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Egyptian and Russian foreign ministers and defence ministers to meet in Cairo in May

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Russia and Egypt seems to create really strong ties, after the official visit of a Russian delegation in Egypt two weeks ago, a new meeting had been previous. The Egyptian and Russian foreign ministers agreed in a phonecall on Friday to meet in Cairo at the end of May, along with the two countries’ defence ministers, an Egyptian ministry spokesman announced. According to first informations, during the phonecall, they evoked their bilateral relations, the current situation in Syria and in Lybia. This meeting will increase again Egypt-Russian relationship.

U.N. Syria envoy to meet Russian minister on Monday

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The U.N. mediator for Syria said on Thursday he would hold talks with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov in Geneva on Monday and that the United States had declined to take part in any trilateral meeting for now. “The trilateral meeting that as you know was a possibility is being postponed, it is not taking place on Monday. It will be a bilateral. But the trilateral is not off the table, just being postponed”, Staffan de Mistura told reporters. “The trilateral meeting that as you know was a possibility is being postponed, it is not taking place on Monday. It will be a bilateral. But the trilateral is not off the table, just being postponed”, Staffan de Mistura told reporters.

Russia warns against blaming Damascus for suspected chemical attack

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Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that the idea of laying blame for the suspected chemical weapon attack in Syria’s Idlib province on Damascus did not receive wide support at the conference in Brussels. The idea of laying blame for the suspected chemical weapon attack in Syria’s Idlib province on Damascus did not receive wide support at the conference in Brussels, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said, warning against the use of the incident to disrupt Syria peace talks. The UN Security Council (UNSC) is held an emergency meeting to discuss the suspected chemical attack in Syria’s province of Idlib. The United Kingdom, France and the United States introduced a draft resolution in the UNSC claiming that the alleged April 4 chemical attack in Idlib was carried out by the Syrian army. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Moscow categorically rejected the draft resolution. The Syrian National Coalition of Revolutionary and Opposition Forces and some other sources reported on Tuesday that some 80 people were killed and 200 injured in a chemical weapon attack in Idlib, blaming the Syrian army for the incident. The Syrian Armed Forces rejected the allegations.

Russia and Egypt continue to develop their cooperation in nuclear education

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Representatives of Rosatom and Russian universities visited major universities of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The visit aimed at developing cooperation between Russian and Egyptian educational institutions. Russian delegation to Egypt talked with Egyptian’s Universities about a future cooperation. During the visit, Alexandria University and MEPhi signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) which open doors for future mutual nuclear research and development programmes. The document also enables both universities to share infrastructure capabilities and R&D results and methodologies while promoting students exchange programmes.

Hezbollah has acquired advanced Russian missiles that could change the balance of power in the Middle East

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Hezbollah has acquired about 8 advanced Russian-made strategic naval missiles that could change the balance of power in the Middle East. According to Israeli YediothAhronoth newspaper, western intelligence agencies have expressed “grave concerns” that Hezbollah has acquired Yakhont missiles, also known as Onyx, a Russian supersonic anti-ship cruise weapon that is regarded as the naval equivalent of the antiaircraft S-300. These missiles can be fired from the shore and have a range of up to 300 kilometers. “Even the most advanced missile interception systems are unable to effectively intercept it”, said the reports.

Egypt signed an agreement with Russia to establish a nuclear power plant in Dabaa

The Ministry of Electricity is preparing to hold a public rally to announce the details of the establishment of Dabaa nuclear power plant in cooperation with Russia. A source at the Ministry of Electricity said that Minister Mohamed Shaker will review the latest developments in the negotiations with Russia on the Dabaa nuclear power plant, the economic feasibility of the project, and the advantages of establishing a peaceful nuclear power station for energy production. Egypt signed an agreement with Russia to establish a nuclear power plant in Dabaa with a capacity of 4,800 MW at a price of $30bn. Russia will provide a governmental loan to Egypt worth $25bn. The commercial contract between Egypt and Russia to establish, supply, and operate the Dabaa plant includes four agreements: main establishment, fuel supply, technical support during operation, and establishing storage for consumer fuel.

An approved refusal agreement to sell Petromonagas to Russian state-owned company

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The National Assembly rejected the agreement that provided for the sale of state company of Petromonagas hydrocarbons to Russian national company Rosneft. According to deputies, the government would have violated several constitutional dictates going to deal with Rosnfet without the consent of Parliament. Also more according to some Parliamentarians, the President of Petromonagas, Eulogio Del Pino, would not provide to the competent Parliamentary Commission the documents about the relationships between and Petromonagas Rosnefet, which according to deputies already owns 40% of Venezuelan society. To make matters worse the debts of the Petromonogas are sides to $ 70 billion and that over the past 9 years would lower production by 35%, causing loss to the state approximately of $ 12 billion of gains.

Rocket shell fired by terrorists killed a Russian military doctor and injured two others

The Russian Defense Ministry stated on Monday that a Russian military doctor was killed and two others were injured by rocket shell fired by terrorists on a Russian mobile hospital in al-Furqan neighborhood in Aleppo. He also announced that a Russian fighter crashed in the Mediterranean Sea due to a failed landing on the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier opposite the Syrian coast two days ago.

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