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Colombian President will receive Nobel Prize for Peace

BreakingNews @en di

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos arrived in Oslo where he will receive the Nobel Prize for peace tomorrow in a ceremony in the town hall. Santos told the press that the Nobel win was essential to conclude a peace agreement with the FARC because he convinced the population, at first skeptical, about the importance of an peace agreament between government and FARC.

Conference in Oslo: Ashrawi focuses on international protection of Palestinians

In the presence of professionals, scholars and activists, PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi yesterday spoke at a conference sponsored by the Association of Norwegian NGOs for Palestine which was held at the Oslo and Akershus University College in Oslo, Norway. She called for immediate international intervention to ensure the protection of the Palestinian people, their land and resources and the urgent need for governments worldwide to recognize Palestine in the immediate future.

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