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the brigades of revolutionaris

The Brigades of Revolutionaries in Libya want Libya to reject foreign moves to solve country’s political crisis

A group calling itself “The Brigades of Revolutionaries in Libya” rallied with several armoured vehicles in Tripoli’s Martyrs’ Square late yesterday afternoon demanding “all good Libyans” reject foreign moves to resolve the country’s political crisis. Instead they should unite behind national efforts to find a solution. The rally followed an earlier, smaller protest after Friday prayers by some of the same group in the square, but minus the weapons and armoured vehicles. The main rally was followed by a statement of their views on the Tanasah TV channel belonging to the controversial grand mufti, Sadek Al-Ghariani. He too supports national dialogue, firmly rejecting the UN-brokered Libyan Political Agreement and the Presidency Council. While national dialogue was the goal, it was made clear in the televised statement that it excluded Khalifa Hafter and his supporters. The group, linked to the largely now Tripoli-based Benghazi Defence Brigade (BDB) as well as to other radicals operating in the capital such as Salah Badi, described him as a “war criminal”.

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