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US Secretary of State promises Egypt FM more aid for Cairo's counter-terrorism efforts

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US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson promised more aid for Cairo’s counter-terrorism efforts and economic development plan during a meeting with Egyptian counterpart SamehShoukry in Washington on Monday, adding that the Washington considers Cairo a real partner in the Middle East. The two officials stressed during their meeting the special and strategic ties that have binded the two countries for decades, vowing more cooperation on all levels. Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said that Shoukry updated his US counterpart on the latest economic and security developments in Egypt, as well as the country’s counter-terrorism efforts. The two ministers also discussed a range of regional issues, including the Syrian crisis, where Shoukry stressed the importance of reaching a political solution to the conflict in a way that preserves the country’s territorial integrity and national institutions and achieves the hopes of the Syrian people. Shoukry also spoke with Tillerson about Egypt’s political efforts to end the crisis in Libya in accordance with the UN-brokered Skhirat agreement of 2015. On the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Egyptian FM stressed the necessity of establishing a Palestinian state, pointing to Cairo’s efforts to return both sides to the negotiating table.
Shoukry will also discuss with US officials preparations for Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s upcoming visit to the US to meet with President Donald Trump, which will be the first meeting between an Egyptian and US president in years. The last official meeting in Washington of the countries’ two leaders was between former presidents Hosni Mubarak and George W. Bush in 2004.

Trump said: expelling drug traffickers and other criminals in an operation called "military”

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About the trip of US Secretary of State Tillerson and the Secretary of Homeland Security Kelly in Mexico, President Trump said during a meeting with managers of different companies that for the first time the United States is expelling from the national territory drug traffickers and other criminals in an operation that Trump has called “military”. The President’s words have troubled the Mexican government that immediately requested clarification at Tillerson and at Kelly, both were forced to deny the Trump statements, especially Kelly ensured that the will not be used military in the operations and that there will be no mass expulsions.

Tillerson intends to keep a low profile unlike the President Trump

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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is proving very fond of the spotlight, unlike the President Trump who loves the media attention, Tillerson has already made it clear to senior officials of the State Department that it intends to keep a low profile, in sharp contrast with his predecessor John Kerry who often spoke to the press. The style of Tillerson has seen in his first commitment of great importance, the G20 in Germany, where he got to meet several foreign Ministers, in particularly had reassured Japan and South Korea about the US commitment against Korea North in the Pacifc area. The Choose of a low profile, however, causes problems to journalists, who can not read well the moves of Tillerson, but also to his colleagues, in fact, france Minister of Foregin Affairs Jean-Marc Ayrault after meeting with Secretary of State during the G20 has called “vague” his positions, especially regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Munich Security Conference: the importance of continued international cooperation against terrorism

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U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi met on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference on Saturday hours after Pence said the U.S. would stand firm with Europe and NATO. In a phone call with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday, Abadi referred to the “importance of continued international cooperation against terrorism”; 6000 American service members are currently stationed in Iraq. The counter-ISIS efforts have now reached their “last stages” Abadi added in the call, saying that the courage and sacrifice of Iraqis has inflicted a huge loss on the militant group.

Videgaray said that Mexico will not change his mind about the financing of the wall on the border between the US and Mexico

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Luis Videgaray, Mexican Foreign Minister, met informally the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Bonn, Germans, where both are attending the G20. Videgaray said that Mexico will not change his mind about the financing of the wall on the border between the US and Mexico that the US President Trump wants to build, however, also stated that the US has every right to defend their borders and on this issue Mexico is willing to talk, finally he hinted that other Ministers of foreign Affairs are pushing so that the two countries work together as much as possible.

The United States is obligated to defend the Senkaku Islands, controlled by Japan but claimed by China.

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The United States is obligated to defend the Senkaku Islands on behalf of Japan, new U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida in their first telephone conversation on Feb. 7. The Senkakus, in the East China Sea, are controlled by Japan but claimed by China. They are covered by Article 5 of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, which obliges the United States to defend Japanese territories, Tillerson said.

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