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venezuelan president

Bozo Marco said the government intends to establish a "one-party"

BreakingNews @en di

Deputy to the National Assembly of the State of Carabobo, Marco Bozo, said during the Globovisión “PrimeraPágina” program that the government wants to take advantage of the party renewal process for istaurare a one-party system, which would refer to the governing coalition Gran Polo Patriótico. Bozo has however reassured about the intentions of the opposition coalition, of which he is part, Mesa de la UnidadDemocrática to prevent the government in the implementation of this process and that the MUD is planning to emerge stronger from the renewal process of political parties. Finally Bozo said he was disappointed with the results achieved in 2016 and at the beginning of 2017 in the process of dialogue between government and opposition, according to the Deputy the success of the dialogue will depend almost exclusively on the will and skill of their leaders.

Venezuelan President satisfied of the trade agreement signed with Putin

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

The Venezuelan President, returning from a state visit in Cuba, said that he was satisfied of the trade agreement signed with Russian President Putin. Russia, an historic commercial ally of Venezuela, will continue to supply grain and weapons to the country, also Maduro received assurances from Moscow about the increase of the oil price in 2017. Maduro has also mobilized all of his supporters for the manifestation of the December 17 in Caracas, which he hopes to silence an opposition that is becoming more cumbersome.

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