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Ramadan @en

OIC Chief urges Islamic Ummah to help refugees, poor families.

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The General Secretary of Organization for Islamic Cooperation, Al-Othaimeen, expressed greetings to Islamic Ummah in occasion of starting Ramadan. He has also mentioned humanitarian crises, which still affects islamic and muslims communities, remembering them how it is important to stay side by side in these difficult moments. In addition to this, he also recalled the intervention of Humanitarian Organizations, including also Member States of OIC, to help islamic people, specially families in poverty. He has also mentioned refugees and necessity of hosting them. Al-Othaimeen has also stressed the possibility of showing main values, which characterize Islam, during the Ramadan Month: tolerance, altruism, moderation, generosity and mutual coexistence. In conclusion, it is also remember for the second time it will start Social Media Photo Competition, which is open to all Muslims aged 18 above all member states of OIC and observer States.

UN envoy on Yemen in new bid to revive peace talks

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The UN envoy to Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, has the duty of pushing Yemen’s peace consultation, even if the grown humanitarian alarm. The UN Envoy will meet the Saudi and Yemeni authorities in Riyadh during the month of Ramadan. The purpose of this other speaking round is to led the peace consultation. The aim of this meeting will be to reach and to sign a peace agreement before of Ramadan. Since the begin of this war, there were about 7 attempting ceasefire agreements, but all of them have failed.

Nigeria: 145 killed during Ramadan

Boko Haram kills again in the state of Borno. People were slaughtered because they were considered Muslim moderate. The African coalition plods along the advance of the Caliphate, despite the arrest of a leader of the terroristic organization.

Boko Haram slayed 150 Muslim believers to Mussaram e Kukawa, in Stato di Borno (Nigeria), yesterday. Jihadists raid on two village’s mosques while people are praying during Ramadan. Killed also women and children remained at home.

The choice of the Caliphate to strike in this period is not accidental. As occurred in Kuwait, Nigerian terrorists have massacred these faithful because they were considered too moderate compared to their conception of Islam.

Since June onwards, Boko Haram has reconquered many villages in northern Nigeria, as well as it’s also hit in N’Djamena, capital of Chad. The early wins of the African military coalition are frustated. And, despite Bahna Fanaye, one of the leader of terroristic group and chief of arms trade, the Caliphate has strengthen in West Africa.
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