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Libia @en - page 2

Libya: press and media are among the world’s least free

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Reporters without Borders, has declassified Libya in its annual report. In its annual report released yesterday, the French watchdog put Libya 163 of the 180 countries it surveyed. It noted that since the Revolution in 2011, more than 50 journalists had fled into exile after colleagues had been murdered, kidnapped or beaten up. Moreover, the climate of repression is worsening. Libya’s ranking was one slot down over last year. The organisation accused Libya to be a theatre for kidnapping and execution of journalists, but also of psychological pressure on them. Reporters Without Borders, asks international community to take in consideration the statue of these journalists to protect them.

Al-Serraj met at the Council's headquarters here the Russian delegation

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Tripoli and Moscow continue their cooperation after official Al-Serraj visit to Moscow. The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al-Serraj on Tuesday met at the Council’s headquarters here the Russian delegation led by Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bugdanov the personal envoy of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This visit aims to continue the impulsion created by Al-Serraj visit to Moscow. Russia told to Libya, that their relations will go back to the former level soon. Both countries had been agreed on an increasing of cooperation between both, and also a Russian help in front of the escalation of violences in Libya.

Kobler meets Al-Serraj in Tripoli to discuss political process

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The UN delegate to Libya, Martin Kobler, met with the Head of the Presidential Council, Fayez Al-Serraj in Tripoli on Tuesday to inform him about the results of his meeting at the UN Security Council in New York. The two men also talked about the implementation of LPA (Libyan Political Accord), especially on the cooperation between different parts of Libyan political spectrum. Kobler recalled the decision of the UN Security Council of a “non-intervention” in Libya, with a military way, however Al-Serraj, told to Kobler, that in front of violence escalation in South Libya, the dialogue is impossible.

Breakthrough meeting in Rome between Ageela Saleh and Abdulrahman Sewehli

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A new path toward Libyan unification, in contrast of recents fights in the country. The presidents of the House of Representatives, Ageela Saleh, and the State Council, Abdulrahman Sewehli, met today in Rome and agreed to work together to resolve the Libyan crisis. The common statement at the end of the meeting announced futures meeting in next weeks. Both Libyan representants, thanked Italian Foreign Minister to have organize this.

UN Security Council Discusses the Libyan Crisis

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Widespread conflicts could return to Libya, yet the Libyan agreement could be amended to overcome the current political impasse, according to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. UN SecretaryGeneral recalled the importance to reach, as soon as possible, an agreement to stop current Libyan evolution toward an other civil war. UNSMIL responsable (United Nations Support in Libya), Martin Kobler, suggested the UN increases its support to the security, economy and political process in the country as means to put an end to the Libyan crisis. He also recalled that a large part of Libyans still support LPA (Libyan Political Agreement) signed on December 2015. Guterres urged Libyan political fractions to find a consensus to stabilize the country, he also evoked his worries about Human Rights in the coutnry.

Southern fightings risks political process as well as lives says EU

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EU has expressed its worries on Libyan clashes, which are taking place in South Libya. “The clashes and
escalation of violence in the south of Libya endanger the political process and put Libyan citizens’ lives at risk” it
said in a statement today. EU has also recalled the necessity to pass by negotiation to put a end to the conflict
which is dividing the country since 2015. The statement said that as part of the quartet with the UN, Arab League
and African Union, the EU would continue to support a political settlement based on the UN Security Council’s
framework. Which means that an accord need to be find under the LPA (Libyan Political Agreement) signed on
December 2015 under UN supervision.

Al-Sirraj: Internatinal community must put the kibosh on military escalation in south Libya

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The Head of the UN-proposed government’s Presidential Council, Fayez Al-Sirraj, has called for an immediate intervention by the international community to stop the current military escalation in southern Libya, which he said is threatening the stability of the country. The urge of Al-Sirraj came in an open letter sent to the Secretary-Generals of the Arab League, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, United Nations, and the Chairman of the African Union Commission, as well as the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The shadow of the civil war is coming back on Libya

LNA airforce hits Third Force positions outside Sebha

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Last Friday, LNA (Libyan National Army) has launched an attack against Misrata’s Third Force, near Sebha airport. This attack followed an other 3 kilometres more at the north, which has targeted a Turkish company accused to help Third Force forces, according to LNA. Sebha municipality, in an official statement from Tuesday (publish only on Friday) urged both forces to stop fighting to preserve civil lives. They also hope to reopen Tamenhint airbase, closed in mid-January. Municipality also calls Tripoli government to increase the protection of South borders of the country from drug and terrorism especially.

Al-Wafa pipeline reopened, NOC scorns allegations LNA using its airstrips

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The National Oil Corporation (NOC) has rejected accusations it allowed Libyan National Army (LNA) planes to launch and then attack its targets in the south from the Al-Feel oilfield airstrips. Actually the oilfield is under Presidency Council (PC) and the affiliated guard the so-called Petroleum Facilities Guard (PFG).Salem Abu Rawi spokesman for the ‘Desert Rage’ operation in the south, claimed that the LNA were using the airstrip to strike targets in the south and thus inflicting misery on civilians. In front of the situation NOC (Libyan National Oil Corporation) asked to different forces to stop to drop its organisation in a political conflict, so between different political forces which are trying to lead the country.

IOM: African migrants sold in modern-day slave markets in Libya

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The UN International Organization of Migration (IOM), has revealed that west African illegal migrants are being traded in open slave markets in Libya. Libya is the main way for migrants to reach Europe, since the closure of Turkey-Greek border. For a large part of them, they have no identity document and no money. This situation has created the emergence of human traffic in the country. The captives are made to work with no remuneration and meager meals and the captives’ families are often called and threatened for a ransom of around 300,000 west African francs, or US$472. In some cases, migrants are put in illegal prisons, and/or killed by smugglers

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