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alpina taurinense

Alpine Taurinense redeployment in Lebanon

BreakingNews @en/Defence di

Handover for the Combat Service Support Battalion of the Joint Task Force Lebanon, in the base “Millevoi” of Shama, Headquarters of the Italian contingent.

Logistics Regiment “Taurinense” Rivoli (To), under the command of Colonel Sergio Conte, replaced the Logistic Regiment “Friuli” Budrio (Bo), under the command of Colonel Daniele Bolzoni. The commander of Sector West of UNIFlL, who attended the ceremony, thanked the soldiers of Logistics Regiment Friuli for their work and their commitment, especially for supporting the entrance into Lebanon of the Alpine Taurinense Brigade, who is conducting the first term in the “cedars’ land. “

During the past half operating, the military Logistics Regiment Friuli ensured the logistical movements by land and sea to the staff of the Italian contingent inflowing and outflowing from Lebanon, managed supplies and ensured the efficiency of equipment and materials. The health unit, who provided assistance to the staff of the base of Shama, carried out several significant “Medical Care” interventions in favor of local population. Finally, the Commander, wished a good work to “his” Logistics Regiment, that completes the deployment of the Alpine Brigade in Lebanon.
Viviana Passalacqua


UNIFIL Lebanon, Italy: water tank in school

BreakingNews @en/Defence di

Italian peacekeepers based on Alpina Taurinense Brigade have completed the construction of a covered cistern for collecting rainwater in the school of Ayta Ash Sha’b, in South Lebanon, attended by disabled children.

The project, carried out by the joint task force within the civil military cooperation, pursues the objectives set by Resolution 1701 for the improvement of living conditions in Lebanese villages. It has been realized thanks to the Italian funds dedicated to the development of civil and military cooperation projects.

The work just inaugurated allows better operation and rationalization of institute water resources, devoided of water tanks, thus confirming the excellent relationships existing between local population and Italian peacekeepers.

Protagonist of the delivering, the Alpine Taurinense Brigade, maneuver unit of the Italian Army deployed in Lebanon since about a month in UNIFIL mission. For the first time, our soldiers operate in bi-national and non-permanent Italo-French conformation. The inaugural ceremony was attended by the commander of the Western Sector of UNIFIL and of Italian contingent, civil and religious authorities of the village including mayor Youssefi Srour, elders and school teachers of Ayta Ash Sha’b. All them expressed appreciation and gratitude for the work done.
Viviana Passalacqua


UNIFIL, Italy: new soccer field in Jinnata

Sustaining population, developing socio-cultural integration and fighting poverty. The construction of a soccer field in the Jinnata Lebanese municipality, near the city Tiro city, reflects these objectives.

The sport facility was completed by the Italian contingent operating in the UNIFIL Sector West, the Alpina Taurinense Brigade, and delivered to the population during a groundbreaking ceremony. The event was attended by numerous Lebanese authorities, including the “Quaemaquan” Tyre Jaffal Mohammed Ali, the president of Tiro municipality, Abed Al Mohsen al Houssayini and the mayor of the municipality.

Supervised by specialists of the Multinational CIMIC Group, the project was carried out thanks to the Italian funds allocated for the development of the civil and military cooperation. In accordance with the objectives established by Resolution 1701, to support and improve the living conditions of the southern Lebanon people, the Sector West commander has highlighted the importance of “confidence building”, the process of trust and transparency bulding based on mutual co-operation between all actors in south Lebanon.
Viviana Passalacqua


Lebanon, Alpina T. Brigade: cardiac screening for students

Defence/Middle East - Africa di

The activities performed by Italian Army in favor of local people carry on in South Lebanon.

The staff of the Alpina Taurinense Brigade followed up the activities of medical cardiological screening in synergy with the civil-military cooperation cell (CIMIC), composed of specialists who belong to the Multinational CIMIC Group of Motta di Livenza, and of medical units of “level 1” based in Shama, headquarter of the western sector of UNIFIL, under Italian command.

Students of institutes and schools located in Sothern Lebanon have benefited of medical monitoring, started from the 130 students of Alma Ash Shaab high school. Specifically, about 20 visits were carried out with its track by electrocardiogram and measurement of oxygen saturation, history and physical examination of the carotid pulses. These initiatives are contextualized within the support and assistance activities in favour of local population and institutions promoted by the multinational mission UNIFIL, in execution of Resolution 1701 of the Security Council of the United Nations.

The cardiac screening for children was inaugurated at the ned of last September by the Italian CIMIC staff in the educational center for disabled people of Ayta Ash Shaab, a southern Lebanon village, which houses 123 children aged between 2 and 25 years. Humanitarian interventions carried out by Italian contingent based on site are particularly appreciated by local people, who live in conditions of poverty and instability as a result of repeated conflicts with Israel and because of the near Syrian crisis.

Father Maroun Ghafari, director of the first institute monitored by medical units, expressed heartfelt gratitude to our soldiers for their continued support and attention devoted to his students.
Viviana Passalacqua


Viviana Passalacqua
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