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saada province

4 citizens killed by Saudi aggression missiles

Four citizens were killed, including three children by Saudi aggression missiles fired on al-Dhaher and Shada districts of Saada province. The missiles also damaged citizens` houses and farms in Shada districts, as well public roads in al-Dhaher. Meanwhile, the missiles forces launched a rocket against the Saudi National Guards Camp and the artillery forces shelled Al-Dhab’ah and Al-Mustahdath locations causing direct damages.

Saudi aggression: international prohibited weapons used on Saada province

Saudi aggression fighter jets waged strikes using international prohibited weapons on Saada province overnight, a security official told Saba on Thursday. The planes fired cluster bombs on al-Dhaher district and Haydan district, causing heavy losses, damaging citizens’ houses and burning farms. Officials and residents condemned the US-Saudi aggression’s using world-banned bombs against civilians.

Saada province and Asir region: Saudi warplanes launched several strikes

Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes launched several strikes on Saada province and Asir region overnight, a security official told Saba on Tuesday. Two strikes targeted al-Malahidh market in al-Dhaher district and other two strikes targeted Shada district in Saada. Meanwhile, the official said that Saudi missiles forces fired shells on several areas in Razih, al-Dhaher and Shada districts, causing worse damage to citizens` houses and farms. Furthermore, the warplanes launched four strikes targeted al-Zaj area in Asir region, the official added.

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