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Sameh Shoukry

Alfano proves tortures to Regeni with testimony of five Egyptian agent.

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Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said he had asked Egyptian counterpart Sameh Choukry “in a very clear and frank way” to see that all documents on tortured and murdered student Giulio Regeni requested by Rome prosecutors “be sent as soon as possible”.  Alfano told that he have some proves of tortures with testimony of five Egyptian agent. For his part, Choukry, has sicured his Italian counterpart to do all he can to resolve the situation, which means replace an Italian ambassador in Egypt, removed after the case.

Sudan’s Foreign Minister and his Egyptian counterpart meet to contain a muffled crisis between the two countries

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Sudan’s Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ghandour and his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shukry will meet in Khartoum in the first half of April in an attempt to contain a muffled crisis between the two countries. Indeed, Tensions between Khartoum and Cairo have escalated following the former’s decision to restrict imports of Egyptian farming products which was reciprocated by Cairo’s decision to raise residency fees for Sudanese living in Egypt. But both countries have expressed their wishes to strengthen their cooperation and overpass this misunderstanding.

Sameh Shoukry: Egypt’s support for Libya continues

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Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shoukry made a phone call to the president of the Libyan presidential council, Fayez Al-Sarraj, in which their discussions mainly focused on the updates of the situation in Libya. Shoukry has confirmed his sustain to Libyan unification, and to the government of Tripoli, leaded by Al-Sarraj.  Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies has confirmed the effectiveness role of Egypt in the resolution of the Libyan’s crisis. Egypt, as leading power in the Middle-East, is confirming its capacity to manage regional conflicts, even if the Libyan situation still oscillates between anarchy and stability.

Shoukry, EU FMs discussed advancing relations

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For the first time, the EU’s foreign affairs council has accepted an other member to take part of discussions. After the recall of the cooperation during the few last years, Shoukry has expressed his vision of the 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy—announced in February 2016—as a reference for the Egyptian side to negotiate on priorities of engagement with the European Union, in order to ensure the implementation of the national development agenda. It is the beginning of a new partnership said Abu Zaid, between Egypt and EU. the EU ministers expressed full appreciation for the central role played by Egypt in working to find possible solutions for issues in the Middle East, with the Libyan crisis as a top priority. They were also appreciative of Egypt’s role in the resumption of negotiations between Palestine and Israel, as well as its efforts to counter terrorism.

US Secretary of State promises Egypt FM more aid for Cairo's counter-terrorism efforts

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US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson promised more aid for Cairo’s counter-terrorism efforts and economic development plan during a meeting with Egyptian counterpart SamehShoukry in Washington on Monday, adding that the Washington considers Cairo a real partner in the Middle East. The two officials stressed during their meeting the special and strategic ties that have binded the two countries for decades, vowing more cooperation on all levels. Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said that Shoukry updated his US counterpart on the latest economic and security developments in Egypt, as well as the country’s counter-terrorism efforts. The two ministers also discussed a range of regional issues, including the Syrian crisis, where Shoukry stressed the importance of reaching a political solution to the conflict in a way that preserves the country’s territorial integrity and national institutions and achieves the hopes of the Syrian people. Shoukry also spoke with Tillerson about Egypt’s political efforts to end the crisis in Libya in accordance with the UN-brokered Skhirat agreement of 2015. On the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Egyptian FM stressed the necessity of establishing a Palestinian state, pointing to Cairo’s efforts to return both sides to the negotiating table.
Shoukry will also discuss with US officials preparations for Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s upcoming visit to the US to meet with President Donald Trump, which will be the first meeting between an Egyptian and US president in years. The last official meeting in Washington of the countries’ two leaders was between former presidents Hosni Mubarak and George W. Bush in 2004.

Tunisia, Egypt and Algeria have unveiled a fresh initiative to further political reconciliation in Libya

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At the end of two days of talks on Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Algeria have unveiled a fresh initiative to further political reconciliation in the country, but say any solution must be based on the December 2015 Skhirat agreement. The move follows the failure of Egyptian-hosted attempts at a meeting between Presidency Council head FaiezSerraj and the eastern military supremoKhalifaHafter. The three countries hope to organise a successful meeting between the pair. The ‘Tunis Declaration’, signed by Egyptian foreign minister SamehShoukry, Algerian Minister for Maghreb, African and Arab Affairs AbdelkaderMessahel and Tunisian foreign minister KhemaiesJhinaoui, also rejected foreign intervention or the use of force in finding a resolution and called for a unified Libyan military operating alongside the country’s various state institutions. At a press conference in Tunis today, the three said their countries would “step up efforts to achieve comprehensive reconciliation”. However, they added, ultimately “a viable settlement can only be achieved by the Libyan people themselves”. They also announced Algiers would host a further tripartite summit to further explore remedies to the crisis in Libya. No date was given. Tunisian president BejiCaidEssebi joined the deliberations for part of them.

Shoukry meets Tunisian president, Algerian FM to activate tripartite summit to resolve Libyan crisis

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Egypt’s minister of foreign affairs Sameh Shoukry met with Tunisian president BejiCaid Essebsi and Algeria’s foreign affairs minister Ramtane Lamamra on Monday to continue discussions over Libya’s situation and further steps to activate the Tunisian initiative to resolve the Libyan crisis by the cooperation and coordination of the three countries. A joint statement is scheduled to be released to declare the results agreed upon in the meeting.In the trilateral ministerial meeting, Shoukry, Tunisian foreign affairs minister Khamis Al-Aghinawa, and Algerian minister of Maghreb affairs, African Union, and Arab League, AbdelkaderMessahel met and reviewed their recent communications and discussions conducted with various Libyan factions on the political scene to bridge different views. Shoukry praised the Tunisian president for his efforts to find an escape route from the current political stalemate, stressing that Egypt, Tunisia, and Algeria are the most affected by Libya’s ongoing instability. He also stressed that there is an alternative to the comprehensive political solution in Libya and confirmed the rejection of any foreign interference, as well as the commitment to the restoration of stability in Libya and fighting terrorism.

Libyan High Council of State agrees to meet Libyan House of Representatives delegation in Cairo to reach a political settlement to the Libyan civil conflict

Members of Libya’s High Council of State have agreed to meet a delegation from the Libyan House of Representatives in Cairo as part of talks hosted by Egypt to reach a political settlement to the Libyan civil conflict, according to Egypt’s army spokesman. Egypt’s Army Chief of Staff Mahmoud Hegazi, who is mediating talks between Libyan factions, received on Thursday the delegation from Libya’s High Council of State with the attendance of Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoukry. Talks were held on Monday and Tuesday between the chairman of the Libyan Presidential Council Fayaz Al-Sarraj, who is based in the capital Tripoli in the west of the country and is recognised by the UN as the country’s president, and Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar and Parliament Speaker Aguila Saleh, who both represent the House of Representatives in eastern Libya’s Tobruk. Attendants of the meeting expressed their appreciation for the Egyptian role to reach a solution to the Libyan crisis, calling on Libya’s House of Representatives to make use of this opportunity to save the situation in the country. Over the past months, Cairo has held meetings with different Libyan political factions, where Egypt has stressed the need for a political consensus to end the crisis in the country.

Guterres met El-Sisi to discuss cooperation between Egypt and the UN

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated there is no alternative solution to the two-state solution in resolving the conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis. Guterres statement came during a joint press conference with Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry in Cairo. Guterres met with President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi Wednesday to discuss regional developments and cooperation between Egypt and the United Nations. On regional issues, the UN chief underlined the importance of carrying on with the Geneva track on ending the Syrian crisis, as well as providing a suitable atmosphere for reaching national reconciliation in Libya.

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