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Hizb Ut-Tahrir calls on the army to help it liberate the country and establish the Caliphat

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Hizb Ut-Tahrir, an extremist salfist party, appealed army to sustain the creation of Caliphate in Tunisia. The party says that army should help the Country to free itself from colonial power, to protect Tunisians from foreign and appealed soldiers to sustain people of Tatouine who demonstrate. Salafist movement remembered that soldiers are Muslims, and they have to protect Muslims from foreign countries and their companies. Hizb UtTahrir accused government to subjugate Tunisians in favor foreign powers that rub Muslims since 60 years. Extremist party than accused the president of the Republic to adopt laws to favorite businessmen, to ensure that businessmen will sustain President’s party during next elections.

ISIS takes advantage of bad weather to hit back at Iraqi forces.

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Residents have been streaming out of western neighbourhoods recaptured by the government, many desperately hungry and traumatized by living under ISIS’ harsh rule. As many as 600,000 civilians are still trapped with the militants inside Mosul, and thousands of residents have escaped to government lines in recent days but it has been impossible to tally the number of civilian casualties. The army and security forces have made significant gains in recent days in the battle that started back in October, seizing a main bridge over the Tigris River and advancing towards the mosque in the Old City from where ISIS’ leader declared a caliphate in 2014. But the fighting is expected to become even harder as the militants defend their last enclaves in what was once their stronghold in Iraq.

Libya: waiting for UN approval

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As announced following the International Conference in Rome, the Libyan factions, all of Tripoli and Tobruk, signed deal for unitt government in Skhirat (Morocco).The Presidential Council, composed of president Sarraj Fayez, three vicepresidents on behalf of Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Fezzan and other five representatives, have to form new government within 40 days. Moreover, the UN Security Council will vote terms of military operation in the next days, to make safe Tripoli and train local forces. This international coalition will be led by Italy, while Great Britain will send 1000 troops.

December 17 the 90 representatives of the Assembly of Tobruk and 27 of the GNC Tripoli signed the agreement. The new Presidential Council, in addition to choose new government, will have to convince the presidents of two parliaments to accept the deal. Among the problems which should be solved, there is also the military intervention because several factions prefer the training of Libyan army, rather than a foreign operation.

The most important perspective is about the presence of a unique executive to allow, after Syria, to open another front to fight the Islamic State in Libya, where Sirte became the Caliphate stronghold.

Some US troops are already present, as reported by many international media. As well as France and Great Britain, which reached Libya through southern borders.

And Italy? As leaked out by Italian Defence, the non-intervention in Syria, the contribution to the NATO mission in Iraq (450 soldiers will defende the strategic Mosul Dam), clearly show Italian line: optimize the best efforts, humanly and logistically, to the nearest, and therefore more crucial, Libya.
Giacomo Pratali


Libya: new government and UN intervention

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At the end of the International Conference on Libya in Rome, the US secretary of State John Kerry discloses the new government is to be formed within 40 days . While “the implementation of UNSCR 2213 and other relevant Resolutions to address threats to Libya’s peace, security, and stability” will be voted on December 17.

“We affirm our full support for the Libyan people in maintaining the unity of Libya and its institutions that function for the benefit of the whole Country.  A Government of National Accord based in the capital Tripoli is urgently needed to provide Libya the means to maintain governance, promote stability and economic development.  We stand with all Libyans who have demanded the swift formation of a Government of National Accord based upon the Skhirat Agreement, including representatives of the majority members of the House of Representatives and General National Congress, Independents, Municipalities, political parties, and civil society who convened in Tunis on December 10-11. We welcome the announcement that the Libya political dialogue members will sign the political agreement in Skhirat on December 16. We encourage all political actors to sign this final agreement on December 16 and call on all Libyans to unite behind the Libya Political Agreement and the Government of National Accord.”

This is the most important passage in the joint communique publish after the International Conference on Libya, occured in Rome on 13 December and endorsed by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This public statement was signed by the EU, UN, LAS, AU and the 17 participating countries: Algeria, Saudi Arabia, China, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, Jordan, Italy, Morocco, Qatar, United Kingdom, Russia, Spain , United States, Tunisia, Turkey. The next step will be the signing in Morocco on December 16 and the UN Security Council Resolution on December 17, when permanent member will vote the humanitarian military intervention.

The rapid advance by Daesh, the rise of Sirte as Caliphate stronghold and the failed institutions imposed a global solution. Moreover, other enemy countries, which fight in Libya through local groups, were present: Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Qatar and Turkey. Just as the same representative of Libya factions, including GNC and Tobruk-based parliament leaders.

Rome, as Syria peace talks in Vienna, followed the same method. Europe, the US, Russia and China worked together to support stabilization in Libya, in order to stop Daesh.

“We cannot allow the status quo in Libya to continue. It is dangerous for the viability of Libya, it is dangerous for Libyans, and now, because of the increase of the presence of Daesh [Isis] purposefully migrating there, it is dangerous for everyone,” the US secretary of State John Kerry said. Italy’s foreign minister Paolo Gentiloni believes that “time is fundamental and we must speed up the solution to the Libyan crisis in the face of threats that also come from terrorism.”

Therefore, Italy comes back protagonist of international scene, after cautious attitude towards Syrian front. After over a year of negotiations in Libya, the UN delegate Martin Kobler, succeded Bernardino Leon, wants to force more than 200 yes from Tobruk-based parliament representative on December 16, despite their scepticism.

The UN military operation nature is still to explain. Because of Daesh radicalization, it will not probably be a peacekeeping mission: “We reiterate our full support for the implementation of UNSCR 2213 and other relevant Resolutions to address threats to Libya’s peace, security, and stability. Those responsible for violence and those who obstruct and undermine Libya’s democratic transition must be held strictly accountable. We stand ready to support the implementation of the political agreement and underline our firm commitment to providing the Government of National Accord with full political backing and technical, economic, security and counter-terrorism assistance, as requested.”
Giacomo Pratali


Daesh: from Paris to Maiduguri

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Paris attacks, on November 13, pointed out again that the terror threat reached a historical high within European borders. Beyond Syria and Iraq, where Daesh is headquartered, Africa is the favorite ISIS’s target. As proved by the last 15 days.
More than 83 attacks all over the world from June 2014 to date, as reported by Le Monde. More than 1,600 victims. Raqqa (Syria) and Maiduguri (Nigeria) the most affected cities. Since March 2015, when the Nigerian militant group Boko Haram joined the Caliphate, terrorist actions in Africa have dramatically increased. As well as the several organizations that, from Mali to Egitto, hit in the name of ISIS.

After 129 killed in Paris, others were added from November to today:

Mali: More than 20 people were killed after a raid against Radisson Hotel last November 20. Thanks to military action by French and US special forces, 150 hostages were freed. After the arrest of two suspects, the local terrorist cells attacked on UN base at Kidal, killing 3 people.

Egypt: Two terrorist attacks. The first one, on November 24, was a double suicide attack which killed 4 people on a hotel in North Sinai. The second one, on November 28, when terrorists opened fire on checkpoint in Giza, killing 4 policemen.

Nigeria: Before a truck station, then a Shiite procession. These two places, near the capital Maiduguri, were the two targets of Boko Haram troops. Over 35 and 32 killed.

Camerun: Four different kamikaze actions of four girls killed at least 5 people in Fotokol on 21 November.

Tunisia: 13 killed following a suicide bomb attack against a bus carrying members of Tunisia’s presidential guard on 24 November in Tunis. As well as actions in the Bardo Museum and on Sousse beach last June, Daesh claimed responsibility.
Giacomo Pratali


France bombs IS. G-20: US-Russia deal?

Europe/Middle East - Africa di

France drops bombs on Raqqa after Paris attacks. During the G20, Obama and Putin talk about a common strategy in Syria.

France have reacted to act of war of the Islamic State, as defined by French President Francoise Hollande. Not only within national borders. French aviation have intensified, durinf the night of November 15, the bombings on strategic locations in Syria. Ministry of Defence said that 12 aircrafts have been employed to attack Raqqa, the capital of Islamic State, and targeted a command center and a training camp.

So, Paris attacks led to an immediate reaction from the Elysee. And, above all, the government is not scared by the fact that just recent raids in Syria have caused bloody reaction on November 13. This military action is in cooperation with the US, already operating in Syria and Iraq, which have provided logistical and intelligence supports.

During the G20 in Turkey yesterday, Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin agreed on the need for “a Syrian-led and Syrian-owned political transition”, as reported by the White House. Even if the Cremlin “don’t think that West had a unique point of view” and “differences on tactics still remain,” this meeting has been positive to partially reconnect two United States and Russia on Daesh front.7

Despite Ukrainian crisis and NATO expansion, Paris attacks could bring the Us and Russia to military cooperate in Syria, in order to find a”peaceful conflict resolution,” G20 statement reported. Isis strategy could bring to adverse effect, uniting West and Russia against Caliphate.

The strategy of terror of the Islamic State could have an adverse effect and reassemble the West and Russia in the name of fighting Caliphate.
Giacomo Pratali


Egypt: fake elections

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The first round of parliamentary elections of 17 and 18 October established a clear and predictable victory of President Fattah al Sisi’s party “For the Love of Egypt” and, at the same time, a turnout very poor, less than 25%. On October 27, Egyptians have come back to the polls for runoff concerning over 200 non-elected candidates.

According to local and international analysts, al Sisi’s popularity should be weighed by electoral turnout: therefore, his degree of consensus is obvious. After the revolution and the elections of 2012, characterized by the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood representative Mohammed Morsi, Egypt return to re-elect its parliament. However, Egyptians thirst for freedom, as witnessed by the revolution of 2011, was stopped by the current regime.

Indeed, almost 80% of the 55 million assignees remained at home in the first round due to al Sisi illiberal actions. Come to power in 2014 after the coup against Morsi, the current head of state has branded the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist organization, arresting and sentencing to death the former president and movement leadership.

And it’s necessary to add the new constitution, too. If it apparently contains a few liberal ideas, such as the limit of two consecutive terms and openness to minorities while maintaining Islam as state religion, however a profound knowledge reveals the president influence on parliament, which have to approve his decrees.

In addition, major works, the opening to foreign capital and interventionism in Libya in order to ingratiate the international community, three reasons of comparison with Nasser, contrast with the total lack of welfare and proximity former President Hosni Mubarak de facto .

Waiting for ballot turnout and outcome, the first round gives further directions on Egypt fettle. Besides the above, low turnout on 17 and 18 October permitted al Sisi to win 60 seats out of 60. While, supposedly secular and liberal “Free Egyptians Party”, established by telecommunications tycoon Naguib Sawiris, which include, with its ally “For love of Egypt”, some members of the former Mubarak regime, has now elected five candidates, while 65 went to the second round.

“It was not easy to create a strong party without government interference. The coalition does not matter for us, because they asked us to come in to have more reliability, “said Sawiris to Le Monde.

Excellent results also of “For the future of the nation”, political movement composed of young linked to the coup of 2013. However, “Al Nour”, the only overtly Islamist party in after disappearance of “Muslim Brotherhood”, was defeated.

After runoff, the second election will be on 22 and 23 November. While results will be published in December. However, the outcome is already certain that, after the Arab Spring and Morsi presidency, Egypt is back to a context similar to Mubarak regime, but anguished by Islamist organizations affiliated to Caliphate and mainly operating in Sinai.
Giacomo Pratali


Nigeria-Libya: one-way trip

Middle East - Africa di

The Multi National Joint Task Force announced deployment of nearly 9000 units against Boko Haram, after 200 victims in the last two weeks. The same Boko is ready to support Daesh in Sirte.

8700 soldiers deployed against Boko Haram. It is what was announced on 26 August by coalition Multi National Joint Task Force, composed of Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Benin. Especially the first three countries, are increasingly involved in fights with Islamist organization affiliated ISIS.

A measure that could be late. Borno State is epicenter of clashes between Islamist troops and army, which caused at least 200 civilian casualties in the last two weeks. An answer to many people freed by Nigerian army in the same time.

But there is another feature. In addition to refugees on the run from these continuous massacres and headed for Libya, there is another route towards Sirte. As reported by many international media, the Libyan sources have estimated that “200 Boko Haram militants would be ready to join the ranks of the Isis.”

State of Borno, Lake Chad, Cameroon and now Sirte. The Caliphate network is enlarging. And the methods of terror, already witnessed in the villages Nigerians, Chadians and Cameroonians, is the same in Sirte. Just a few days ago, spiritual leader of Islamic State Hassan Karami announced in the mosque in Rabat: “We’ll behead rebels of the opposition after the Friday prayers, people of Sirte deliver their daughters fighters that get married. ”

Harsh words which show how Islamic State has taken root in Sirte from June to today. Mosques, institutions and media are in their hands. And victims, deriving from Libya Fajr, Brigades of Misrata and other Libyan groups, is the evidence that the lack of national unity is a Daesh advantage.
Giacomo Pratali


Nigeria: 145 killed during Ramadan

Boko Haram kills again in the state of Borno. People were slaughtered because they were considered Muslim moderate. The African coalition plods along the advance of the Caliphate, despite the arrest of a leader of the terroristic organization.

Boko Haram slayed 150 Muslim believers to Mussaram e Kukawa, in Stato di Borno (Nigeria), yesterday. Jihadists raid on two village’s mosques while people are praying during Ramadan. Killed also women and children remained at home.

The choice of the Caliphate to strike in this period is not accidental. As occurred in Kuwait, Nigerian terrorists have massacred these faithful because they were considered too moderate compared to their conception of Islam.

Since June onwards, Boko Haram has reconquered many villages in northern Nigeria, as well as it’s also hit in N’Djamena, capital of Chad. The early wins of the African military coalition are frustated. And, despite Bahna Fanaye, one of the leader of terroristic group and chief of arms trade, the Caliphate has strengthen in West Africa.
Giacomo Pratali


Nigeria: Us and Gb suspects behind Buhari triumph

Middle East - Africa di

Buhari has won in Nigeria election. Despite several million votes over his rival Goodluck, this achievement it’s nt clear for Us and Gb

The muslim Muhammadu Buhari has become the new Nigeria president after he has defeated the christian and former chairperson Jonathan Goodluck in election in last March. His party, Afc, has won for the first time after three consecutive failures. Despite 3 million over his rival, who’s congratulated him, United States and Great Britain has denounced possibile vote riggings.

As evidence of this, there are Buhari precedents. He’s an ex general and ex dictator who ruled from 1983 to 1985 during coup d’etat. Even if he lost three times, but however he’s the protagonist of brutality on christian population.

Buhari is been especially voted in Borno State, where Islamic State founded Caliphate in 2014. He said to want to fight the islamist organization during political campaign, but it’s possibile that he’d come to a pact with them. This scenario should lay Nigeria on the line not only in democratic point of view, but also in economic prospective. Indeed, several oil factories and Western States are present in Rivers State. So Us and Gb are monitoring context in order that it doesn’t become a new Libya.

Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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