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La coalizione saudita scaglia un attacco di 15 raids aerei in territorio yemenita


La coalizione saudita, sostenuta dalle forze americane, venerdì ha sferrato quindici attacchi nella provincia yemenita di Dhamar, nel sud est del paese.


Tre di questi erano incursioni aree che hanno colpito lo stadio situato della città di Dhamar, causando vari danni alla struttura. Due raids aerei hanno invece colpito il Central Security Forces camp, gli attacchi hanno causato anche il danneggiamento di diverse case situate nel vicinato.


Altri due raids si sono abbattuti su un accampamento militare della polizia in Dhamar-alGarn, mentre tre incursioni aeree dirette all’Istituto Industriale e Tecnologico di Thi-sher, nell’area del distretto di Ans, hanno apportato diversi danni ai laboratori, le aule e le strutture dell’istituto.


Infine almeno altri cinque attacchi arei erano diretti a Samh, ad un campo nel distretto di Ans.


Roundup: 282 Saudi aggression airstrikes hit Yemen in five days, killing 13 civilians

BreakingNews @en di

During the past five days 282 airstrikes launched by US-backed Saudi aggression warplanes targeted several provinces in Yemen killing at least 13 civilians and wounding 27. In Sana’a province 24 airstrikes hit Nehm district, Daylami air base and the Faculty of Aviation. In Sa’ada province, where several districts were targeted by 55 airstrikes and the warplanes also dropped cluster bombs on two districts, 5 civilians were killed and 10 wounded in air rides by the aggression planes. Moreover 11 raid targeted Jawf province; 68 air raids in Taiz province and in particular in Mokha city; 15 others raids in Mareb province and 36 raids also in several areas of Hodeida port city. Also Hajja, Dhamar and Amran provinces were targeted and civilians were killed and wounded.

111 Saudi aggression airstrikes hit Yemen in four days, killing scores of civilians

BreakingNews @en di

Several provinces were targeted by 111 airstrikes by US-backed Saudi aggression warplanes over the past four days killing at least 12 civilians and wounding 12 others. 8 airstrikes including cluster bombs in Sana’a province and 12 aistrikes on several districts of Sa’ada province. Ten raids were launched on Jawf province and 49 air raids in Taiz province in particular on Mokha city, and were also targeted the bridge linking the province with Hodeida. It was in Taiz that four people were killed and three others wounded in a market and other five children were killed in another aistrike. Moreover Mareb province were targeted with 12 raids in civilian regions and 11 airstrikes were launched on Hodeida city where was targeted in particular the port itself. In fine also on Hajja province were launched 5 airstrikes on Medi port city.

three locations belonging to the Islamic State were destroyed by an airstrike on Mutaibijh area

BreakingNews @en di

Local source in Diyala Province declared that three locations belonging to the Islamic State were completely destroyed by an airstrike on Mutaibijh area, located between Salahuddin and Diyala. The source explained: “The destroyed locations were known as the immigrants’ locations/places, and they were homes for Arab and foreign suicide bombers who were planning to launch attacks on security and civilian targets in Salahuddin and Diyala”.

Yemen: Violation of human rights in the port of al-Mokha, 200 houses destroyed by the airstrikes

The United Nations Human Rights Agency warned about violation of international humanitarian law and international human rights law over the past two weeks in the south wester port of al-Mokha. Even if it was impossible for UN Human Rights office field monitors to acces the area, credible reports indicate that civilians were caught in an intolerable situation. Probably 200 houses were damaged or completely destroyed by the airstrikes. The UN also estimates that around 12 million people are facing famine in the country and 3.3 million people are already malnourished.

Russian Defense Minister: aircraft stop airstrikes in Aleppo area

Asia @en/BreakingNews @en di

Sergey Shoigu, Russian Defense Minister, said that Russian and Syrian aircraft stopped airstrikes in Aleppo area from 10 a.m. on Tuesday to introduce a humanitarian pause on 20th of October. According to Shoigu, this will allow guaranteeing security of exit via six corridors for civilians and preparing for evacuation of those ill and wounded from the eastern part of Aleppo. Two other corridors will open for militants to leave the city. He alsoadded that military experts from a number of countries will start work in Geneva on separating opposition from terrorists in Syria’s Aleppo, tomorrow.

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