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Julio Borges in Peru: The vote in Venezuela “is kidnapped”

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Today, the president of National Assembly Julio Borges said in Lima that the vote in Venezuela was seized and that Venezuelans are living the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. He also explained that his visit in Perù, to meet the president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and the representatives of the congress, aims to create a group of countries in the region that could promote a democratic agenda in Venezuela.

Peruvian Parliament approved the suspension of benefits to Toledo

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Peruvian Parliament today approved the motion authorizing the suspension of benefits of right to former Presidents Alejandro Toledo, who is currently wanted by Interpol, which imputes the crime of aiding and money laundering, also, according to Peruvian judiciary Toledo would have pocketed a bribe of 20 million $ from the Odebrecht company to favor it in the procurement for the Inter-oceanic Route. the The bribe pocketed by Toledo would be placed on an offshore accounts linked to the entrepreneur and friend of Toledo Josef Maiman.

Aprista Party has proposals aimed at rationalizing expediture for public works

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Congressman Jorge del Castillo Gálvez, a member of the Aprista Party, a center-left political party, said that will present the amendments to the current law on public procurement in the National Accord forum meeting of January 5. The proposals of the Aprista Party are aimed at rationalizing expenditure for public works. Gálvez said that it would be necessary for each project presented -that was successfully developed- to avoid the phenomenon of the disproportionate increase of the construction costs. Also the Aprista proposal provides a lowering of the public funding commensurate with the degree of the project execution.

Meeting of the National Agreement forum today

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The different political parties, including Fuerza Popular, labor unions and businesses and representatives of professional groups will meet today in Government Palace for a meeting of the Forum on the National Agreement, promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the President of Republic Kuczynski . The themes that the participants will debate regarding policies for education, health and land reclamation, after the meeting the representatives of the Forum on the National Agreement talk with the press about the results of the meeting.

President of NGO Proetica: National Accord forum necessary to draw a long-term government strategy

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Walter Alban, President of the NGO Proetica, hoped that the majority party in Parliament, Fuerza Popular, participates in the National Accord forum, sponsored by the President of the Council of Ministers Zavala. According Albán this forum is the only hope to draw up a medium to long-term government strategy that is shared by all political forces, whether Fuerza Popular does not take part, according to Alban, the party of Fujimori would lose many votes in elections 2018.

Meeting between the Peruvian President Kuczynski and the APP party leader

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The Peruvian President Pablo Kuczynski met this morning with the party leader of the Alliance for Progress (APP) in his private residence. This afternoon will meet for the last the representatives of his party, the PPK. Between Monday and today Kuczynski has met all the leaders of parties in Parliament, particularly relevant the Monday’s meeting with the leader of Fuerza Popular, the majority party in Parliament, Keiko Fujimori.

Unique chance to stabilize the Peruvian political system: the meeting between President Kuczynski and

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Mario Mongilardi, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima, said at Andina Press Agency that the meeting between President Pablo Kuczynski and the leader of the majority party in Parliament Keiko Fujimori will be a unique and unrepeatable opportunity to reach an agreement on how to stabilize the Peruvian political system, which is now affected by the dualism between the Presidency and Parliament. Of course, continued Mongilardi, the agreement will not be easy to be found considering the ideological divergences between the two leaders, but it is necessary to resume private investment, declining for the third consecutive year.

Peaceful demonstration in support of the Minister of Education

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In the night in San Martin Square in Lima there was a demonstration in support of the Minister of Education, Saavedra, and its reform, the demonstrators had the support of some Members of the Frente Amplio, the Left Party in opposition. The demonstration was peaceful and without clashes. In these days there is a strong debate around the education reform,desired by Minister Saavedra, and opposed by the right-wing party Fuerza Popular that in Parliament has managed to push through the motion of disconfidence against Saavedra.

President Putin will meet leaders of Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, China and Peru on November 19

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On Friday, Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin’s spokesman, affirmed that the Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to hold talks with the leaders of China, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines and Peru on November 19 on the sidelines of the APEC summit due to open in Peru’s capital of Lima, which Putin will attend. Peskov went on saying that the administrations of the Russian and US presidents did not arrange a separate meeting of Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama. However, the two leaders will be able to talk with each other in Peru. The Kremlin spokesman declined to specify the possible topics of the conversation, adding that the two leaders may discuss about “the most pressing issues.”

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