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1,000 educational farms program launched by the Ministry of Education

BreakingNews @en di

The Ministry of Education has just launched a pilot program to create 1,000 educational farms with a surface area of 5,000 m2 in schools, to strengthen students’ gains in food production and encourage them to take care of plantations. The initiative also aims to ensure food self-sufficiency in schools and to exploit the thousands of hectares of abandoned educational institutions, said a statement by the Ministry of Education issued on Tuesday. The “educational farm” started in the governorates of Zaghouan (Schools of El Manakaa and Jradou) and Gabes (school of Ramathi), the statement said, noting that this initiative helped these institutions to cover their notional and educational needs. This pilot project is part of an integrated strategic plan put in place by the Ministry of Education to provide school feeding to one million students in all primary schools by 2020. “All the necessary resources must be mobilised to implement this plan, as the school meal currently offered in schools does not meet the conditions of a balanced food meal due to lack of budget,” the source said.

First edition of Mediterranean Meetings in Human Resources: over 700 are going to partecipate

BreakingNews @en di

Over 700 business leaders, businessmen, human resources managers, academics and students from Tunisia, Algeria, France, Canada and several African countries are taking part in the 1st edition of the Mediterranean Meetings on Human Resources, held on November 4-5 in Yasmine Hammamet, President of the meeting Maha Chehata Meddeb told TAP. Under the theme of : “HR Prospective: Context and Challenges,” the event is organised by human resources managers in partnership with the Tunisian Institute of Strategic Studies (ITES). The goal is to develop a strategy to promote the management of human resources which will be submitted to ITES to serve as a reference in its prospective studies on Tunisia in 2025. ITES Director Hatem Ben Salem laid emphasis on the need for Tunisia to build a forward-looking vision on employment, investment, business, and human resources management taking into account the major transformations facing jobs and the markets in the next decades, as 50% of the current jobs will disappear he said by reference to several studies.

Lebanon, Alpina T. Brigade: cardiac screening for students

Defence/Middle East - Africa di

The activities performed by Italian Army in favor of local people carry on in South Lebanon.

The staff of the Alpina Taurinense Brigade followed up the activities of medical cardiological screening in synergy with the civil-military cooperation cell (CIMIC), composed of specialists who belong to the Multinational CIMIC Group of Motta di Livenza, and of medical units of “level 1” based in Shama, headquarter of the western sector of UNIFIL, under Italian command.

Students of institutes and schools located in Sothern Lebanon have benefited of medical monitoring, started from the 130 students of Alma Ash Shaab high school. Specifically, about 20 visits were carried out with its track by electrocardiogram and measurement of oxygen saturation, history and physical examination of the carotid pulses. These initiatives are contextualized within the support and assistance activities in favour of local population and institutions promoted by the multinational mission UNIFIL, in execution of Resolution 1701 of the Security Council of the United Nations.

The cardiac screening for children was inaugurated at the ned of last September by the Italian CIMIC staff in the educational center for disabled people of Ayta Ash Shaab, a southern Lebanon village, which houses 123 children aged between 2 and 25 years. Humanitarian interventions carried out by Italian contingent based on site are particularly appreciated by local people, who live in conditions of poverty and instability as a result of repeated conflicts with Israel and because of the near Syrian crisis.

Father Maroun Ghafari, director of the first institute monitored by medical units, expressed heartfelt gratitude to our soldiers for their continued support and attention devoted to his students.
Viviana Passalacqua


Nigeria and Cameroon: over 70 killed

Middle East - Africa di

Boko Haram have still signed other slaughters. About 200 victims since beginning of July. The Jihadist organization have also offered the 200 Chibok students kidnapped in April 2014 in return for sixteen detained militants.

Boko Haram is continuing to claim victims. Over 70 killed in the last days in State of Borno and in Fotokol, Cameroon, Terroristic organization is revealing its vitality after the African countries alliance in the last months.

After the condemnation of the United Nations, President Buhari has removed the leaders of the Armed Forces, following criticism received. However, after the bloody actions of this July, which weaked many Muslim religion victims, it’s clear that Boko Haram is judging as a “traitor” the new head of state elected in March because it’s a moderate Muslim. And it justifies last slaughters in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad.

Meanwhile, on 8th July, a NGO’s representative have reported an exchange proposed by Boko Haram to the Nigerian government. The terrorist organization would release 200 Chibok students, abducted in April 2014, in exchange for sixteen jihadists captured by the army.
Giacomo Pratali


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