Tillerson intends to keep a low profile unlike the President Trump

in BreakingNews @en by

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is proving very fond of the spotlight, unlike the President Trump who loves the media attention, Tillerson has already made it clear to senior officials of the State Department that it intends to keep a low profile, in sharp contrast with his predecessor John Kerry who often spoke to the press. The style of Tillerson has seen in his first commitment of great importance, the G20 in Germany, where he got to meet several foreign Ministers, in particularly had reassured Japan and South Korea about the US commitment against Korea North in the Pacifc area. The Choose of a low profile, however, causes problems to journalists, who can not read well the moves of Tillerson, but also to his colleagues, in fact, france Minister of Foregin Affairs Jean-Marc Ayrault after meeting with Secretary of State during the G20 has called “vague” his positions, especially regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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