The Ukranian President insists on a distribution of OSCE police mission in Donbass territories

in BreakingNews @en by

On Sunday, Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko, asserted that Kiev insist on deployment of a police mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Donbass territories it does not control as a mandatory condition for local elections in these territories. The Ukrainian president said that another condition Kiev is setting for the organization of an election process is ensuring Ukraine’s control over the border with Russia in Donbass “on the second day after the polls,” as it’s said in the Minsk agreements. The Normandy Four leaders now plan to focus on a roadmap for the implementation of the Minsk agreements. He said that the new document will grant access for OSCE monitors to the entire Donbass territory, including the border and unimpeded access for the mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross. The security package will include the completion of the disengagement of forces in the three previously appointed areas (Zolotoye, Petrovskoye and Stanitsa Luganskaya)

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