo che c’è materiale genetico, il virus non può moltiplicarsi nell’ambiente, perché ha bisogno di cellule umane e di prendere gli enzimi” ha dichiarato.

Portando avanti le loro indagini, i ricercatori hanno capito che la quantità di virus rilevata nelle acque reflue potrebbe essere un “buon indicatore per monitorare il numero di malati”, come ha spiegato Laurent Moulin, capo del laboratorio di ricerca e sviluppo di Eau de Paris. “Dal 5 marzo abbiamo effettuato un test al giorno per lo screening del virus nelle acque reflue in tre impianti di trattamento (misurazione del carico vitale mediante la cosiddetta tecnica PCR) e abbiamo scoperto che la quantità del genoma virale stava diminuendo” ha dichiarato Vincent Maréchal, professore di virologia alla Sorbona e ricercatore all’Inserm. “Ciò conferma indirettamente una minore circolazione del virus, e quindi l’efficacia del contenimento” ha sottolineato. Essendo semplice, veloce, economico, tale studio è un buon potenziale strumento per trasmettere ai paesi che non hanno i mezzi per testare le persone asintomatiche in ospedale, ha dichiarato Maréchal. Quest’ultimo sta cercando di attuare questo metodo con urgenza, in particolare in Africa, con l’aiuto dell’OMS e dell’Armed Biomedical Research Institute (IRBA).

Hariri will begin tomorrow a European tour: Paris, Berlin and Brussels

BreakingNews @en di

The President of the Council of Ministers Saad Hariri will begin tomorrow a European tour starting from the French capital Paris, where he will meet with the French President François at the Elysee Palace. Hariri will deliver a speech during which he will address the plan of the Lebanese government to strengthen stability and development, and face the pressure on the infrastructure and public services as a result of the displaced Syrians crisis, Lebanon’s needs in this respect and the role of the international community in increasing the required aid to face this crisis.

The man who coordinated the deadly attacks in Paris and Brussels has been identified

BreakingNews @en/Defence di

A Belgian-Moroccan jihadist operating in Syria is believed to have organised the deadly attacks on Paris and Brussels, sources say. For months intelligence teams have been trying to identify a man known as Abou Ahmad, involved in recruiting a number of Islamist militants for attacks across Europe. They now believe they have identified him as Oussama Ahmad Atar. He is linked to bombers who targeted Paris in 2015 and Brussels in March.

French plan of an International conference on the two-states solution approved by Palestinians

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Palestinians on Monday welcomed a French plan to hold an international conference on the two-state solution in Paris at the end of December. In Jerusalem PM Netanyahu called on Abbas to immediately hold direct negotiations with him. Abbas has persistently rejected such calls, stating that Israel must halt all settlement activity and Jewish building in east Jerusalem before such talks could be held. Israel on Monday warned France that their plan only emboldens Abbas to continue to refuse to negotiate. Israel is committed to the peace process, but believe that a final status agreement with the Palestinians can only be reached through direct talks.

Daesh: from Paris to Maiduguri

Europe/Middle East - Africa di

Paris attacks, on November 13, pointed out again that the terror threat reached a historical high within European borders. Beyond Syria and Iraq, where Daesh is headquartered, Africa is the favorite ISIS’s target. As proved by the last 15 days.
More than 83 attacks all over the world from June 2014 to date, as reported by Le Monde. More than 1,600 victims. Raqqa (Syria) and Maiduguri (Nigeria) the most affected cities. Since March 2015, when the Nigerian militant group Boko Haram joined the Caliphate, terrorist actions in Africa have dramatically increased. As well as the several organizations that, from Mali to Egitto, hit in the name of ISIS.

After 129 killed in Paris, others were added from November to today:

Mali: More than 20 people were killed after a raid against Radisson Hotel last November 20. Thanks to military action by French and US special forces, 150 hostages were freed. After the arrest of two suspects, the local terrorist cells attacked on UN base at Kidal, killing 3 people.

Egypt: Two terrorist attacks. The first one, on November 24, was a double suicide attack which killed 4 people on a hotel in North Sinai. The second one, on November 28, when terrorists opened fire on checkpoint in Giza, killing 4 policemen.

Nigeria: Before a truck station, then a Shiite procession. These two places, near the capital Maiduguri, were the two targets of Boko Haram troops. Over 35 and 32 killed.

Camerun: Four different kamikaze actions of four girls killed at least 5 people in Fotokol on 21 November.

Tunisia: 13 killed following a suicide bomb attack against a bus carrying members of Tunisia’s presidential guard on 24 November in Tunis. As well as actions in the Bardo Museum and on Sousse beach last June, Daesh claimed responsibility.
Giacomo Pratali


Paris, Isis: claim and reasons

Europe di

“Celebrating the deaths of innocent people, what a vile world we live in.” “Oh God, burn Paris as you burned the Muslims in Mali, Africa, Iraq, Syria, and Palestine.” “As 9/11”. It’s explicit Isis claim responsibility for Paris attacks. But, according to French and International authorities, it’s already to prove it.

In the long night of terror that shook Paris and all over Europe, to which have followed the statements of hopelessness and solidarity from majority of the world leaders, there is the downside.

The French aviation bombings to Daesh strategic locations in Syria, the actions in Mali and Central African Republic, where, however, the news of the arrival of the Pope in the coming months has caused high alert, have originated the Caliphate reaction.

Hashtag as #Parigibrucia (later removed), photomontages that exalted Paris attacks and the announcement that “the next attack will happen in London, Washington and Paris.”, has been broadcast on the web.

Indeed, terrorist actions have taken by surprise the French intelligence. But, for several months after the events of Charlie Hebdo in January 2015, many French websites have been hacked, with the recurring writing #Franceunderhacks.

Teenagers involvement in the actions of November 13 means that “foreign fighters” are still an effective weapon for propaganda Daesh. A weapon that threatens the security of all European countries.

Although multicultural since several decades, France, as well as other European partners, clash with the difficulty to reintegrate or fight that slice of society, composed by immigrants or second-generation citizens, marginalized because of two reasons: the economic crisis and the fear towards those who are not really integrated into the European social fabric.
Giacomo Pratali


Paris under siege: European 9/11

Miscellaneous di

At least 127 killed and 197 injured, including no less than 80 seriously wounded. These are dramatic numbers, which are increasing hour by hour, of bombings attacks, on the cry of “it’s for Syria” or “Allahu Akbar” that shook Paris Friday, 13 November. 7 actions accomplished in the heart of the French capital claimed by Islamic State.
The most important at the Bataclan theatre, where about 1,500 people were attending a rock concert. Here, three terrorists went into action, initially taking about a hundred hostages, while 30 was able to immediately escape. Attackers then fired on the crowd. The police raid during night provoked their killing, but also the dramatic discovery of 118 corpses.

This is the most serious incident. But terror lasted for several hours, during which there was fear of further actions. And the high alert, which was followed by the mobilization of more than 1,500 units of the French army, involved several locations in the center of Paris. And blood and victims have consequently risen. 18 killed at La Belle Equipe bar, 15 at Le Carillon bar and Le Petit Cambodge restaurant, 5 at Pizzeria La Casa Nostra, 3 outside Stade France, where, during the friendly match France-Germany, three strong explosions, caused by as many explosions, were heard. On the other side, in addition to the three terrorists killed at the Bataclan, seven blew themselves up, also around 15 and 17 years old.

French President Francois Hollande, who attended match, was immediately cleared out for security reasons and called an extraordinary Council of Ministers. During the speech to the Frech People, he asked the Parisians to open their homes and do not lack the solidarity towards those who was involved. Moreover, declared a “alpha” high alert and announced partial closure and intensification of border controls (in the morning was closed on Mont Blanc pass linking Italy and France).

“As I speak, terrorist attacks of unprecedented proportions are underway in the Paris area. Two decisions will be taken: a state of emergency will be declared, which means that some places will be closed, traffic may be banned, and there will also be searches which may be decided throughout Île-de-France [greater Paris]. The state of emergency will be proclaimed throughout the territory [of France]. The second decision I have made is the closure of borders. We must ensure that no one enters to commit any crimes and that those who have committed the crimes that we have unfortunately seen can also be arrested if they should leave the territory. “ he said.


Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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