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Iran has no negotiations with US on JCPOA.

BreakingNews @en di

FM Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said Iran raised the issue of US non-compliance with the nuclear deal and Trump’s negative remarks about Iran at the recent joint commission with the 5+1 in Vienna. Speaking to reporters at his weekly press conference on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghasemi talked about the first joint commission between Iran and the 5+1 groups of countries after Donald Trump took office, adding “many issues were raised at the meeting on April 25, and Iran voiced its dissatisfaction over US violations of commitments under the nuclear deal and the remarks made by President Trump against Iran that may have some adverse consequences for the country”. Ghasemi went on to add that the Commission’s members hailed Iran for adhering to its JCPOA commitments, and voiced his satisfaction over the meeting’s communiqué.

South Korea says U.S. reaffirms it will pay THAAD costs; Trump calls Asia allies.

BreakingNews @en di

South Korea said the United States had reaffirmed it would shoulder the cost of deploying the THAAD anti-missile system, days after President Donald Trump said Seoul should pay for the $1-billion battery designed to defend against North Korea. In a telephone call on Sunday, Trump’s national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, reassured his South Korean counterpart, Kim Kwan-jin, that the U.S. alliance with South Korea was its top priority in the Asia-Pacific region, the South’s presidential office said. The conversation followed another North Korean missile test-launch on Saturday which Washington and Seoul said was unsuccessful, but which drew widespread international condemnation.

US defense secretary: Syria still has chemical weapons.

BreakingNews @en di

U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis landed in Israel on Thursday as part of his first official visit to the Middle East. Mattis met Friday with Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman in Tel Aviv, before heading to Jerusalem to meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Pentagon chief was also scheduled to meet with President Reuven Rivlin. While in the country, Mattis plans to discuss U.S. Israel ties and the challenges facing the Middle East, chiefly Iran and its attempts to consolidate its regional dominance.During a press conference in Tel Aviv, Mattis said Syria has retained chemical weapons in violation of a 2013 agreement to get rid of its entire stockpile. He reiterated the U.S.’s “unwavering commitment to Israel’s security and its qualitative security advantage over Iran”, adding that Washington looks forward to increasing its defense ties with Israel and to “strengthen our alliance with Israel as a cornerstone of our cooperation with Jordan, Egypt and the Gulf states. My goal is to increase regional cooperation.”Lieberman thanked Mattis for his “friendship, support and understanding of the complexities and challenges Israel faces. There is no doubt that the main problem is the axis of evil from North Korea to Tehran, Damascus and Hezbollah in Beirut. The common thread is Iran, which is trying to erode stability throughout the Middle East. We [Israel and the U.S.] share the same positions and values, and we hope that with your support we will be able to overcome the threats and bring stability to the region”. Lieberman went on to say that “on behalf of the Israeli public and myself, I would like to express my appreciation to the Trump administration. We are delighted to see the first visit by a [Trump] cabinet member, and we hope President Donald Trump visits Jerusalem this year as well”.

White House blames Syria's Assad regime for Idlib chemical attack.

BreakingNews @en di

The White House on Tuesday blamed a deadly chemical weapons attack in Syria’s Idlib province on the government of President Bashar al-Assad and said the incident was “reprehensible and cannot be ignored by the civilized world”. “These heinous actions by the Bashar al-Assad regime are a consequence of the last administration’s weakness and irresolution,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told a briefing. “President Obama said in 2012 that he would establish a ‘red line’ against the use of chemical weapons and then did nothing” picer declined to say what the U.S. administration would do about the attack but added President Donald Trump had spoken on Tuesday with his national security team about the issue.

Trump provokes Danish response on ‘Worrying’ Climate development.

BreakingNews @en di

Donald Trump’s pro-fossil fuel executive order may make it harder for the world to honor its climate change commitments but won’t be enough to stop the advance of clean energy, Denmark will tell the U.S. president when its prime minister visits the White House on Thursday. “I think it is worrying that President Trump is rolling back a number of Obama’s climate actions”, Danish Energy Minister Lars Christian Lilleholt told Bloomberg in an emailed response to questions on Wednesday.


Iraqi PM Abadi to meet U.S. president Trump on monday.

BreakingNews @en di

About the american-iraqui meeting, Abadi said he hoped the US and other allies would continue to offer economic assistance to Iraq, which he said faced a financial crisis as a result of the war against the militant group. Trump last week announced a $54 billion increase in defense spending. The meeting between Trump and Abadi may touch on some sensitive issues. The Iraqi government objected after its citizens were included on January’s executive order banning travel from certain Muslim-majority countries to the United States. In some of the crucial points that will be part of the discussion we can mention travel ban and Iraq-soil.

Germany rejects Trump's claim it owes NATO and U.S. 'vast sums' for defense.

BreakingNews @en di

German defense minister Ursula von der Leyen on Sunday, rejected U.S. President Donald Trump’s claim that Germany owes NATO and United States “vast sums” of money for defense. She said that there is no debt account at NATO and that defense spending goes also into UN peacekeeping missions,into European missions and into the fight against Islamic State. Trump said on Twitter on Saturday – a day after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Washington – that Germany “owes vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!” German defense spending is set to rise by 1.4 billion euros to 38.5 billion euros in 2018 – a figure that is projected to represent 1.26 percent of economic output, Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has said. In 2016, Germany’s defense spending ratio stood at 1.18 percent. During her trip to Washington, Merkel reiterated Germany’s commitment to the 2 percent military spending goal.

Canada to provide $28 million to support return of displaced Iraqis, Syrians

BreakingNews @en di

The Canadian government has plans to provide over $28 million to help the return of Iraqi and Syrian people displaced in the country, Honourable Chrystia Freeland, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said on Friday 17th. Freeland said that she will attend an anti-Islamic State (ISIS) global coalition meeting with foreign ministers scheduled for March 22 in Washington D.C. In recent weeks Canada has demonstrated a more friendly approach to dealing with refugees and immigrants than its Trump-led neighbour. Canadian immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen announced on January 29 that Canada would offer temporary residency to people stranded in the U.S. as a result of President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration.





If Trump make peace, Israeli Leftist abbandon American Jewish Liberals.

BreakingNews @en di

Israele and United States are working on a common understanding with regard to settlement construction, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the government on Thursday before heading to a second meeting this week with US special envoy Jason Greenblatt, appointed by President Donald Trump to oversee special international negotiations. In this period the relations between Israel and the White House are improving. The last US initiative under former US President Barack Obama broke down in April 2014. Palestinians have insisted that talks cannot be renewed unless Israel halts all West Bank settlement activity and Jewish building in east Jerusalem. Israel in turn has called for a renewal of direct talks without pre-conditions. It’s believed that Netanyahu has proposed to the Americans that Israel be allowed to build in the settlement blocs — including Gush Etzion, Ariel, Ma’aleh Adumim and Modi’in Illit — while freezing construction in the isolated settlements beyond the security barrier.

Consensus on strong US-Saudi stretgic relationship

BreakingNews @en di

During the meeting between Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdullaziz Al Saud and US President Trump in Washington on Tuesday, they discussed strengthening bilateral relations and regional issues of mutual interest. The two directed their teams to strengthen an elevate the US-Saudi strategic relations for the benefit of both countries, to deepen commercial ties and expand cooperation in the energy sector. Concerning regional issues the two countries discussed in particular Iran’s destabilizing regional activities and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its solution. Moreover they talked about the ongoing security and military cooperation between the two countries in confronting ISIS and other transnational terrorist organizations. They also discussed bilateral cooperation in the economic, commercial, investment and energy fields and the developing of a new United States-Saudi program.

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