Diplomatic Isolation for Kabilia? Seems like there might be a cooling down between Vatican State and Kinshasa

in BreakingNews @en by

Seems like there might be a cooling down between Vatican State and Kinshasa. The proof is the cancellation of Pope Francis’s visit to RDC, therefore posticipated between july and august 2017. The reason why Pope Francis did cancel his visit to President Joseph Kabilia has been clearified during an interview in which the Pope expressed deep regret saying: < it was planned to go to Congo but, with Kabilia, I don’t think it will be possible to go>. At Kinshasa the common opinion is that Kabilia did not mantain his promise he made during a one year ago gathering at Rome: to work for a democratic alternance preparing the elections. But Kabilia preferred to not ensure the alternance fabricating excuses. The Government spokeperson’s reaction has been arrogant: “Pope’s visit will not change anything”. Now the question is: on who is going to count on RDC, if it isn’t accepted from his population nor international parthers? It is called: Diplomatic Isolation.

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