Tunis, Bardo Museum: leader responsible of terrorist attack arrested

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Okba Bin Nafaa’s leader is been banged up by local police. This organization joined Islamic State some months ago

The Tunisian Ministry of the Interior announced which had arrested the head of the terrorist organization, guilty for the attacks to the Bardo Museum in Tunis. He lives in Belgium but is born in Tunisia. Group is called Okba Bin Nafaa and it’s also directed by Algerian Lokman Sakher Abou, who took the oath to the Islamic State and al Baghdadi at the end of 2014. In recent days, circa 20 suspects had already been in custody.

Investigations do not stop anyway. After the killing of the two terrorists during the blitz, Jaber Kachnaoui and Yassine Labidi, carried out by the Special Forces, Tunisian police is gunning for fugitive Maher Bin Al-Moulidi al Qaidi, although he hadn’t time to make the attempt.

Giacomo Pratali


Bookreporter Settembre

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