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Egypt: doctor killed by militants of the IS-affiliated group of Sinai Province

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Un medico veterinario, è stato assassinato il Domenica sera per mano di militanti anonimi, che gli ha sparato mentre lascia la sua clinica privata a Al-Obour sobborgo nella città del Sinai del Nord di Al-Arishthe uccisi medico veterinario è residente copta di Al-Arish ed è stato sottoposto a tiro pesante da militanti anonimi subito dopo aver lasciato la clinica.” Il medico veterinario copta è stato ucciso da militanti del gruppo è affiliato di ‘Sinai Provincia’, come hanno recentemente mirato residenti copti della città. Il suo nome è William Bahgat Zakhar”, ha detto un giornalista del Nord-Sinai-based. Allo stesso modo, il Sabato sera, militanti anonimi ucciso un 55 anni civili ad Al-Arish mentre cercava di fermare il rapimento del figlio, che è stata presa dai militanti in seguito alla sparatoria.

Shoukry and De Mistura discuss ceasefire in Syria the importance of Egypt’s role in supporting the agreement by urging different Syrian and parties to implement the ceasefire agreement

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Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Affairs SamehShoukry received a phone call from the United Nations (UN) Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, on Tuesday to discuss the latest updates regarding the situation in Syria. A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the importance of Egypt’s role in supporting the agreement by urging different Syrian parties to implement the ceasefire agreement. The statement also cited De Mistura who asserted Egypt’s leading role in the Arab world, especially after its membership in the UN Security Council. Egypt has supported the political solution in Syria several times; however, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, in an interview with a Portuguese TV channel, said that Egypt is siding with the Syrian Arab army, which is affiliated with Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad. However, Shoukry denied this statement several times last December, saying that Al-Sisi was not referring to the current Syrian government when he spoke of Egypt’s stance on Syria. Shoukry argued that Al-Sisi had been saying that national armies would be better in taking responsibility for fighting terrorism in their countries instead of relying on foreign intervention.

UK’s “biggest trade delegations” visit the North African country to assess new trade and investment opportunities and identify potential Egyptian partners

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Trade envoy Jeffrey Donaldson and over 40 delegates from British companies arrived in Egypt on Sunday as part of one of the UK’s “biggest trade delegations” to visit the North African country to assess new trade and investment opportunities and identify potential Egyptian partners, the UK embassy announced. “2016 saw investments from UK companies reaching over $30 billion, and 2017 is already delivering on the UK’s commitment to further deepen cooperation and help support Egypt’s economic growth efforts through increased British investments,” Donaldson in a press release by the embassy. This is the first time a majority of these companies have visited Egypt, showing the UK is putting its money where its mouth is in regard to new business,” he added.

Consultations on Egyptian draft resolution are not over

Egypt’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid told Sky News Arabia on Thursday afternoon that the consultations on Egyptian draft resolution demanding Israel to halt its settlements activities whether in the United Nations in New York or the Arab League HQ in Cairo. The UN Security Council on Thursday postponed a vote on the draft resolution as President-elect Donald Trump weighed in and said the United States should veto the measure. The move to halt construction of illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territories prompted immediate calls from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the United States to use its veto power at the Security Council to block the resolution.

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