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European Union - page 3

The Arab League, the European Union, the African Union, and the United Nations renewed their commitment to the Libyan stability

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The Arab League, the European Union, the African Union, and the United Nations renewed their commitment to the Libyan stability, sovereignty, integrity, and the unity of institutions emanating from the Libyan Political Agreement (PA) that signed in Skhirat, confirming the need for peaceful settlement to the Libyan crisis, refusing intimidation or use of military power, and the foreign intervention. The quadrilateral meeting has expressed its oppositions to recent violences in the Oil crescent, and told its preoccupation about recent violences in Tripoli. But it had recalled the necessity to overpass these conflicts to reach peace. The role of regional partners had been underlined, and EU has promised an economical help plan of E120 millions to deal about immigration.

A forward- looking strategy for Syria, reinforcing European Union efforts to build peace

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The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the European Commission have today adopted a Joint Communication proposing a forward- looking EU strategy for Syria. As outlined in the Joint Communication, the European Union’s engagement in Syria goes beyond the current state of play. It is defined by a longer term perspective in support of the EU’s strategic goals on Syria. The European Union will continue to be the first and leading donor in the international response to the humanitarian crises, providing life-saving humanitarian assistance and resilience support to the Syrian people and neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees.

Cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union; President Ilham Aliyev meets Jean Claude Juncker in Brussels

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On Monday,president of the Republic of Azerbaijan IlhamAliyev has met with President of the European Commission Jean Claude Juncker in Brussels. Satisfaction in the cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union, confidence in further development of relations were expressed at the meeting. It was emphasized that the work continued on a new document on cooperation and partnership between Azerbaijan and the European Union, after the signing of which relations in all spheres would be further strengthened and expanded. Azerbaijan’s cooperation in the field of dialogue among civilizations and cultures with the countries of the world, including with the European Union was highly assessed during the meeting.

Suspension of accession talks with Turkey: a complex procedure

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The European Parliament’s decision to call on the European Commission to freeze accession talks with Turkey is important as it marks a first in the overall enlargement process of the bloc but is unlikely to be implemented due to a complex procedure. When Turkey and the European Union agreed on starting full membership talks in 2005, they also adopted a framework to regulate the technicalities of the Ankara-Brussels negotiations.

Resolution against Russian media ‘propaganda’ approved by EU Parliament

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MEPs in Strasbourg have voted on a non-legislative resolution which calls the EU to respond to the information warfare by Russia. RT and Sputnik news agency are alleged to be among from the most dangerous tools of hostile propaganda.  Early in October, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs approved a report on combating propaganda which named the Russian media one of the main threats. Commenting the news, Russian President Vladimir Putin affirmed that the European Parliament’s resolution on the Russian media’s activities proves the fact that the Western countries’ perception of democracy has been degrading. In the Wednesday vote, 304 MEPs supported the resolution based on the report ‘EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties’, with 179 voting against it and 208 abstaining. The report suggests that Moscow provides financial support to opposition parties and organizations in EU member states, causing disintegration within the bloc. At the same time, Russia is accused of “information warfare” with such entities as RT TV channel, Sputnik news agency, Rossotrudnichestvo federal agency and the Russkiy Mir (Russian World) fund alleged to be among its most threatening propaganda tools.

EU is satisfied with starting negotiations with Azerbaijan for a new partnership

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The European Union and Azerbaijan are creating delegations for the negotiations on a new partnership agreement, Malena Mard, head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan, told reporters on Monday. Mard noted that the EU is satisfied with starting negotiations with Azerbaijan on an extensive and comprehensive agreement that covers many areas.

Turkey should look at other opportunities other than joining EU

Turkey should not be “fixated” on the idea of joining the European Union and should look at other opportunities, such as the Russia-led Shanghai Pact, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), also known as the “Shanghai 5,” is a loose security and economic bloc led by Russia and China. The other formal members are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

Italy wants to contribute to the development of a cooperation between Azerbaijan and EU

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The commitments undertaken by Azerbaijan and Italy on implementation of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) will expand bilateral cooperation, said Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni in Baku Nov. 7. “Our cooperation covers many areas, such as trade, agrarian sector, energy,” Gentiloni said in a briefing with Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov. “Italy can also contribute to development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the EU.”

Kosovo criticizes the European Union’s policies on the liberalization of visas

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Kosovo’s speaker of parliament, Kadri Veseli has addressed criticism against the policies of the European Union regarding the liberalization of visas. Kosovo criticizes the European Union’s policies on the liberalization of visas Veseli declared that Kosovo has met all the criteria set out in the guideline of the European Commission for the liberalization of visas.

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