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yemen peace

Yemen announces reopening of Al-Mokha port after its liberation from Houthis

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Yemen’s Deputy Minister of Transport Nasser Sharif said the ministry is working on the reopening of the ports of Al-Hodeida and Al-Mokha after their liberation from Houthis. The Minister also said that the reopening of the port of Al-Hodeida will be a blow to the Houthis, who use the port as a link to transport weapons and to disrupt maritime navigation. Concerning the port of Al-Mokha, Sharif said that after the government’s approval the presidency of the Red Sea Ports will be transfer to Al-Mokha.

The Patriot system intercepted 12 ballistic missiles launched by Houthi militias on Yemeni city of Al-Mokha

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The Patriot system intercepted 12 ballistic missiles on Saturday, launched by Houthi militias toward the Yemeni city of Al-Mokha in less than one hour. There were no casualities as the missiles were intercepted, but the attack is a clear signal of Iran’s intention to shift the global attention to Yemen. For thet reason the Yemeni government spokesman called on the international community to disarm the militia, which is a risk for the lives of Yemeni civilians. Moreover Al-Shehri, a political analyst and international relations expert, said that an action similar to the US strike in Syria in response to the chemical attack must be taken also against Iran in Yemen in order to bring the Yemeni crisis to a peaceful settlement.

Yemeni Foreign Minister Sharaf discusses with UN Coordinator worsening humanitarian situation in Yemen

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During a meeting between the Yemeni Foreign Minister Sharaf and the UN Resident Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen McGoldrick, they discussed the worsening humanitaria situation in the country and the targeting of the port of Hodeida. The discussion led to the need of intervention of the United Nations and international actors to end the suffering of Yemeni employees, subjected to the policy of starvation by the aggression and the mercenaries. Concerning the port of Hodeida, the Foreign Minister underlined the importance of its safety due to its key role in accepting humanitarian needs for Yemeni people, as McGoldrick also did. The Minister also underlined the efforts made by the National Salvation Government to achieve peace and end the suffering of the Yemeni citizens.

UNDP: more than 50,000 civilians were killed or injured by the war in Yemen

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During a press conference on Tuesday in Sana’a the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Repesentative for Yemen McGoldrick said that two years of war destroyed the lives of millions of people and that seven million women, children and men could be victims of famine during this year. He added that more than 50,000 civilians were killed or injured or disabled by the war, and in particular 1450 children were killed, 2450 were injured and 1572 were recruited to fight. Moreover 50,000 people were displaced and 2 million people displaced across the country. In fine McGoldrick said that the Yemenis are victims of a conflict that has nothing to do with them and that the belligerent parties acted in a way to disregard their responsabilities.

Decline of ancient trade route deepens Yemeni food crisis

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After two years of civil war now even from the centuries-old Arabian route from the United Arab Emirates food supplies to Yemen are falling. In these two years the flow of food was restricted into the main Yemeni cargo ports of Hodeida and Salif, where the large grain silos are located, but small boats sailing from the UAE are moving vital supplies into the smaller ports to the south coast. The volume of food carried on this route represent a small fraction of the supply to Yemen, but has become important as fighting has raged, the economy has collapsed and Yemen has needed all the help it can get. Indeed the food crisis affects 17 million Yemeni people and is going to be even worst as only a few ships arrive each week into Hodeida and Salif port has cut food deliveries due to damage to infrastructures in the neighboring in recent weeks. In this situation the UAEbased dhow captains direct their trade to the south and the average journey takes about five to eight days with the boats capable of taking up to 2000 tons of rice, spices or cooking oil.

UN rejects Arab coalition's call to supervise Yemen port

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The Saudi-led Arab coalition’s request to supervise the Yemeni port of Hodeida was rejected by the UN on
Monday. The UN spokesman Farhan Haq said the protection of civilian infrastructures and civilians are obligations
of the warring sides in Yemen. Moreover the coalition spokesman Maj. Gen. Al-Assiri, who asked the UN to
supervise the port not to protect it, said the UN was asked to appoint international observers to ensure the port
is managed in a manner that facilitates the arrival of humanitarian assistance to civilians and is not exploited by
the Houthi militias.

FM Sharaf Abdullah meets Representative of the International Organization for Migration official in Yemen

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During the meeting between Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf Abdullah and the Resident Representative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Laurent De Boeck , the two discussed the war crimes committed by the saudi aggression warplanes in targeting Somali refugees and immigrants off Hodeida coast. The Minister condemned the war crime as a violation of the international humanitarian laws and stressed that the National Salvation Government is providing health care to the Somali injured survivors. In fine the IOM expressed appreciation to the support provided by the National Salvation Government to the organization.

National organization for rights and freedoms condemns Saudi airstrike on Somali Refugees

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Concerning the attack to a boat carrying dozens of African migrants on Thursday night by the alliance of Saudi aggression off the Yemeni coast of Hodeida, the National Organization for Rights and Freedoms stressed that it was a disgrace to the United Nations Security Council. The organizational so declared in a statement that it was a war crime and the statement denounced the continuation of war crimes and violations against the Yemeni people, whose civilian’s boats and fishermen are targeted be side African refugees. In fine the statement called on the United Nations and its Security Council to stop the war, the bloody war crimes and the economic blockade against the Yemeni people.

38.000 Yemeni civilians have been killed and injured at the hands of the Houthi,16.000 activists were kidnapped by the militias since the war began in 2014.

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As part of a report presented by the Yemeni Deputy Minister of Human Rights Mohammed Askar during a human rights council meeting in Geneva on Monday, nearly 38,000 Yemeni civilians have been killed and injured at the hands of the Houthi militias and those allied to ex President Saleh since the war began in 2014. Askar also said that Houthi bombing in populate dare as, villages, farmlands and roads led to 673 civilians injured and dead, mostly women and children. Moreover in the report it was declared that 16,804 activists, reporters and academics were kidnapped by the militia and those who have been released suffer from serious health and psycological issues. In the report it was also underlined the use of children to fuel militia’s war.

UN Yemen envoy: violence escalates, the United Nations have urged a political solution and safety to Yemeni civilians

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After talks in Paris with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, the UN envoy to Yemen Cheikh Ahmed told reporters that even if the solution is very close the parties don’t want to sit down at the table to discuss that. In deed they are refusing to discuss UN-brokered peace efforts and mean while in the country there is an escalation in violence, which is having a dramatic impact on civilians. This is the main reason that pushes the United Nations to urge a political solution and guarantee stability and safety to Yemeni civilians, which the UN classed as “severely food insecure” (7.3 millionYemenis). Moreover France Foreign Minister Ayrault said that “this is a conflict that is less talked about than others, but it can’t be forgotten because the humanitarian consequences on the ground are catastrophic”.

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