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Rouhani says regional stability without Iran is impossible

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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the Middle East won’t see stability without the help of Iran, responding to criticism of the Islamic Republic from U.S. President Donald Trump. “Who can say regional stability can be restored without Iran? Who can say the region will experience total stability without Iran?” Rouhani said during a press conference, broadcast live on state television. Iran’s president also dismissed a summit which was attended by Trump on Sunday (May 21) in Saudi Arabia as a “ceremonial [event] that had no political value and will bear no results”. Rouhani added that the U.S. administration lacked knowledge about the Middle East. “Americans resorted to many different methods against Iran but failed in all … We are waiting for the new government to find stability and continuity in its policies”, Rouhani said. “The problem is that the Americans do not know our region and those who advise U.S. officials are misleading them”, he continued. U.S. President Donald Trump arrived at the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Sunday along with leaders of more than 50 Muslim countries. Trump said Muslim countries must lead the fight against radicalization in a speech during the summit, adding the deadliest attacks have been carried out against Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern nations by the militant groups. “In sheer numbers the deadliest toll has been exacted on Arab, Muslim and Middle Eastern nations”, he said. “More than 95% of the victims of terrorism are themselves Muslim”. Trump also said in a speech from Jerusalem on Monday that Iran must immediately stop its financial and military support for “terrorists and militias” and he reiterated that it never be permitted to possess atomic arms. The United States brands Iran a “state sponsor of terrorism.” It says Tehran’s support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria’s civil war, Houthi rebels in Yemen’s civil war and the Hezbollah Shia political party and militia in Lebanon have helped destabilize the Middle East.


Iran-Latin America trade volume nearly $4bn

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The current volume of trade transactions between Iran and Latin American countries stands at nearly $4 billion, but there is more capacity for cooperation, head of the Americas at Iran’s Foreign Ministry said.          Director General for the Americas at Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Mohammad Keshavarz-Zadeh, made the remarks on Monday during a review session of opportunities for cooperation between Iran and Latin American countries. He stressed that there is no obstacle to expansion of ties with Latin America and there is a strong political will on the Iranian side for developing relations with that side of the world. In addition to cooperation in mine and mining industries, Iran welcomes expansion of cooperation in the fields of heavy industries, aerospace, biotechnology, and nanotechnology, he added. He stressed that Foreign Ministry will support all Iranian companies wishing to have an active presence in Latin America. According to Keshavarz-zadeh, many problems currently hampering the expansion of relations between Iran and the Latin American countries is due to a lack of knowledge of the existing opportunities and capacities. He added the visits of Foreign Minister Zarif and President Rouhani to various Latin American countries in the past two years indicates Iran’s keen interest in developing ties with these nations. The volume of foreign trade of the Islamic Republic of Iran excluding oil exports in 2016 reached nearly $90 billion, with $43.9 billion in exports and $43.6 in imports.

Iran, Canada firm on reestablishing diplomatic ties

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Iran’s deputy FM Ghashghavi said the Canadian government has voiced eagerness to reestablish ties with Iran and the Islamic Republic is also seeking to have dignified relations with the North American country.  Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary and Iranian Affairs Hassan Ghashghavi made the remark in a radio interview on Saturday while discussing the holding of Iran’s 12th presidential election abroad. According to him, the elections will be held in 103 countries, while Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Canada have been excluded from the list due to lack of diplomatic ties. While Iran was not too concerned with placing ballot boxes in Saudi Arabia and Sudan due to the small number of Iranians living there, Canada – currently home to 400,000 Iranians – was a completely different story. “We made a lot of efforts to make it possible for the Iranians living in Canada to take part in the election, but unfortunately due to lack of diplomatic ties and some technical issues, we have been unable to do so”, he said. Ghashghavi went on to add that given the fact that only one week remains until the election, it will be highly unlikely that the two countries would arrive at an agreement on this issue.


Tehran, Kuala Lumpur draft banking cooperation agreement.

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The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) Annual Meetings and Side Events 2017 was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on April 04-06, co-hosted by the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Bank Negara Malaysia. Dr. Valiollah Seif, Governor of Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran was the Chairperson of the IFSB for 2017. The meetings brought together the key stakeholders of the Islamic financial services industry which include regulatory and supervisory authorities, industry and market players, multilateral organizations, academics, Islamic finance practitioners and members of the public.


Meeting Jewish leaders, Al Sissi is optimistic on Israeli-Arab peace.

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Last Wednesday, president Al Sissi has met Jewish leaders during a meeting with  informal advisers to US President Donald Trump and representatives of an array of Jewish groups. Al-Sissi expressed guarded optimism about peace process between Arabs and Israel. Sissi praised Trump, with whom he met earlier in the week, for seeking to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations, but cautioned against rushing the talks. Sissi at the meeting also called for a bid to roll back Iranian influence in the region but cautioned against elevating tensions with the Islamic Republic to a military conflict, saying that would be disastrous.


Iran good neighbour, reliable partner: Putin.

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The meeting between Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin was held on Tuesday evening as part of Rouhani’s two-day visit to Moscow. Putin, while deeming Iran as a good neighbour and trustable partner, said the two sides have held diplomatic ties for the past 500 years. “Tehran and Moscow have hold partnership in all areas which entails international affairs as well as resolving extremely complicated issues in political and economic sectors”, he continued. Also at the meeting, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said cooperation between Russia and the Islamic Republic is not directed against third countries, but is aimed at strengthening stability in the region.

Washington seeking to tighten anti-Tehran sanctions.

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A bipartisan group of US senators in Congress on Thursday introduced a bill that would impose tighter sanctions against Iran over its ballistic missile tests and other non-nuclear activities. The legislation would set mandatory sanctions for anyone involved with Iran’s missile program and those who trade with them. It would also apply sanctions to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC). Iran, however, maintains that none of its missiles have been designed to be capable of carrying nuclear warheads, because nuclear weapons have basically no place in the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine. Iranian officials have underlined that the country will continue with its missile activity and that Tehran needs no permission from any country for enhancing its defense capabilities.

Iran dismisses US allegations of terrorist activities.

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Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi took a swipe at Washington for resorting to “false and baseless” allegations against the Islamic Republic, after the US administration imposed sanctions on two men from Bahrain, placed them on a terrorist list, and accused Iran of providing arms to rebels in the Arab country. The US Department of State said in a statement on Friday that Ahmad Hassan Yousuf and Mortada Majid Ramadan Alawi have been placed on the terrorist list in accordance with a previous executive order for those who pose threats to US interests.


The Islamic Republic is not going to allow the US to overstep its redlines

Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said the Islamic Republic is not going to allow the US to overstep its redlines. “Today, Iran is stronger (than the US) both politically and strategically and has great capabilities in all fields, which Washington does not favor”. Iran has specific redlines in the region and we will never allow the US to cross them, Boroujerdi said in an interview.“Americans have always been seeking to defeat Iran and its allies (in the region), the Resistance (Front) in particular, but have failed to do so,” he added.

President Rouhani says Iran is not an international threat

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The President Rouhani said in a cerimony at Theran university “By capitalizing on the dispute over Iran’s nuclear issue, they wanted to persuade others that the Islamic Republic is a threat against security and stability of its neighbors as well as Europe and the global peace”. He added that the country has to let the world realize that Iran is no international threat and that Washington and Tel Aviv are misguiding the world.

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