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Tehran - page 4

Iranian FM criticized Western countries for their failure to fight against global drug war

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Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad JavadZarif criticized Western countries for their failure to effectively fight against global narcotics trafficking. “West’s failure to prevent drug trafficking is a major problem. The fight against drug smuggling should not be politicized”, Zarif said Monday in a meeting with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Executive Director YuryFedotov in Tehran. Voicing the Islamic Republic’s readiness to increase its cooperation with the UNODC in the global fight against illicit drugs, the Iranian minister said Iran is paying a high price for its contribution to the battle against narcotics and other countries should take on more responsibility and equally pay the price for the sake of security.Iran is on a major transit route for drugs being smuggled from Afghanistan to Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Haider al-Abadi authorized the country’s air force to carry out raids against the Islamic State inside Syria

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Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi authorized the country’s air force to carry out raids against the Islamic State inside Syria: “We are determined to chase terrorism that tries to kill our sons and citizens wherever it is found, so we gave orders to the air force command to strike ISIS positions in Hosaiba [an Iraqi town] and Albu Kamal inside Syrian territory, as they were responsible for recent bombings in Baghdad,” he have said. “The heroes of the sky executed the operation and responded to the terrorists with amazing success”, he added.

Iranian cleric reiterated Tehran’s unwavering policy to back the Palestinian people against the Zionist regime of Israel

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Addressing a huge gathering of worshippers here in Tehran on Friday the senior Iranian cleric reiterated Tehran’s unwavering policy to back the Palestinian people against the Zionist regime of Israel, saying the issue of Palestine is the Islamic Republic’s first priority.“…We cannot just overlook it (the Palestinian issue) and the world should know that Palestine is the top priority for the Islamic Republic of Iran”, the cleric stated. The issue of Palestine is closely related to Islam, which says the domination of the unbelievers over Muslims is prohibited.
In another speech, Imam Khamenei said the third Palestinian intifada (uprising) will begin a very important chapter in the history of the Palestinian nation’s fighting and will inflict another defeat on the Zionist regime of Israel.

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