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Syrian Arab army

Israel intercepted a Syrian anti-aircraft missile fired into Israeli airspace

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Israel intercepted a Syrian anti-aircraft missile fired into Israeli airspace early Friday using an Arrow missile defense battery. The interception occurred after Israel Air Force fighter jets struck terrorist targets in Syria overnight. The Arrow was developed by the Israel Aerospace Industries together with American aerospace giant Boeing and the U.S. Iran, Israel’s archenemy, has been Syrian President Bashar Assad’s staunchest backer and has provided militia fighters to help him. Israel is concerned Hezbollah, with which it fought a war in 2006, is trying to obtain sophisticated weapons it could use against Israel.L’esercitosiriano ha confermato lo sciopero, dicendoquattroaerei da combattimentoisraelianihannocolpitoobiettivineipressi del confine, nelnord-estdellaSiria.

Egypt will support Syria in the fight against terrorist organizations

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi stressed that his country supports the Syrian Arab army in the face of the terrorist organizations, underlining the necessity of dealing seriously with the terrorists and disarming them. Speaking in an interview with the Portuguese TV on Tuesday, President el-Sisi said supporting the national armies of countries is priority for Egypt including in Libya, Iraq and Syria. He reiterated that a political solution to the crisis in Syria is the best solution, indicating at the same time that it is important to deal seriously with the terrorist groups and work on disarming them.

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