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Serbia and Spain have high level of bilateral cooperation

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Intergovernmental bilateral cooperation between Serbia and Spain is at a very high level, Ivica Dacic and his Spanish hosts have agreed. According to the Serbian government, the officials said that there is full compliance in the positions of the two countries regarding the respect for the principles of international law and territorial integrity of states, and that excellent political relations give impetus to the improved development of economic, educational and cultural cooperation. During the talks with senior Spanish officials it was estimated that the support of this country to the process of Serbia’s European integration is “essential to our success on that path”.

What will the African policy of French President Emmanuel Macron be?

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No step backward in the fight against terrorism, sub-Saharan Africa will remain a theater of operation by  the African Union, the G5 Sahel and the Algerian partner. On the economic plan, Emmanuel Macron intends to put  the European Union at the centre of his plan. For the development aid, the famous 0,7 % of the French GDP is not denied. Between 2014 and 2016, Minister of Finance visits some countries of the CFA zone, meets Alassane Ouattara, Macky Sall. The candidate went to Algiers where he evokes the crimes against humanity committed by France, before returning to Paris.Who are men and women who will control the African policy of Emmanuel Macron? Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Defence of François Hollande, architect of the military operations in Africa, is the inescapable man in the fight against terrorism. Cédric Lewandowski, very close to Jean-Yves Le Drian, and who negotiated  the liberation of the hostages in Sahel, should occupy a key post.

United Kingdom to help reform Saudi economy.

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Statements from Theresa May’s office said the meeting between the british Prime Minister and Saudi Arabia will help the Kingdom to diversify its oil-dependent economy, changing tax and privatization standards, and also strengthening business ties. Concerning the security sector, May said that security relations between the two countries saved many lives in the UK and that Britain will help the Kingdom build a reformed Ministry of Defense. Moreover May’s visit to Saudi Arabia aims to find secure investments and trade and for that reason May presented Yasir Al-Rumayyan of the Saudi Public Investment Found (PIF) with a high level overview of investments opportunities. What the London Stock Exchange (LSE) and other top stock exchanges are trying to do is win a slice of state oil company Saudi Aramco’s initial public offering, as Saudi Arabia plans to transfer Aramco’s shares into the PIF before listing up to 5 percent the company. May also said Britain is a big supporter of Saudi Vision 2030, an ambitious reform plan, and due to this support many british officials will visit the Kingdom. In fine Theresa May and King Salman discussed the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

Egypt: doctor killed by militants of the IS-affiliated group of Sinai Province

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Un medico veterinario, è stato assassinato il Domenica sera per mano di militanti anonimi, che gli ha sparato mentre lascia la sua clinica privata a Al-Obour sobborgo nella città del Sinai del Nord di Al-Arishthe uccisi medico veterinario è residente copta di Al-Arish ed è stato sottoposto a tiro pesante da militanti anonimi subito dopo aver lasciato la clinica.” Il medico veterinario copta è stato ucciso da militanti del gruppo è affiliato di ‘Sinai Provincia’, come hanno recentemente mirato residenti copti della città. Il suo nome è William Bahgat Zakhar”, ha detto un giornalista del Nord-Sinai-based. Allo stesso modo, il Sabato sera, militanti anonimi ucciso un 55 anni civili ad Al-Arish mentre cercava di fermare il rapimento del figlio, che è stata presa dai militanti in seguito alla sparatoria.

Germany signed an agreement to provide over $521 million to fund reconstruction Iraqi infrastructure damaged due to the war against the Islamic State

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Germany signed an agreement with the government of Iraq on Monday to provide a €500 million euro (over $521 million) credit facility to fund investments aimed at reconstructing Iraqi infrastructure damaged due to the war against the Islamic State during these years. The funding comes from the KfW Banking Group, with a small team of German officials to advise Iraq on how to distribute it. “We want to help the Iraqi government rebuild public infrastructure so that the people who had to flee IS terrorism can return to their homes” the words of the foreign minister Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel. After he have noted taht the liberation of eastern Mosul marked an important success: “Islamic State cannot be defeated militarily alone” and “More engagement and investment to ensure functioning water and energy supplies and transportation systems are needed to transform these cities and areas into peaceful, vibrant and liveable homelands. The credit, which is the biggest yet to Iraq, came after German Chancellor Angela Merkel promised support to Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Abadi last year.

Rouhani cautioned that any lack of commitment to JCPOA will create pessimism about effectiveness of negotiated solution to disputes. He highlighted the ample opportunities for cooperation between Iran and Luxembourg

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Iranian President Hassan Rouhani cautioned on Tuesday, during a meeting with Foreign Minister of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn in Tehran, that any lack of commitment to JCPOA will create pessimism about effectiveness of negotiated solution to disputes.“Any measure undermining it (the JCPOA) could make all countries pessimistic and distrustful of effectiveness of negotiations and compromise in the process of resolving regional and international problems” he have said. After this he highlighted the ample opportunities for cooperation between Iran and Luxembourg, referring to “banking and insurance issues” as the key to reinforce the economic relations. Iran can satisfy part of Europe’s demands for energy, and also link Europe to the Indian Ocean and East Asia via a transit route. For his part, the Luxembourgian minister decribed Iran as a great nation in the region, saying his country and the European Union acknowledge “Tehran’s major and influential role” in settlement of regional conflicts.

Shoukry and De Mistura discuss ceasefire in Syria the importance of Egypt’s role in supporting the agreement by urging different Syrian and parties to implement the ceasefire agreement

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Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Affairs SamehShoukry received a phone call from the United Nations (UN) Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, on Tuesday to discuss the latest updates regarding the situation in Syria. A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the importance of Egypt’s role in supporting the agreement by urging different Syrian parties to implement the ceasefire agreement. The statement also cited De Mistura who asserted Egypt’s leading role in the Arab world, especially after its membership in the UN Security Council. Egypt has supported the political solution in Syria several times; however, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, in an interview with a Portuguese TV channel, said that Egypt is siding with the Syrian Arab army, which is affiliated with Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad. However, Shoukry denied this statement several times last December, saying that Al-Sisi was not referring to the current Syrian government when he spoke of Egypt’s stance on Syria. Shoukry argued that Al-Sisi had been saying that national armies would be better in taking responsibility for fighting terrorism in their countries instead of relying on foreign intervention.

Ghani said that combating against comunist is the same combact against terrorism, 26th of dalwa is the day that Russian troops withdrew Afghanistan 28 years ago

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President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani who attended a ceremony held at Presidential palace on the occasion of 26th of Dalwa equals to withdraw of Russian troops from Afghanistan, insisted over the victory of Afghanistan and winning war against terrorism. He said that combating against comunist is the same combact against terrorism, and according to him Afghanistan will win this war as it won that war. He invited Taliban into a peace and dialogue process because they can’t win this war. He added that Russia after 28 government is repeating the same mistake commited years ago, interfering in the Afghan affairs. 26th of dalwa is the day that Russian troops withdrew Afghanistan 28 years ago, they were defeated by the Mujahidin.

UK’s “biggest trade delegations” visit the North African country to assess new trade and investment opportunities and identify potential Egyptian partners

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Trade envoy Jeffrey Donaldson and over 40 delegates from British companies arrived in Egypt on Sunday as part of one of the UK’s “biggest trade delegations” to visit the North African country to assess new trade and investment opportunities and identify potential Egyptian partners, the UK embassy announced. “2016 saw investments from UK companies reaching over $30 billion, and 2017 is already delivering on the UK’s commitment to further deepen cooperation and help support Egypt’s economic growth efforts through increased British investments,” Donaldson in a press release by the embassy. This is the first time a majority of these companies have visited Egypt, showing the UK is putting its money where its mouth is in regard to new business,” he added.

Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations call for peace in the world

Iran’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Gholam Ali Khoshroo, stressed the necessity for the international community to help “cultural and military hegemony over the world”. Part of his full text:” What is happening today in many parts of the world, from the Occupied Palestinian territory, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and beyond all reflects our failure towards a more peaceful world. At the same time, what is at the core of the Culture of Peace is to have hope for the common future of humankind ” and “To see peace, it is imperative to give up on the mentality of intervention, as well as cultural and military hegemony over the world.”

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