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More women die from henna poisoning in Marj, Libyans are said to be increasingly worried about using it

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Two more women have died of henna poisoning in Marj, it is reported, bringing the number of fatalities to at least 45 in the area in the past six years. It is not thought that henna fatalities are especially prevalent in Marj, rather that they are better reported there. Last year, when Marj’s 43rd victim since the 2011 revolution died, it was said that another 56 women had died from henna poisoning elsewhere in eastern Libya over the same period of time. There are no available statistics for the south and west of the country where henna is also widely used. Its use to decorate hands and other parts of the body is part of traditional culture throughout Libya, especially to celebrate marriage. However, after the rise in deaths resulting from the addition of toxic chemicals to increase production and make more money, Libyans are said to be increasingly worried about using it. DrSulaiman, a specialist on the issue, said chemicals are sometimes added to the henna which can result in circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest and kidney failure. Poisoning is also said to be caused by para-phenylenediamine (PPD), a highly toxic chemical compound used by dealers in order to make the henna a darker colour. PPD causes allergies and skars.

Libya: deal is due to expire

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70 people killed by a truck bomb detonated in a police training center. Oil terminals are under attack. More than 300 kilometers of coastline are controlled by Islamic State. New government formation is always more essential in order that UN intervention could stop Daesh advance and allow Libya to grow.

70 people killed and several injured. It’s the definitely bloody balance of attack in Zliten, where a jihadist detonated a truck bomb beside a police training center last Thursday. An affiliate group of Daesh claimed responsability. While Italy evacuated 15 woundered on Monday sending a C-130 to take them to military hospital in Rome.

Meanwhile, Eu foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini met prime minister Fayez al-Sarraj, backed in Tunis after attack at Misurata airport last Friday, and pledged 100 million euro aid-package.

But Libya is close to collapse. Indeed, unity government deal should run out of time within two weeks: nevertheless, Tripoli, Tobruk and other factions have not still assembled new executive. Instead, Tripoli, where new government will be established, as is other cities, are victims not only of Daesh, but of clashes between enemy factions.

The whole while The Financial Times publishes a new report about Libyan economic context. Analysis is tragic. Oil production collapse to 400,000 b/d in the last 18 months, while it reached 1,4 million during the post-revolution. Denar depreciated about 60 per cent. Whereas, EIU estimated Libyan GDP to fall over 8 per cent during 2016.

From security viewpoint, more than 300 kilometers of coastline are controlled by Islamic State. Sidra and other oil terminals were aimed by Daesh, even if the attack on oil port of Zuetina was repelled by Libya guards on Monday.

Libyan internal chaos increased again since December 17, when Tripoli, Tobruk and other factions reached agreement. New government formation is always more essential in order that UN intervention could stop Daesh advance and allow Libya to grow.
Giacomo Pratali


Giacomo Pratali
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