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Sirte, US could have destroyed Sirte IS within hours had it wanted

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A Bunyan Marsous commander stated that the United States saying that its airstrikes in Sirte have been “useless” and that if Washington had really wanted to, it could have destroyed IS positions and liberated Sirte within a few hours. The claim came today from Brigadier Ibrahim Bait, the spokesman for Misrata’s military council.

He added that America had the technology to end the terrorists’ resistance in a matter of hours, not months. He insisted that warplanes launched from Misrata were more effective than US aircraft in clearing the way for BM forces on the ground.

The US has now launched more than 200 strikes by fast jets, drones and helicopters, the majority believed to be from the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp.  Its operations began in August at the request of the Presidency Council. On Monday the Pentagon announced the strikes would continue for another month and indicated that he would now finding everywhere IS terrorists in Libya. The US Africa Command (AFRICOM) has resumed to hit tanks, truck bombs and terrorist strong points.

Libya: among possible agreement and endless immigration emergency

Europe/Middle East - Africa di

As agreed in Switzerland, factions will seek a political solution to national unity by September. Continue the migration emergency: for IOM, the Sicilian Channel is the most dangerous route in the Mediterranean Sea.

Rapprochement in Geneva between different Libyan factions, including Tripoli government. In negotiations chaired by UN delegate Bernardino Leon, parties has unanimously declared to search a political solution of national unity within late August and early September. There is still no formal agreement, then. But, after July agreement reached in Algeria, now the Libyan National Congress could do its role. Although the greatest obstacle will be finding a meeting point between Misurata troops and General Haftar army.

Meanwhile, just two days ago, Prime Minister Abdullah al Thinni had announced his resignation at a Libyan TV. But, a few hours later, a spokesperson has denied the report.

There is, however, no time to lose in negotiations. In addition to the internal fight against Daesh, migration route to the Italian coast is hot. Over 2000 arrivals between Sicily and Calabria in the last three days. On 10 August, vessel Fiorillo of Italian Coast Guard was able to save at least 400 people. As well as more than 150 from Fenice of Italian Navy . Or the 450 migrants arrived at Augusta. And just as there have been many arrests of smugglers from the Italian authorities. The inhuman conditions and deaths at sea are a constant.

Number of deaths which is increasing compared to over 2,000 in early August, certified by the IOM. Compared to the Greek route, “the majority of migrants have lost their lives in the Sicilian Channel, along the central route of the Mediterranean linking Libya to Italy, “says the International Organization for Migration.

Strait of Sicily route is “disproportionately more dangerous than the other. Although Italy and Greece are both hit by migration flows very significant (approximately 97,000 and 90,500 respectively), mortality rates are very different: they were about 1,930 migrants died trying to reach Italy, as were about 60 migrants died en route to Greece. ”

“Despite these tragedies, the IOM recognizes the extraordinary efforts of the naval forces in the Mediterranean, which continue to save lives every day. The number of deaths has decreased significantly in recent months and this is largely due to the strengthening of the operation Triton: the Mediterranean is now patrolled by a larger number of vessels that can push up to where there are requests for help ” .

“They are almost 188,000 migrants rescued in the Mediterranean so far and IOM strongly supports the continuation of these activities. The organization believes that the number of migrants arriving in the coming months and that will increase the threshold of 200,000 will be reached very soon, ” the IOM statement ended.
Giacomo Pratali


Libya: the agreement is incomplete

First step towards the establishment of an executive of national unity. The Tobruk government and representatives of other factions have officialized their agreement after months of deals. But United Nations and Leon are waiting Tripoli choice.

Yes the agreement for the government of national unity of Libya Sunday 12th July. To Skhirat (Morocco) the Tobruk government and delegates of Zintan, Misrata and other factions have signed the pact along the lines of the last 3rd July. One step forward, after long work of UN mediator Bernardino Leon. But an incomplete agreement because of it’s without Tripoli government’s approval.

However, reactions were positive. “An important first step towards peace”, Leon and Tobruk representatives said. Also Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gentiloni has the same viewpoint: “The signing gives us grounds for hope and encourages us to continue with our negotiating efforts. It is now up to Tripoli to make a significant and responsible gesture by signing up to the agreement proposed by the UN Special Representative, Bernardino Leon, with the full support of Italy also”.

Meanwhile, on the domestic front, Derna, a port city of Cyrenaica, has been “lost from the Islamic State”, as admitted in a video by an Islamist militant. While the Us is thinking to positionate its drones to monitor Islamic State in Libya, in according with North African countries. In the last days, Us President Obama and Gb Prime Minister Cameron reiterated that it’s possibile to defeat Daesh not with ground forces, although with pilotless aircrafts.
Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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