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Middle East – Africa - page 35

Kuwait, Un donors’ conference: 80 countries helped Syrian population

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They donated 3,8 billion dollars. This aid will help several million people displaced from the beginning of civil war.

More than 80 countries decided to donate 3,8 billion dollars at a donors’ conference in Kuwait on Tuesday. The United Nation event served the purpose to find capitals to aid about 11 million Syrian people displaced from the beginning of civil war. Moreover, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Turkey received financial resources to help their populations. Eu committed around 1 billion euro.

Syria has become “the largest displacement crisis in the world” and “12.2 million people needed of aid”, said Un Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. A rising geopolitic and humanitarian emergency, which incited Un Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to call a donors conference for three consecutive years since 2013.

Giacomo Pratali


Syria: Amnesty International charges use of barrel bombs

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A report speaks about President al Assad crimes and people forced to escape underground because of carpet bombing.

“Sheer terror and unbearable suffering has forced many civilians in Aleppo to eke out an existence underground to escape the relentless aerial bombardment of opposition-held areas by government forces”, Amnesty International report on Sirya said.

President Bashar al Assad rejected barrel bombs and every attack on population. But Philip Luther, Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Programme, told about another Syrian context: “Widespread atrocities, in particular the vicious and unrelenting aerial bombardment of civilian neighbourhoods by government forces, have made life for civilians in Aleppo increasingly unbearable. These reprehensible and continual strikes on residential areas point to a policy of deliberately and systematically targeting civilians in attacks that constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity”.

Beyond these words, there are victims caused by barrel bombs, which “killed more than 3,000 civilians in Aleppo governorate last year, and more than 11,000 in Syria since 2012. Last month local activists recorded at least 85 barrel bomb attacks in Aleppo city that killed at least 110 civilians”, report said again.

Giacomo Pratali


Yemen: Saudi Arabia employed Us cluster bombs

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Human Rights Watch exposed Riyadh and Washington to use unexploded mines against Houtii rebels.

Saudi Arabia used Us-supplied cluster bombs against Houtii rebels. It’s disclosed by Human Right Watch, which explained to have evidence about it. Riyadh denied every charges, but some YouTube videos posted by local residents validated Hrw denunciation. Every cluster bomb leave behind about 300 unexploded mines. These should made from Us, which Hrw accused to procure them to Saudi Arabia aviation.

Meanwhile, Yemen will put in for accession to Gulf Cooperation Council (Gcc). Born in 1981, this International organization was founded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Uae, Kuwait, Bahrein and Oman as reaction to Iranian Revolution of 1979.

Yemen should be entered in Gcc in 2015 like other countries decided in 2005. After a monitoring decade, where members tried to help Yemen failure economy, this countries decide to bomb Houtii establishments to substain President Hadi. Now, Saudi Arabia and other nations have to set if Yemen’s admission will be a benefit or will damage Gulf countries.

Giacomo Pratali


Libya, immigration emergency: waiting for Eu solution

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More than 21000 migrants could reach Italy in 2015, after more 1700 died this year. So Eu leaders will have a summit today to hold this humanitarian emergency. As Eu Foreign Ministers have already discussed last Monday, it’s necessary an european way to create “a possible security and defence policy operation to this effect, in accordance with international law”, Eu foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said.




Today European Council is working on 10 points plan. More financial resources and extension from Frontex to Triton’s operation area. Fingerprinting of all migrants and immediately deportation for all irregulars. Checking and peace keeping operation in countries bordering on Libyan. Deploying teams for processing of asylum applications. People allocation between European countries.


Furthermore, it’ll be told about a military operation in Tripoli’s harbours, where migrant boats depart to reach Italy. But Tripoli government, “irregular” on International Community point of view, has not accepted this armied solution. The “probably next agreement between two Libyan governments”, how Special Representative of Un Support Mission in Libya Bernardino Leon reported few days ago, could stop if Eu bombed Libyan coasts.



Giacomo Pratali



Lybia: embassies of Morocco and South Korea targeted by jihadists

Two diplomatic buildings attacked in the last hours. They come after other two assaults on Egyptian and Algerian embassies.

Two attacks in Tripoli in the last hours. The first one happened close to Embassy of South Korea, where an armed group opened fire causing two victims. The second one was in front of Delegation of Morocco, empty in last months, where a device exploded but did not originate any victims. These two attempts come after other two latest attacks on Egyptian and Algerian embassies.

Nobody claimed these actions. But it’s clear that the attack on Morocco Embassy is aspiring to contrast Lybian negotiations so long as Rabat harbored them in the beginning of March. Peace talks between Tobruk and Tripoli has restarted on 13rd March.

Giacomo Pratali


Nigeria, a slaughter story put on paper

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The horror of the massacres jihadist viewed through the eyes of children. The Unhcr call so that refugees have the necessary assistance. The Boko Haram advance is ruining the country.

On Unicef initiative, through their drawings, the children of Baga Sola represented tragedy experienced in August 2014, when Boko Haram militants devastated the village. A dramatic representation of numbers connected to Nigerian population.

Unhcr, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, launched the Regional Refugee Response Plan, which should allow to find about 175 million dollars to aid 192000 Nigerians who gave up country. Indeed, Camerun, Chad and Niger received thousands of people who are needing economical, health and mental cares. Furthermore, several children are requiring of scholastic instruction.

But, after Buhari elections, fights are going on. Chadian and Nigerian troops killed about 300 jihadists on the borderline between Nigeria and Nigeria. While 30 people died after that Boko Haram militants dressed up preacher and bursted into Kwajafa village.

Giacomo Pratali


Yemen: Saudi coalition is targeting civilians

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People killed by Sunnis bombing are constantly increasing. Houtii are trying to conquer Aden. It’s crucial the International Community partecipation to stop civilians’ slaughter.

Yemen’s war is becoming more and more bloody. On the one hand, the Houthis are continuing their advance towards Aden. On the other hand, the Sunni coalition, led by Saudi Arabia and supported by United States, has targeted Sanaa, Shiite stronghold.

Over 200 deaths (74 children) and at least 1300 injured since two weeks ago: are figures of the recent clash between local rebels and the Saudi aviation. These numbers are even more dramatic if we think that the civil war of the millennium, between Shiites and regular army, brought almost 13 thousand people live in refugee camps. Same refugee camps affected by the Sunnis bombing.

While consultations are ongoing at the UN Security Council, Houthi leaders said they were ready to negotiate peace if the Sunni coalition would cease forcing by land and sea. Saudi King Salman said to be available to the ceasefire, but the events are proving wrong him.

Indeed, Riyadh is supporting the regular army yemen in an attempt to halt the advance Shiite at Aden. And, as reported by the Foreign Minister of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia has requested military aid.

In this story, the determining role is once again for United States. Yemen looks increasingly like the uncontrollable Afghanistan. However, this war could further increase the Islamic State pretensions in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Nigeria. Finally, it is not acceptable that Washington remains silent over this violation of international law against civilians.

Giacomo Pratali


Nigeria: Us and Gb suspects behind Buhari triumph

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Buhari has won in Nigeria election. Despite several million votes over his rival Goodluck, this achievement it’s nt clear for Us and Gb

The muslim Muhammadu Buhari has become the new Nigeria president after he has defeated the christian and former chairperson Jonathan Goodluck in election in last March. His party, Afc, has won for the first time after three consecutive failures. Despite 3 million over his rival, who’s congratulated him, United States and Great Britain has denounced possibile vote riggings.

As evidence of this, there are Buhari precedents. He’s an ex general and ex dictator who ruled from 1983 to 1985 during coup d’etat. Even if he lost three times, but however he’s the protagonist of brutality on christian population.

Buhari is been especially voted in Borno State, where Islamic State founded Caliphate in 2014. He said to want to fight the islamist organization during political campaign, but it’s possibile that he’d come to a pact with them. This scenario should lay Nigeria on the line not only in democratic point of view, but also in economic prospective. Indeed, several oil factories and Western States are present in Rivers State. So Us and Gb are monitoring context in order that it doesn’t become a new Libya.

Giacomo Pratali


Tunis, Bardo Museum: leader responsible of terrorist attack arrested

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Okba Bin Nafaa’s leader is been banged up by local police. This organization joined Islamic State some months ago

The Tunisian Ministry of the Interior announced which had arrested the head of the terrorist organization, guilty for the attacks to the Bardo Museum in Tunis. He lives in Belgium but is born in Tunisia. Group is called Okba Bin Nafaa and it’s also directed by Algerian Lokman Sakher Abou, who took the oath to the Islamic State and al Baghdadi at the end of 2014. In recent days, circa 20 suspects had already been in custody.

Investigations do not stop anyway. After the killing of the two terrorists during the blitz, Jaber Kachnaoui and Yassine Labidi, carried out by the Special Forces, Tunisian police is gunning for fugitive Maher Bin Al-Moulidi al Qaidi, although he hadn’t time to make the attempt.

Giacomo Pratali


Libya: Leon pushes through formation of national unity government

Middle East - Africa di

Head of the United Nations Support Mission is searching a quick solution to stop Islamic State advance. But President al Thani and General Haftar could sabotage the agreement between Tobruk and Tripoli.

Bernardino Leon reached Libya to meet Tobruk and Tripoli governments on 23rd March, after negotiations in Morocco. A possible solution to the instability of the North African country was originating during the last two days: “A government of national unity could be in place by the end of the week” , said Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya. Indeed, a solution is necessary because this context allowed Islamic State to capture Derna and Sirte.

First of all, the agreement could include the establishment of a House of Representatives which is an all Libyans legislative. Then, the establishment of a Presidential Council, composed of a Chairman and Vice-Chairmen, and a Council of State which collects the majority of two parliaments’ Members.

Fast Leon’s diplomatic action is due to the risk that President al Thani and General Haftar want to sabotage the agreement. Indeed, Tobruk government intends to reconquer Tripoli, like disclosed on 20th March, but International Community takes issue with this military action. Moreover, Libyan context could get worse because Misrata troops is actually fighting against jihadists in Sirte, but it’s opposed to General Haftar and Egypt.
Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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