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military operation

Haradh battlefront’s leader killed during clashes

Houthi leader of Haradh battlefront, Mohammed Ali al-Arjali was killed, during clashes on Tuesday, Al Arabiya sources revealed. Yemen’s National Army had initiated a wide military operation against Houthis and ousted President Saleh with the support of the coalition aircrafts. The coalition had paved the way for these operations through a series of shells targeting militias’ sites in Haradh, Midi and the Tawal border crossing. Field military sources reported that these artillery bombing engendered dozens of deaths and injuries in the ranks of the militias. Dozens others were detained and military vehicles and equipment were also destroyed. Meanwhile Saudi Arabia’s air defense systems destroyed a Houthi missile on Tuesday, headed to Najran.

Libya: International Community is waiting Tripoli

Crucial week for the composition of national unity government. Italian Foreign Minister Gentiloni and the UN ambassador Leon are pressing Tripoli Prime Minister Abusahmin. After the agreement, International Community could decide on military operation. But Isis has published a video against Tobruk executive branch.

“This is a warning to Haftar and his companions, the atheists who gather in Parliament, we will not be tolerant, we will have pleasure to slit yours throats.” These are the words of jihadist Abu Yahya Al-Tunsi in a video posted (“Message of Sirte”) on internet by ISIS. The threats to the Tobruk government have arrived in crucial week for the formation of the national unity government because Tripoli will must decide if it wants to sign deal.

Last 1st August, Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni Bernardino Leon and the UN mediator met Prime Minister Nuri Abusahmin Tripoli in Algeria. They tried to follow up Shikat agreement of two weeks ago, when all factions, except the government supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, agreed on Libyan national unity government. Despite many difficulties in the negotiations in recent months, Tripoli has continued to negotiate: so agreement could be not so far.

This deal is urgent for International Community, especially for the Eu. After institution of Libyan national unity government, an Un military mission could start. It could include Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain and the United States which, according to La Repubblica, would provide only logistical support to the operation.

Meanwhile, on August 3rd another video was broadcast on internet. It documents torture suffered by Al-Saadi Gaddafi, the Rais second son, in Tripoli prison. These bloody images bring the opening of an investigation by the Attorney General of Tripoli.
Giacomo Pratali


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