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Libya and Uganda in hot legal argument over UTL

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The Libyan government has issued a warning to the Ugandan government over the latter’s move to repossess shares of the Libyan government in Uganda Telecom Limited (UTL). “The Libyan government counsel in Uganda, made the remark shortly after the Ugandan government made the decision to take over the assets and liabilities of the indebted Telecom company in which the Libyan government owns 69% majority share”. Since the end of Ghadaffi in 2011, UTL has knew a poor management. This withdraw could have an impact on diplomatic relations between Uganda and Libya.

Benghazi Defence Brigades quit Jufra as PC defence minister orders action against LNA

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New evolutions in conflicts opposing the LNA (Libyan National Army) and BDB (Benghazi Defence Brigade) in the country. The Benghazi Defence Brigade has announced that it has pulled out of Jufra airbase near Hun and handed it over the general chief of staff of the Libyan army (the army supporting the Presidency Council). It says it has gone to another location, but has not disclosed there this it. However, in Tamenhint airbase, BDB is still in sate of siege by LNA. The PC (Presidency Council) of Tripoli ordered to its forces to move to Southern Libya to fight LNA and the Islamic State in the area, under the so-called operation: Al-Amal Al-Muad (“The Promise of Hope”).

Kobler in political discussions in Tripoli

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On Thursday, Martin Kobler, UN special envoy for Libyan crisis, was in Tripoli, for a political meeting with Serraij (Presidency Council-PC) and State Council President Abdulrahman Sewehli. Kobler has also met some deputies of HoR (House of Representatives) who are now in Tripoli. Kobler told that organization of a meeting between HoR and State Council is the main priority. He told at the end of meetings “Libya will rise again”.

Libya: Military operation launched to target fuel smugglers operating at sea

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The Fuel Crisis Committee, originally established by the Presidency Council’s government of national accord to find solutions to the shortage of fuel in Tripoli, yesterday launched what is being called “Operation Mediterranean Storm” to counter the smuggling of Libya’s subsidised fuel by sea. In cooperation with NOC (Libyan National Oil Corporation) they try to block fuel smuggling by land to Tunisia. However, to preserve the discretion they refute to tell the press of their operations. During an exchange of fire with Libyan Coast-Guard (under GNA force) 4 oil smuggler had been killed.

Libya: Italy’s ambassador meets HoR speaker in Tobruk for political discussions

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The Italian ambassador in Libya, Giuseppe Perrone, has arrived in Tobruk to meet with the House of Representatives’ Speaker, Aguilah Saleh, to discuss the current political affairs in the country. According to the media office of the HoR, Perrone will discuss about the statu quo in Libya. This will enforce Italian position in Libya. Italy had been the first country to reopen an embassy in Libya, it has also started to issue visas for Libyans three days ago, and offered to open an Italian consulate in eastern Libya.

MSF-MoU between Libya and Italy perilous to migrants

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Last February, Italy (and EU) has signed an agreement with Libya to maintain the migration, to control their borders. The agreement previous to send economical help to Libya, to help the country to contain migration, but also to built some refugees camps. However, Arjan Hehenkamp, general director of MSF (Doctors Without Borders), told on Monday that the idea that migrants can be housed in a humane way on Libyan soil “is simply impossible”. He underlined the unsafe situation of Libyan State, and added that it’s impossible now, to “think that Libya can be considered part of the solution”. The EU has so far trained about 90 people to work in the Libyan Coast Guard and Italy has promised to give them 10 patrol boats. Thus the solution to fight against human traffic in Libya revealed itself all the problem of Libyan chaos.

Libya war: Haftar forces accused of war crimes over alleged civilian killings

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New allegation of violences from East Libyan Army. Starving residents of a besieged neighbourhood in the eastern city of Benghazi were killed by members of Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA) as they tried to flee aboard a bus to find food last month, relatives of the victims have told Middle East Eye. Around 25 peoples had been killed during those exactions. The Human Right Watch, asked General Haftar to fulfil investigations.

Siala in first Libyan official visit to Poland since revolution

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The situation in Libyan together with the potential return of the Polish embassy and of Polish oil, construction and other companies were among the main subjects of discussion in talks in Warsaw on Thusday and Friday between the Presidency Council’s foreign affairs minister and the Polish government. It was the first time since the revolution in 2011 that a Libyan official went in Poland. Warsaw has recalled its willingness to see the Libyan stability soon, for the Libyan people but also to increase their bilateral relation.

Lybians tribals and women leaders delegation: urge UN to take a balanced approach to Libya's crisis

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A delegation of Libyan tribal leaders and women leaders has called on the UN to take a balanced approach to the Libyan peace process. The delegation from the National Movement for Libya (NML) met with UN officials and U.S. government representatives while visiting New York and Washington D.C. to discuss the UN-led peace process in Libya.  After have recalling the collapsing of Libyan State since 2011, they have called UN to collabaorate with Libyan tributes

Italian's companies hungry for Libyan business "but not at the cost of their lives"

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Italian’s companies still in doubt in their installation in Libya. Indeed, the fear to install Italian companies in Libya remains after the murder of thwo Italian investors last year. And, moreover that security condition, Italy has officially sustained the UN-backed Government of National Accord, in Tripoli, and that has created tentions with the East of Libya, guided by General Haftar. Italian society Emaco, is one of the last Italian society working in Libya, and in all Libyan parts since the faling of Muhamar Ghedaffi. Recent position taking from Rome, could improve the implementation of Italian companies in the country, with the announce of Rome to reopen de deliverance of visa for Libyan citizens.

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