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Libya’s power balance tilts towards Haftar, Trump officials view it with suspicion

BreakingNews @en di

America, until now the key backer of the GNA, has fallen away. The new administration of President Donald Trump has yet to give definitive comments on Libya, but is expected to designate Muslim Brotherhood, one of the key factions in the GNA, as a terrorist organisation. As such, that would rub out any US support for the GNA and leave it floundering, and both Al Sarraj and Haftar know it. Whereas the erstwhile administration of former US president Barack Obama viewed Muslim Brotherhood as a positive non-violent expression of Islamism, Trump officials view it with suspicion, accusing it of links with violent groups. Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon has long made combatting Muslim Brotherhood his cause celebre. Yet, it is likely to suffer if the US designates it as a group supporting terrorism. Trump’s Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, used his confirmation hearing last month to equate Brotherhood with Al Qaida: “The demise of IS [Daesh, or the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] would also allow us to devote our attention to other agents of radicalism like Al Qaida, Muslim Brotherhood and certain elements within Iran”.

David Petraeus won't be the director of the Trump's National Security

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

David Petraeus will not be the director of the National Security of the President Trump, the two were supposed to meet in Florida in the private residence of Trump but the meeting there will not be, according to reports the rejection of Petraeus would be due to the desire to have the final say on the NSC decisions, something that the President is not willing to do, it seems that is for the same reason that Robert Harward has refused the nominee. Candidates to replace the resigned Michael Flynn now are: Keith Kellogg, head of the NSC staff, Keith Alexander, former Director of the NSA, John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the UN, Raymond Odierno, former Chief of Staff of Army and HR McMaster, High Official of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. Some of them could encounter Trump during the weekend in the Southern White House.

From 'Southern White House,' Trump seeks to calm reports of chaos

BreakingNews @en di

Trump flew at his residence in Florida for the weekend, what he himself has nicknamed “the Southern White House”, from here is trying at this time to bring order into the chaotic situation that has arisen after the resignation of Michael Flynn and after rumors by NY Times that reporting of alleged meetings between representatives of the Russian government and the managers of the Trump campaign. The President stressed during this week that the difficulties that his government is encountering are due to mismanagement of Obama, especially regarding the work, although the data say that with Obama there were 2 million more jobs and the employment growth for 75 consecutive months.

After Flynn's resignation Trump speeds up the process to find his replacement.

BreakingNews @en di

After Flynn’s resignation as Advisor for the National Security President Trump trying to speed up the process to find his replacement. In recent days Trump claimed to have narrowed the number of candidates to four, one of them the former Admiral Robert Harward gave up the appointment for family reasons, on the table are three possible candidates: David Petraeus, former CIA Director and former General,Keith Kellogg, chief of staff of the White House National Security Council, and finally, according to NBC, would also in play James Jones, former Commandant of the US European Command and former Obama’s Advisor in 2009-2010.

The first negative results of the anti Trump Mexican politics are felt: sales collapse in US border cities

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

The first negative results of the anti Trump Mexican politics are felt, in fact, the traders of different secondary border towns like Eagle Pass and Brownsville, Texas, and Sonora, Arizona, are heavily affected by the absence of Mexican shoppers and shops are completely empty , all this is two to the high value of the dollar compared to pesos but also by the boycott that Mexicans living near the border have DECIDED to do for the American economy. Do not do well either larger cities like San Diego and Tucson where, according to Functional data provided by the merchants store, the sales have declined between 50% and 80%.

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