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Americas - page 8

President-elect Donald Trump has been "shocked" by the terrorist events of last Monday

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

President-elect Donald Trump has been “shocked” by the terrorist events that have bloodied last Monday, he said he wanted to wipe out the ISIS, for this reason will meet in Washington with Michael Flynn, security adviser of the White House, John Kelly , nominated Secretary of the Department of Homeland security, James Mattis, nominated Secretary of Defense, and Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of Statenominated. Trump from Palm Beach is planning the meeting and is in constant contact with his Vice Mike Pence. He is in his mansion in Florida where he is meeting with some possible members of his administration, in fact, the President-elect was still facing various appointments most notably that of the Secretary for Veterans Affairs.

Deputy of the Department of Valle del Cauca and his family survived to a killer attack in Sevilla

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

The Deputy of the Department of Valle del Cauca John Jairo Caicedo and his family were the victims of an attack in Sevilla, in the north of the Department of Valle del Cauca. Fortunately both Caicedo that his family came out unscathed from the shooting, the only wounded is one of the two killers, hit by the bodyguards of Caicedo, who had already been the victim of threats so he just asked at the National Unity of Protection an armored car. Local authorities are investigating the incident and do not rule out that the attack is connected to the activity of syndicalist of Caicedo.

Closure of the border with Colombia for 72 hours might help Venezuelan economy

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Venezuelan President Maduro has ordered the closure of the border with Colombia for 72 hours. The measure, according to Maduro, will help the Venezuelan economy . In fact, the Head of State said that in the Venezuelan border with Colombia there is an intense paper money contraband setting up by Colombian gangs that destabilizes the Bolivar exchange rates. At the same time, Maduro announced the withdrawal of the banknote 100 Bolivar, other measures to reduce contraband.

Jacqueline van Rysselberghe new UDI President

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Sen. Jacqueline van Rysselberghe is the new President of the UDI ( Independent Democratic Union) the rightwing conservative party and main opponent of the current President Michelle Bachelet. van Rysselberghe defeated with almost 63% of the votes the Congressman Jaime Bellolio, the first to congratulate for the victory, Sen. is the first woman to guide the party, will retain the post for two years,until the next presidential elections even if is no guarantee that she will be the candidate of the UDI, is not excluded that the UDI support as a candidate the former president Juan Sebastián Piñera.

Colombian President wants to realize a 100% pacification of the Americas

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

From the stage of the Oslo City Hall, where yesterday received the Nobel Peace Prize, the Colombian President Santos made an appeal to all the countries of the world, to rethink the fight against drug trafficking. After terminating the fight between the central state and the FARC,  Santos wants, with the help of the international community also to win the battle against the drug cartels to realize a 100%  pacification of the Americas.

National Assembly and Venezueal Parliament will resume the judgement against President Maduro

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

On Tuesday the National Assembly and the Venezuelan Parliament will resume the judgment against President Maduro. The opposition parties have a majority of seats in the National Assembly and wish to continue the “process” against the President, suspended in October for his willingness to negotiate. The changes promised by Maduro’s government have not occurred and for this the opposition has decided to restart the parliamentary process that could lead or to early elections or to the impeachment of Maduro.

Leader of Morena Party will occupy border between US and Mexico, if Trump builds the wall

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, leader of Morena Party, said that he is ready to occupy the border between the US and Mexico if Trump should effectively proceed with the construction of the wall. Obrador presents itself as a defender of the right to employment of Mexican citizens but also as a defender of the free trade agreament between Mexico and the US, also Obrador seems to want to mobilize the international public opinion coming to hypothesize that the construction of the wall would constitute a violation of fundamental human rights.

President-elect Trump revived his anti-immigration program

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

During a rally in the capital of Iowa, Des Moines, the President-elect Trump spoke about the episode of violence occurred at Ohio State University last week, when a Somali immigrant injured 11 students with a knife, saying that such episodes are the result of a too soft policy on immigration. Trump took the opportunity to revive his anti-immigration program, in particular the wall with Mexico, and his firm intention to protect the American workers and the Country’s security

Concern about the increasing violence on the border between Colombia and Venezuela

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

There is concern about the increase in violence in the Department of Norte de Santander, on the border between Colombia and Venezuela. The murder rate has increased in one year by 44%, local authorities claim that this increase is due to the war between local gangs, who fight to control the illegal trade of drugs especially, but nache by the presence of many Venezuelan criminal gangs they operate in Colombian territory due to the low control exercised by the venezuelan security forces on the border.

Government will respect the decision of indigenous people of El Bala and Chepete

Americas/BreakingNews @en/Energy di

Minister for the Bolivian energy, Luis Sanchez, during an interview with the news agency ANF said that the government will respect the decision of the indigenous people of El Bala and Chepete, these have been consulted from La Paz about the possible construction in their territories of a hydroelectric basin. Alex Villca, spokesman of the residents of the indigenous country San José de Uchupiamonas has however denied the words of Minister Sanchez, Villca affirmed that the Government has no intention of listening the views of indigenous people and that the decision to build the hydroelectric basin was already taken.

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