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Trump would accept, on Jinping request, to continue with the “one China” policy, inaugurated by President Nixon in the ’70s

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The White House says that the telephone conversation between President Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping was very friendly, according to official statements Trump would accept, on Jinping request, to continue with the “one China” policy, inaugurated by President Nixon in the ’70s. The tension between the US and China had become stronger when Trump had admitted that the “one China” policy was a limit to the United States in relations with Beijing, after “clashed” several times the two leaders have given themselves appointment for an official meeting, not yet scheduled.

Trump prohibit access in the country to certain categories of people to protect national security but the measure could be in conflict with the 1st amendment

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The Court of Appeals of San Francisco confirmed the block at the Travel Ban signed on January 27th by President Trump, according to the Court, the President is empowered to prohibit access in the country to certain categories of people to protect national security but the measure of Trump could be in conflict with the 1st amendment and therefore the President should have consulted the Supreme Court on the matter. Trump’s reaction was not long in coming through Twitter has promised that the legal battle is not over yet and it was decided to have recourse to the Supreme Court, many legal experts agree with the position taken by the Court of Appeal and make note that a possible ruling of the Supreme Court could be a danger to the President sight the equal composition that is to say 4 Liberals and four Conservatives.

Trump has set the war against Islamic State militants as a top priority

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will receive a phone call from United States President Donald Trump on Thursday evening as per a request from the latter. This would be the first phone call Trump makes with Abadi since he assumed U.S. presidency on January 20th. Alsumaria News quoted “an informed political source” a saying that the call will tackle political and security developments in Iraq and the Middle East, but did not mention specifics, like the muslism ban. Trump has set the war against Islamic State militants as a top priority for his administration and during a precedent call on 18th january Trump pledged support for Iraq and invited the Iraqi premier to visit the United States.

Significant decrease in demand for air flights to the USA from the time when Donald Trump took office

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The App Hopper, who predicts the price of air travel, from the time when Donald Trump took office there was a significant decrease in demand for air flights to the USA, hopper is present in 122 countries and in 94 of these the demand decreased, the total reduction estimated is around 17%, in the case of Colombia was 2%. Curiously, however, while worldwide decreases the demand for air links with the U.S. in a country such requests increased quite a bit, it is Russia, in fact, according to data provided there was an increase in demand equal to 88%.

President Putin hopes to meet President-elect Trump soon in Washington

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Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke to the press in the usual year-end speech, he responded to questions on various topics, spoke highly of the U.S.-Russia relationship, not good during the eight years of the Obama presidency. Putin praised the decisions of President-elect Donald Trump, with which it hopes to meet soon in Washington, has harshly criticized both President Obama and Hillary Clinton, in particular has once again rejected accusations of interference in the elections of November, accusing the leaders of the Democratic Party of lying to voters.

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