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Scambi di vedute alla Farnesina tra l’Italia ed il continente Latino- Americano

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Le imprese italiane guardano con estremo interesse alle opportunità di sviluppo offerte dalla Colombia, sia per il livello di crescita economica sia per l’elevato grado di apertura al mercato”

Questo è un estratto delle dichiarazioni date dal Ministro degli Esteri Angelino Alfano, dichiarazioni che si riconducono all’incontro avvenuto alla Farnesina il 13 Dicembre, nella “Conferenza Italia-America Latina e Caraibi”. Uno scambio di vedute e di apertura da parte delle diverse Nazioni coinvolte, che ha visto ospiti in questo incontro nomi di grande calibro quali: il ministro degli Esteri del Costa Rica Manuel Gonzàlez Sanz; il Ministro degli Esteri della Colombia Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar ed hanno altresì partecipato i ministri degli Esteri del: Sant Lucia; El Salvador e Bolivia.

Il nostro Ministro degli Esteri ha rilasciato ulteriori dichiarazioni riguardanti il rapporto con lo Stato del Costa Rica, facendo emergere altresì l’importanza di tali relazioni e scambi. Punto focale è l’importanza del sostegno reciproco in svariati settori che vanno dall’agricolo ai trasporti, per i quali sono stati stipulati dei veri e propri accordi (ricordiamo la Visita Ufficiale in Italia del Presidente costaricano Solis nel 2016).

Nel corso dell’incontro, oltre agli argomenti ricaduti sullo scambio bilaterale, ci si è soffermati anche su altri grandi tematiche internazionali di grande attualità, sentite da tutte le nazioni coinvolte all’incontro; parole importanti sono state dunque spese per la problematica della criminalità organizzata sui diversi sistemi di controllo ed infine sui flussi migratori, fenomeno che deve essere gestito e contenuto sempre nel rispetto dei diritti umani.

Humberto de la Calle and Clara López are the presidential candidates most valued by the Colombian people

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Humberto de la Calle, former Vice President, and Clara López, the current Minister of Labour, are the presidential candidates most valued by the Colombian people, according to data provided by Gallup Company, both encounter the favor of the 49% of voters. The main problem is that ,compared to the data of December 2016, all the possible candidates have lost several favorable points among voters, such as López and de la Calle have lost the 5%, but de la Calle is the one with less negative reputation, only 22 % of the voters have a bad view of him,the negative reputation of López is in the order of 30%, the most hated candidate is the former Senator Piedad Córdoba, 66% of voters wouldn’t votefor her, the candidate who has the lost most in liking is the candidate of the urbistamovment, ÓscarIvánZuluaga, that meets the favor of 28% of voters, 13% less than in December.

De la Calle hopes that the agreement between the rebel militia ELN and the government will be successful

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Humberto de la Calle, former Chief Negotiator of the Government in the peace process with the FARC, speaking at a conference at the University of Manizales said that hopes that the agreement between the rebel militia ELN and the government will be successful, however, pointed out that if the attack of last Sunday in Bogotá should be a work of ELN then the peace talks would feel the effects. Regarding the agreements of La Habana de la Calle answered words of former President Uribe, who said that if his coalition win the presidential election of 2018 would change the agreement with the FARC, former Chief Negotiator noted that it is necessary to continue on the current line and that it would be futile to retract an agreement that largely has already entered into force.

Rafael Correa confirms its support for the peace process in Colombia

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The President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos traveled to a state visit to Ecuador where he met with Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, on the Santos arrival in Ecuador he publicly thanked for the support given to the peace process in Colombia ensuring that this cooperation “will not be forgotten”. Correa said he hoped that the negotiations between the Colombian government and ELN will be favorable. The two Presidents will sign a series of bilateral agreements, assisted by their respective Foreign Ministers, concerning security and economy

Significant decrease in demand for air flights to the USA from the time when Donald Trump took office

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The App Hopper, who predicts the price of air travel, from the time when Donald Trump took office there was a significant decrease in demand for air flights to the USA, hopper is present in 122 countries and in 94 of these the demand decreased, the total reduction estimated is around 17%, in the case of Colombia was 2%. Curiously, however, while worldwide decreases the demand for air links with the U.S. in a country such requests increased quite a bit, it is Russia, in fact, according to data provided there was an increase in demand equal to 88%.

Amnesty Law for the FARC approved

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The Colombian Congress approved the Amnesty Law for the FARC yesterday, now will only be signed by the President of the Republic Manuel Santos to enter into force. The law provides not only the opportunity for FARC guerrillas who set up political crimes to benefit from the amnesty but also stipulates that the state agents and the guerrillas may submit to the judgment of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, a court that judges each case of amnesty demand of those individuals who are not included into the category of political criminals. During voting for the approval of the law, in the Senate, the representatives of the opposition party, the Democratic Centre, left the room to protest against an agreement that they never supported.

Deputy of the Department of Valle del Cauca and his family survived to a killer attack in Sevilla

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The Deputy of the Department of Valle del Cauca John Jairo Caicedo and his family were the victims of an attack in Sevilla, in the north of the Department of Valle del Cauca. Fortunately both Caicedo that his family came out unscathed from the shooting, the only wounded is one of the two killers, hit by the bodyguards of Caicedo, who had already been the victim of threats so he just asked at the National Unity of Protection an armored car. Local authorities are investigating the incident and do not rule out that the attack is connected to the activity of syndicalist of Caicedo.

President Santos and the leader of the opposition Uribe met Pope Francis in Rome

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Pope Francis met this morning at the Vatican Colombian President Santos and the leader of the opposition Uribe, it was the Pope to give a mandate to his Secretary of State, mons.Parolin, to approach Santos and Uribe and to propose a clarifying meeting in Rome. Uribe was the main detractor of the peace agreement signed by Santos with the rebels of the FARC. The Pope invited the two leaders to put aside their divisions and to work together to prosper Colombia. At the end of the interview with the Pope neither Santos neither Uribe spoke about each other, but they emphasized the pleasure of the meeting with Francis.

EU will not fail to Colombia’s support, according to EU special envoy for peace in Colombia

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Eamon Gilmore, special envoy of the EU for the peace process in Colombia, has released an interview with the newspaper El Tiempo in which he assured that the EU will not fail to Colombia’s support, both political and economic, not only for the period of peace negotiations with the FARC but also in the future. Gilmore also said because this time, namely the implementation of the negotiations, will be the hardest but once completed the negotiations will need to carefully think about an economic recovery plan for the most disadvantaged areas of the country to prevent the guerrillas that not accepted the agreement with Bogota do not put in charge of a new revolutionary movement.

“Fast Track” legislative process is not uncostitutional

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The Colombian Constitutional Court has decided that the shortened legislative process, if it is used limited to applicative laws of the peace agreement between the government and the FARC, is not unconstitutional. This means that even now the government can push through laws related to the peace agreement in mid of the time that’s constitutionally scheduled, the President may adopt acts with force of law on the subject, the Court has nevertheless left the role of final decision-maker and he made it clear that as far as the “Fast Track” increases the powers of government and the President they can not replace the Parliament.

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