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Lack of food products in supermarkets: protests on the Panamerican highway

Americas/BreakingNews @en di

In the Federated State of Mirandain the north of Venezuela, several protesters have occupied the Panamerican highway to protest against the lack of food products in supermarkets, previously on Thursday the demonstrators had put in place a similar protest, fortunately the two events are peaceful, there were neither deads and neither injureds. It is not the first time that Venezuela must face a shortage of alimentary genders, in February some supermarkets have been looted in Maracy, in the Federated State of Aragua

North Korea protested against a UN report on alleged abductions of foreign nationals

BreakingNews @en di

GENEVA- North Korea protested on Tuesday a United Nations report on alleged abductions of foreign nationals by Pyongyang and the many Korean families forcibly separated across the divided peninsula since the 1950s war. So Se Pyong, the North Korean Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, said he would lodge the complaint to U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein on Tuesday. Zeid’s spokesman confirmed that the meeting was scheduled but would not comment further. “It’s really nonsense. We didn’t make that kind of abductions,” so said at the Geneva mission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

Protest against the realization of a database or surveillance programs

BreakingNews @en di

Some employees, about 200 of various companies operating in the technology and communications sector have signed a letter in which they undertake not to participate in the realization of a database or surveillance programs that can help to discriminate persons by race or religion. The idea to increase surveillance has already been discussed by the President-elect Trump during the election campaign and would be part of the set of measures aimed at increasing internal security. The attitude of Trump cares the big industrial groups of Silicon Valley with which the President-elect will meet before the inauguration at the White House.

Students and teachers protest against crimes and massacres committed by Saudi aggression warplanes

BreakingNews @en di

A rally protest organized by hundreds of students took place in the north of the capital Sanaa, in Arhab district on Saturday, where the students and teachers denounced crimes and massacres committed by the Saudi aggression warplanes against the people and infrastructure of Yemen educational institutions. The students condemned the international silence, demanding the world to bear responsibility and stop Saudi massacres against the students and children of Yemen.

1000 UNRWA employees started a general strike to protest against the agency

BreakingNews @en di

Around 1000 employees, working at UNRWA’s headquarter in Gaza, started on Monday a general strike to protest what they described as the agency’s lack of response to their demands. The strike came after the West Bank and Gaza joint committee decided to escalate measures after UNRWA failed to solve many issues relating to finances, cuts and services provided to Palestinians in the refugee camps, said secretary of the Federation of UNRWA Employees Yousef Hamdouna. Suheil el-Hindi, chairman of the Teachers Union of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said in a press release that the employees went on a strike because of the administration’s disregard of the workers’ rights.

Protesters want China’s central government to stay out of a political dispute

Asia @en/BreakingNews @en di

Thousands of protesters marched in Hong Kong on Sunday, demanding China’s central government to stay out of a political dispute in the southern Chinese city after Beijing indicated that it would intervene to deter pro-independence advocates. The dispute centers on a provocative display of anti-China sentiment by two newly elected pro-independence Hong Kong lawmakers at their swearing-in ceremony last month.

New restrictions planned over abortion laws: Polish protesters are rallying outside the parliament building

BreakingNews @en di

Polish protesters have launched fresh demonstrations against efforts to further tighten abortion laws. Women’s rights activists held a rally outside the parliament building in Warsaw, with more action expected on Monday. Poland’s MPs rejected a near-total ban on abortions on 6 October after mass protests against the move. But there are new proposals to outlaw abortions in cases where foetuses are unviable or badly damaged. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the governing Law and Justice Party (PiS), has said his socially conservative party is working on a new restrictive bill.

Buenos Aires: women protesting in the streets for gender violence

BreakingNews @en di

Dressed in black, Argentine women took to the streets to protest the brutal rape and murder of a 16-year-old girl, the latest incident of gender violence to shock the country. Others walked off the job as a sign of protest, in what was described as women’s first national strike. Similar demonstrations took place in solidarity in many Latin American cities from Montevideo to Mexico City.

China renews its citizens surveillance system

Asia @en di

China, like all authoritarian systems, has the constant need to keep under control its own citizens to monitor their behaviors, anticipate possible conflicts and find appropriate solutions to the problems.


The main obstacle, to the Asian giant, is its own size. Prepare effective monitoring standards for a billion and 375 million inhabitants is clearly not a simple task. The authority of the central government, however, have developed a new system that could make the control mechanisms most efficients.

Its name is “Grid management system” and, once implemented nationally, could allow the Chinese Communist Party to exercise a supervision ability never experienced before.

Until today, the information gathered by the Chinese authorities came from a number of different sources. Excessive diversification, combined with the frightening amount of information, made the analysis of collected data complex and confused. Over the past five years China has therefore been working on a state-of-the-art program that can streamline this analysis, relying on an orderly and consistent database.

The cornerstone of the new system is the grid administrator. On every inhabited area it is applied a grid, composed of a certain number of quadrants. In the case of a big city, the sectors could be thousands. Each official has the task to control a quadrant and the households within it, up to a maximum of two hundred.

The official collects information about each block of its competence and fill in a form which will then compose, together with the others, a huge overall database. Data may include rent prices, the number of inhabitants, their workplaces, what time you leave home and what time they came back.

The administrator also has the task of keeping eyes and ears open, to record any complaints or protests by citizens, on any topic. Each grievance is then transcribed on the database as a possible threat. The authorities, local or central, analyzing the data so aggregated, will understand if in a certain territory widespread expressions of discontent are manifesting and intervene early, before the protest mountains further. The answer will not necessarily be police; what matters, for the authorities, is the prevention of any form of organized conflict and the safeguarding of social stability.

The monitoring capacity will be an increasingly important element for the central government of China, since the slowdown in economic growth and the consolidation of a fierce industrial system seem destined to exacerbate economic and social inequality among citizens and to fuel the fire of protest.


Luca Marchesini




Luca Marchesini
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