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Venezuela @en - page 2

Rondon: there is no constitutional impediment for the convening of regional elections

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Luis Emilio Rondon, Rector of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela, during an interview with the TV news of Venevisión said that there is no constitutional neither formal impediment for the convening of regional elections, any delay should be to undermine the fundamental right of Venezuelans to choose their local representatives. Rondon added that the problem of the legitimacy of political parties at national level can not and should not influence the regional elections, also the same National Electoral Council had promised, at the end of 2016, that in the first half of 2017 would be held the regional elections in the Departments whose mandates have expired, the time to keep the promise there, but according to the Rector it’s necessary that the NEC will accelerate the times and establish a clear program.

Next National Assembly meeting might take place near Valencia (Carabobo)

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President of the National Assembly Julio Borges along with other members of Parliament to Fuerte Paramacay visited the Deputy Gilber Caro who’s held by the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) in its structure near Valencia( state of Carabobo) since Wednesday. Borges did not exclude the possibility that the next National Assembly meeting will take place in the city of Valencia, so that the whole Parliament will be able to express the closeness to Caro for his detention.

Venezuela: civic-military exercise across the country on Saturday

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Remigio Ceballos, Commander of the Operational Strategic Command of the National Armed Forces, said during an interview with the Venezuelan National Television that on Saturday there will be civic-military exercise across the country involving about 115,000 people and almost 600 military means including aircraft, ships and armored vehicles. The operation was planned from December 28 and is part of a broader program to train civilians to defend the nation from imperialist danger and grow the pro-Bolivarian feeling.

Francisco Martinez criticized the economic policy of Maduro’s government

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Francisco Martinez, President of Fedecámaras, has widely criticized the economic policy of Maduro’s government. Primarily Martinez recalled that the 50% increase in the minimum wage is a problem for small and medium sized companies which are not able to absorb the cost and risk of closure, also the criminalization of private property that the government continues to do prevents the formation of efficient private companies that increase production rates of the country. The low rate of production generates a general poverty that forces the government to increase more and more often the minimum wage, creating an inflation process that devalues the currency. Finally Martinez has also lashed out at CLAP because the country to grow should not subsidize the ‘public industry but the private one.

2017 will be the year of CLAP and dialogue between government and oppositions

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President Maduro during an interview with the National Television hoped that 2017 is the year of the Local Committees for Supply and Production, or CLAP, created by the government in 2016 with the objective of minimizing the food crisis by delegating the management of resources to the local committees with charge of organizing and redistribute the production. In 2017 Maduro would like the CLAP to become an example of fair and sustainable economy. For this purpose has announced that it has allocated the sum of 9.936 billion Bolivars for the construction of shops for CLAP and also the President recalled that 2017 will be the ‘year of dialogue between government and opposition, after a 2016 fraught with tension, finally seems to register a more relaxed climate between the government and its opponents. Ultimately, Maduro also mentioned that soon the army will be involved in a series of exercises defined by himself: “anti-imperialist”.

2017: the year of dialogue between government and opposition political forces

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, during an interview with Radio Miraflores, has announced that 2017 will be the year of dialogue between government and opposition political forces. Maduro acknowledged that dialogue and cooperation are the only way to save Venezuela, battered by a serious economic crisis, also it announced that the CLAP, local committees of supply and production, in the coming days will deliver toys to the kids of the poorest zones of the Country.

Lack of food products in supermarkets: protests on the Panamerican highway

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

In the Federated State of Mirandain the north of Venezuela, several protesters have occupied the Panamerican highway to protest against the lack of food products in supermarkets, previously on Thursday the demonstrators had put in place a similar protest, fortunately the two events are peaceful, there were neither deads and neither injureds. It is not the first time that Venezuela must face a shortage of alimentary genders, in February some supermarkets have been looted in Maracy, in the Federated State of Aragua

Maduro signed a decree that will allow authorities to imprison bank executives who refuse to issue cash to the population

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

Venezuelan President Maduro announced that it has signed a decree that will allow the authorities to imprison bank executives who refuse to issue cash to the population. Venezuela is facing a serious economic crisis and in addition now has the problem of the exchange rate of the Bolivar coinage, the national currency, which again according to Maduro will be resolved before January 2017. Also was announced the reopening of border with Colombia and a meeting between the leaders of the Venezuelan Central Bank and the Colombian Central Bank to draw up a joint plan against the depreciation of the Bolivar.

Protests across Venezuela

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Yesterday officially ended the final deadline for change banknotes of 100 Bolivar in Venezuela, many citizens of different provinces far from the major centers of the country, Caracas and Maracaibo, have encountered enormous difficulties in change due to the lack of cash at the disposal of the local branches of the CBV . Obviously there have been several protests across the country, also the lack of cash is fueling the affairs of the smugglers, José Vielma Mora, governor of the Federal state of Táchira, on the border with Colombia, told to the press that the security forces arrested 82 people linked to the smuggling of bank notes.

Venezuela is closing the border with Brazil for the next three days

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Venezuela has closed the border with Brazil for the next three days. Maduro had already ordered the closure of the border with Colombia to prevent the smuggling of 100 bills Bolivar. The Venezuelan government has also ordered the withdrawal of the existing banknotes of 100 Bolivar to prevent “American conspiracy” against the Venezuelan economy. The Brazilian Foreign Ministry, Itamaraty, said to the press that the measures taken by Caracas concern only the internal affairs of Venezuela.

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