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Eu Commission: yes to firearms control

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As provided last April by The European Agenda on Security, yesterday European Commission adopted a package of measure to tighten acquirement and control of firearms. Obviously, Paris attacks accelerated the approval. These proposed amendments, now need to be approved by the European Parliament and Council.

“The recent terrorist attacks on Europe’s people and values were coordinated across borders, showing that we must work together to resist these threats – President Jean-Claude Juncker said -. Today’s proposal, prepared jointly by Commissioners Elżbieta Bieńkowska and Dimitris Avramopoulos,will help us tackle the threat of weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. We are proposing stricter controls on sale and registration of firearms, and stronger rules to irrevocably deactivate weapons. We will also come forward with an Action Plan in the near future to tackle illicit arms trafficking. Organised criminals accessing and trading military grade firearms in Europe cannot and will not be tolerated,” he confirmed.

  • This is the package of measures adopted by the College of Commissioners, in addition to the proposed revision about the EU Firearms Directive, which defines the rules under which private persons can acquire and possess weapons:
  • A revision of the Firearms Directive, to tighten controls on the acquisition and possession of firearms;
  • Stricter rules to ban certain semi-automatic firearms, which will not, under any circumstance, be allowed to be held by private persons, even if they have been permanently deactivated;
  • Tighter rules on the online acquisition of firearms, to avoid the acquisition of firearms, key parts or ammunition through the Internet;
  • EU common rules on marking of firearms to improve the traceability of weapons;
  • Better exchange of information between Member States, for example on any refusal of authorisation to own a firearm decided by another national authority, and obligation to interconnect national registers of weapons;
  • Common criteria concerning alarm weapons (e.g. distress flares and starter pistols)in order to prevent their transformation into fully functioning firearms;
  • Stricter conditions for the circulation of deactivated firearms;
  • Stricter conditions for collectors to limit the risk of sale to criminals.



France at war: G20 and EU openness

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G20 in Turkey and the Eu Defense Ministers went along with a possible international cooperation in Syria. Although military, about deployment of ground troops, and political, the future of Assad, differences still divide the United States, Russia and European countries, military cooperation has already begun.

Indeed, France continues to bomb Isis Raqqa strongholds. But, Syrian laic rebels reported that “jihadists ARE hiding among civilians”. And, just the possible civilians involvment is dividing European public opinion. So, while the state of war, declared by French President Hollande, finds consents concerning internal safety measures, the same can not be said on the outside ones.

Again in Syria, the United States and Russia are providing logistical help to France. Pphone conversation between Obama and Hollande has already established a cooperation plan, for which intelligence and special forces are involved. While Moscow has assured that “Moskva” missile cruiser will cooperate with French Navy.

Returning to the G20 in Antalya, the first meeting between Obama and Putin and the European leaders openings, as Merkel and Cameron, to a necessary military collaboration with the Kremlin against Isis, brought about a partial reconciliation among West and Russia. Moreover, there is Russian leader’s charget some G20 countries, as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, to have privately funded Daesh.

There was also a turning point at European level, because the EU Council said unanimously yes to military help to France against ISIS, as required by the Hollande. The High Representative Mogherini announced that, for the first time, it’ll apply the mutual-defense clause, invoking article 42,7 of Lisbon Treaty. The EU countries must provide military aid to France to combat terrorism.

At last, Italian Prime Minister Renzi gave a partially opening to military operation in Libya because “you do not necessarily win with weapons”, he said. Until two weeks ago, the military intervention in Libya seemed the priority. The attacks in Paris, however, overturned international agenda. European leaders are inclining towards interventionism. The risk is that a military response caused by two event, the Russian plane crash and the terrorist action in France, do not contain a plan for post-conflict reconstruction, as happened in Libya in 2011.
Giacomo Pratali


France bombs IS. G-20: US-Russia deal?

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France drops bombs on Raqqa after Paris attacks. During the G20, Obama and Putin talk about a common strategy in Syria.

France have reacted to act of war of the Islamic State, as defined by French President Francoise Hollande. Not only within national borders. French aviation have intensified, durinf the night of November 15, the bombings on strategic locations in Syria. Ministry of Defence said that 12 aircrafts have been employed to attack Raqqa, the capital of Islamic State, and targeted a command center and a training camp.

So, Paris attacks led to an immediate reaction from the Elysee. And, above all, the government is not scared by the fact that just recent raids in Syria have caused bloody reaction on November 13. This military action is in cooperation with the US, already operating in Syria and Iraq, which have provided logistical and intelligence supports.

During the G20 in Turkey yesterday, Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin agreed on the need for “a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political transition”, as reported by the White House. Even if the Cremlin “don’t think that West had a unique point of view” and “differences on tactics still remain,” this meeting has been positive to partially reconnect two United States and Russia on Daesh front.7

Despite Ukrainian crisis and NATO expansion, Paris attacks could bring the Us and Russia to military cooperate in Syria, in order to find a”peaceful conflict resolution,” G20 statement reported. Isis strategy could bring to adverse effect, uniting West and Russia against Caliphate.

The strategy of terror of the Islamic State could have an adverse effect and reassemble the West and Russia in the name of fighting Caliphate.
Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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