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Syrian UNHCR envoy: Israel aiding Al-Qaida-linked terrorists.

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Israel is helping terrorist groups in Syria including al-Qaida splinter group al-Nusra, Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Council Hussam Edin Aala charged in Geneva on Monday as he condemned the Israeli Air Force strike last Friday against military targets in his country. After the military aggression by Israel inside Syrian land is a proof of the support Israel provides to terrorist groups. According to Syria this is an act that violate the charter of the United Nation, international law and UN Security Council resolutions. Israel defends itself by saying that the airstrike was necessary to stop the flow of weapons to Hezbollah. Anyway the UNHRC is expected to pass a resolution at the end of this week that echoes that calls. It does so at every session.

The UN Security Council reaffirmed its intention to keep the situation in Yemen under continuos review

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Resolution 2342 was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council, which reaffirmed its intention to keep the situation in Yemen under continuos review. The resolution reaffirmed the need for the “full and timely” implementation of the political transition following the comprehensive National Dialogue Conference, in line with the Gulf Cooperation Council Initiative and Implementation Mechanism, and in accordance with Security Council resolutions and with regards to the Yemeni people expectations. The body that decided to renew the sanction until February 26th 2018 was composed by 15 members. It also decided to extend the mandate of the Panel of Experts until March 28th 2018

Geneva talks for peace in Syria are based on the broad mandate of a U.N. resolution

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Syria peace talks due to start this week in Geneva are based on the broad mandate of a U.N. resolution that asks the U.N. mediator to hold talks on a “political transition process”, an official involved in the talks said on Tuesday. Michael Contet, chief of staff of Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, told a regular U.N. briefing that de Mistura was putting the final touches to arrangements for the talks. “The invitations as well as the substantive agenda for the negotiations are all based on the wide scope of Security Council resolutions, in particular (U.N. Security Council Resolution) 2254, which is our main guidance in this process”.

UN Security Council resolution on 7-day ceasefire in Aleppo vetoed by Russia and China

Russia and China have vetoed a UN Security Council resolution on immediate seven-day ceasefire in the Syrian city of Aleppo, which was submitted by Egypt, New Zealand and Spain. The document was supported by 11 countries members of the Security Council, while Russia, China and Venezuela voted against it. Angola abstained. Before the vote, Russia’s UN envoy, Vitaly Churkin, said that the country would vote against the document, informing UNSC members of Moscow’s decision. The diplomat also said that Russian and US experts were due to meet in Geneva within the next few days to discuss a plan for the settlement in Aleppo, the major part of it being the withdrawal of gunmen from eastern Aleppo. He said the UN SC should have waited for the result of these consultations before voting on the resolution.

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