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The regional councils of Greater Tunis governorates and the Ile-de-France region signed a decentralised co-operation agreement on several areas of focus

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The regional councils of Greater Tunis governorates and the Ile-de-France region signed, on Tuesday in Tunis, a decentralised co-operation agreement on several areas of focus. The Agreement is been signed by Local Affairs and Enviroment Minister Riadh Moukher and President of the Ile-de-France region Valerie Pecresse, in the presence of the Ambassador of France in Tunis. Economic development, renewable energies, environment, education, training and youth are directly concerned by this agreement. “This is an ambitious and symbolic agreement” said Pecresse to Tap, adding this agreeement represents France’s will to aid Tunisia in his way of development. According to her around 500.000 French person have familial ties with Tunisia and around 30% of foreign inhabitants of France come from the Maghreb region.

Sirte, US could have destroyed Sirte IS within hours had it wanted

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A Bunyan Marsous commander stated that the United States saying that its airstrikes in Sirte have been “useless” and that if Washington had really wanted to, it could have destroyed IS positions and liberated Sirte within a few hours. The claim came today from Brigadier Ibrahim Bait, the spokesman for Misrata’s military council.

He added that America had the technology to end the terrorists’ resistance in a matter of hours, not months. He insisted that warplanes launched from Misrata were more effective than US aircraft in clearing the way for BM forces on the ground.

The US has now launched more than 200 strikes by fast jets, drones and helicopters, the majority believed to be from the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp.  Its operations began in August at the request of the Presidency Council. On Monday the Pentagon announced the strikes would continue for another month and indicated that he would now finding everywhere IS terrorists in Libya. The US Africa Command (AFRICOM) has resumed to hit tanks, truck bombs and terrorist strong points.

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